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Messages - aaouviz

Pages: 1 ... 58 59 [60] 61 62 ... 66
Gallery / Re: Patio_Verde
« on: 2019-03-29, 00:53:56 »
Question from FB: is EVERYTHING here 3D, or some part of the background is a photo?
Can you post wires? :D

Looks like it's all 3D to my eye :)

Super work!

Are there any plans to somehow have a caustics render element? It would be highly beneficial to be able to push these through into their own element and have the main beauty pass not have any, if the artist wishes, to avoid having to render twice.

This seems like a good idea!

I'm interested how you might benefit from this? (Honest question, genuinely interested!).

Gallery / Re: Cuban Living
« on: 2019-03-24, 02:53:34 »
Although, good luck finding homes like these in Cuba. Maybe in a big resort or the president's house.

Sorry, couldn't resist. My family escaped Communism in Cuba many years ago and most of the country is crumbling.

Well, it was listed as "Cuban inspired"....

Gallery / Re: Cuban Living
« on: 2019-03-22, 15:43:43 »
Just lovely! Well done

Jobs / Modelling job
« on: 2019-03-20, 06:07:44 »
Hi All,

I'm not sure if Corona forum is the best place to advertise here or not, but here goes:

I need help modelling a project I'm working on. It's an exterior only of an existing building, approx 2,500sqm. The CAD file is set-up with various floors (double storey civic building only), with elevations and sections. Additionally, lots of photos are available of the building. It doesn't have to be 100% accurate, and the detail doesn't have to be super high either. The most important thing is that it's vaguely representative of the actual building and surrounding landscaping (ie; benches, ramps, roads - no landscaping needed) and that you use a good system of layers for different building components.

Preferably the modelling would be done in either Rhino3D or 3DS Max. The timeframe is approx 1 week, and the budget is approx 400-500eur total.

If interested please PM me here with any relevant screenshots of previous modelling work (with layer system in view too, if possible please) and any other relevant work.

(If you know of a better place to advertise this work, please let me know).



Jobs / Re: Freelancer needed for simple interior set
« on: 2019-03-20, 05:48:25 »
Thanks to those interested.

This job has been filled now. Apologies if I didn't manage to get back to you personally.

Jobs / Freelancer needed for simple interior set
« on: 2019-03-13, 09:01:09 »
Hi all,

Sadly, as a solo freelancer I'm unable to accept all my clients work.

I've got a job on offer. It's 4 apartments, (all basically the same furnishings/style, similar styling and layouts) each with 3 views (2 of which are variations showing a Murphy bed up/down). All the joinery, curtains, furniture, fixtures, wall colors, tiles etc are already specified so there is very little to do in terms of hunting for appropriate bits and pieces.

A PDF plan is supplied but no 3d, the interior spaces are simple (extruded walls with flat floor and ceiling). Camera Views are suggested but not concrete.

In total there should be approx 13 renders (so 3 of each apartment plus a bathroom render). The apartments are very small so although 13 sounds a bit daunting it should be fairly straightforward. My clent has written very clearly all the required info so you should be able to begin immediately.

Lighting/time of day is your choice. The renders should be probably 2560x1440 (maybe 4k but probably not).

Deadline is approx 2-3 weeks from today. Happy to supply more info if needed.

If you're interested please PM me asap (hopefully with a very rough quote). Thanks!

[Max] I need help! / Best option for video animation output?
« on: 2019-02-08, 11:13:18 »
Hi All,

I'm looking for the easiest possible way to collate and export animations. I render the individual frames (usually PNG or JPG) with Corona (obviously) and usually collate the frames in After Effects. However, since quite often I'm not doing any editing of these animations, AE seems too convoluted to use for such a simple process.

Does anyone recommend any software or service that will suit my needs? I'm looking for something simple that will convert hundreds of frames into a video file (usually exclusively for use on Instagram).

Appreciate any feedback!


This is still an issue for me. I'm neck deep in deadlines, so still unable to de-bug it, but it's certainly causing headaches.

The previous comment seems true (without proof on my end) that it happens during denoising/bloom+glare ... and when doing Batch render with DR.

As soon as I close the DR on the slave, the render on the master PC finalises and emerges from it's hung state.

I'm using Corona 3, Hotfix 1 on both machines. (Will update to daily shortly - and test to see if it's still happening.)

Work in Progress/Tests / Re: Glass Render Test
« on: 2019-02-06, 18:38:42 »
Well, you now get material to test the upcoming Corona autocaustics feature :)


*heavy breathing*

[Max] Resolved Feature Requests / Re: Color Correction
« on: 2019-02-05, 15:06:00 »

Woah! Amazing! Thanks Maru.

The Corona support/feedback is unbelievable... so continually impressed with you guys.

Thanks again

[Max] Resolved Bugs / Re: Corona image editor alpha channel
« on: 2019-01-31, 12:38:48 »
Great news! Thanks :D

Will test it out next week probably.

[Max] Feature Requests / Re: Directionality
« on: 2019-01-25, 19:04:24 »
Currently expected. May be improved. Definitely low priority (there is a lot of more important things to do).
(internal note id=312321346)

Fair enough, thanks!

Wow, yeah. Bluebox! That helped. You're right - that's definitely ready.

Paul, I wouldn't bother too much. This already looks stellar.

I've queried the same thing. It's all way beyond me, and I didn't get a clear enough answer for my beginner knowledge.

I did however, get directed here a lot:

Good luck. Personally, I usually think 'close enough is good enough', as it does change so so much with various lighting, tonemapping, LUT's etc.... even different devices show colour dramatically differently, and sometimes it's all down to subjectivity.

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