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Hah that's like the exact opposite I do :- D, but I think I just keep my default at 8/2 for almost any work (it's faster for IR/AI-Denoiser work too) and that gives me enough passes for 4-8K images (it also allows for more adaptivity re-comps)
I do find AA to be important always, imperfect AA is big CGI-giveaway to me, as cheap photo will be blurry mess, but it will never have that artificial edge 3D stuff has.
[Max] General Discussion / Single vs DR render passes
« Last post by hrvojezg00 on 2024-05-16, 15:35:55 »
Hi, I`ve wanted to ask this for a while now. When rendering an image to 3% noise, a single machine render takes around 60 passes in 6k resolution, but for a DR-rendered image with eight slaves, it takes more than 200 passes to reach 3% noise. This is not isolated case, it happens in all situations/3d environment. Is this a known fact?

If you are rendering in hi-res (let's say 4k or larger), you can actually bump up GIvsAA to 32 or more. This way you will get less noise from GI and when rendering in such resolutions you don't "care" about AA that much so you can render a lower number of passes.

Quick thought experiment:
- imagine rendering a tiny image like 50 px - it will probably become "noise free" very quickly (i.e. there will be no large difference between pixel colors between each next pass)
- imagine rendering a huge image like 50k px - it will require a lot of time to reach acceptable quality at 1:1 zoom, but if you zoom out, it will probably look as good as the 50px image :)
[Max] I need help! / Re: Discrepency between Beauty and Light Mix
« Last post by dj_buckley on 2024-05-16, 13:49:17 »
Ticket #246345 scene is confidential
Less passes to look visually good, but also less passes for same noise, but never checked any formula :- ).

But this is good thing to pay attention, so you don't end up with too little AA done. Since high-res images don't need as many passes for GI/Light, they can for example end up being around 2-3perc. noise (visually clean) with only 25 passes for example, but roughly 100 passes are needed for really clean anti-aliasing from my experience.

This is the sort of thing im trying to work on. Clients asking for higher and higher res images year on year and i need to get better at adjusting the finer render settings to suit the output rather than just leaving it to render for a nominal amount of time on my workstation because theres only so many hours in the day.

It hasnt been updated in 9 years but mnaybe this still works?
[C4D] Feature Requests / Re: Support for AMD GPU Denoiser ?
« Last post by TomG on 2024-05-16, 12:50:25 »
No developments on this front at the moment. We plan to revisit denoising and do a general overhaul (but not for 12) of everything, including UI, so we'd look into the generalization of the Intel denoiser then.
[Max] I need help! / Re: Discrepency between Beauty and Light Mix
« Last post by dj_buckley on 2024-05-16, 12:49:30 »
DCC is Digital Content Creation or in this case Creator - ie, 3ds Max or C4D with associated version number :)

Cool, I'll include all info in the support ticket.  Uploading now
[Max] I need help! / Re: Discrepency between Beauty and Light Mix
« Last post by TomG on 2024-05-16, 12:47:26 »
DCC is Digital Content Creation or in this case Creator - ie, 3ds Max or C4D with associated version number :)
[Max] I need help! / Re: How to use full Computer POWER while rendering
« Last post by romullus on 2024-05-16, 12:22:15 »
Did you check temps when rendering? Maybe the CPU is throttling because of overheating? Another thing to check is RAM consumption - if your system is running out of memory, Windows will start using swap file and that is very slow, so your CPU does not have anything to do but wait for data to be delivered.
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