« on: 2018-01-11, 18:57:46 »
Tried to use the Report Bug button, but it won't take my login so I posed that code at the bottom. Anyway, I was trying out B1 r2 and it mostly works. For me, TeamRender is not quite there. Corona normally renders the whole screen blocky, then refines until it reaches the number of passes you set. When using TeamRender, even with only one node, it will render from the bottom of the screen and VERY slow to render. I was using the free "Dinning Scene Final" file which, at the moment, cannot find the link where I downloaded it.
My slower Mac Pro can render that scene in 12 min. at 10 passes and denoise. I let the TeamRender render overnight with my fast renderbox, and it did fill the screen, but the quality was very poor (like the attachment) after 16 hours. Not sure what's going on with that.
I also tried this in r18, but the render node on my server crashes, but does not give my a report. I will double-check that, but that box is updating Windows at the moment.
Full-speed non-debug version
Build timestamp: Jan 8 2018 17:04:04
Version: B1 rc 2 (core 1.7 (hotfix 2))
Cinema version: CINEMA 4D Studio R17.055 S
Plugin status: initialized successfully