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Messages - BigAl3D

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[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Any Way to Catch Reflections?
« on: 2025-02-01, 00:09:22 »
Thanks for that info. So I need to make sure the project is set to Linear color space instead of sRGB? Also, would I need to save as a higher-bit file like PSD or maybe EXR? I don't have much experience with Linear workflows to be honest, so if you can elaborate, that would be very helpful. Thanks.

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Any Way to Catch Reflections?
« on: 2025-01-31, 20:29:33 »
Apparently I AM missing something. ha. Or maybe that feature was broken in the past and I never went back to it. Not sure. Anyway, in this shot, the top is a typical way I had used Shadow Catcher. The below is the same thing, but Reflection is turned on. It's close, but how can I have just the car in the reflection so it looks more like the top example?

[C4D] General Discussion / Any Way to Catch Reflections?
« on: 2025-01-31, 02:10:43 »
The shadow catcher material is great and has many ways to utilize it. The way I'm using it right now is to render my object with its shadow baked in, which makes it cleaner to just have the on object with the shadow already there so you don't have to export a separate layer.
What would be even better is to also have the object's reflection captured also. In my case, I have a flat floor, but it is pretty reflective, like polished marble. Having the shadow with the object allows the flexibility to make small adjustments it the object's position or size in compositing. Since I don't know how to capture the reflection, I've had to resort to baking the shadow into the floor and have the object on its own layer. This is to allow other objects and people to be placed behind the object. And by rendering the shadwo into the floor, it also has the reflection of the object, but this almost eliminates the ability to make adjustments later.

Anyway, it would be nice if we could have an option for a Reflection Catcher material. ha.

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Multiplied alpha
« on: 2025-01-27, 20:30:41 »
The first thing I see is the package is not sitting on the plane below it. It is floating. Second, when dealing with pixels, there are some angles of edges that need more passes and anti-aliasing. First, drop that package down to actually sit on the plane and render that.

[C4D] I need help! / Re: More fireflies in video render
« on: 2025-01-25, 00:39:13 »
I'd focus on the materials in that area rather than denoising, but I'm no doctor. Maybe duplicate your camera, move it close to that box, and render with that closeup just to see better.

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Speed of different Versions
« on: 2025-01-23, 01:25:01 »
Maybe we're hitting the coding version of Moore's Law. As fast as it can go without melting. Or running Microsoft Word on a 64-core Threadripper vs. a 96-core Threadripper. Still fast, but as Scotty used to say in Star Trek, "Aye Captain, without new dylithium crystals, she's going as fast as she can."

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Speed of different Versions
« on: 2025-01-21, 22:08:00 »
I too have had this question about the actual render engine being improved, speed-wise. Previously, when 3D apps were updated, they'd always show you have the engine has been optimized to give a 20% speed boost or something like that. This meant on your existing system, you should see a speed improvement, but I have never seen Corona announce that the engine's speed has been improved, just new and improved features. I'm not complaining about Corona as I do love it, but it would be nice to hear the v12 engine is 15% faster than v11. Having said that, there is never a good reason not to be running the newest version of Corona. You are paying for it, why not use it?

As far as render farms go, you need to check with each one to see who can render Corona and up to which version. You also need to think about any plugins you need for output. I haven't used a farm with Corona, but there are many out there. Here is a link from their site.

I know this is an old post, but since I'm not good with UV mapping, whenever I hit a wall like this, I just go back to the simple Cubic projection and it seems to work well and I can more easily adjust things. What are the downsides to using Cubic with Scanned materials? Mostly the car paints with flakes.

@Jac.obj, not sure what's going on with your install, but a simple solution would be to download the Corona installer, whatever version you're using, and run it. It will replace all that stuff and, as I mentioned previously, when Cosmos comes back online, it will see what assets you have downloaded and all will be well. Too bad this is a constant issue now. Any time I see Cosmos pop up with an update "It will only take a few seconds", I don't click those anymore unless it implies a major update. Those few seconds turn into never ending ball spinning.

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Chaos Academy
« on: 2025-01-08, 21:43:36 »
Thank for that info Tom. Those look great. You are a gentleman and a scholar. ;-)

I probably missed the link to the Corona Acadamy.

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Chaos Academy
« on: 2024-12-20, 17:11:08 »
All that is fine, but when you are a paying customer for years, it would be nice to be invited to the party. Also, I feel that Corona is underrated as a render engine in areas other than archvis. Since it can run on almost any computer, it's pretty versatile and surprisingly fast.

[C4D] I need help! / Re: Random flashes with Corona Sun
« on: 2024-12-18, 23:54:33 »

[C4D] General Discussion / Chaos Academy
« on: 2024-12-18, 18:46:59 »
Saw this in my e-mail and thought, fantastic! I'd like to spend some time learning Corona better. Nope. Not a single Corona video. Only V-Ray, Enscape, and Vantage, at least so far. You couldn't come up with even one Corona video or is that not the purpose of the Academy? Just curious. If that will not feature Corona, why send it to a Corona user? Seems pointless for me.

Now I have to watch the news to get my excitement down again.

[C4D] Bug Reporting / Re: Blue Screen
« on: 2024-12-17, 17:18:42 »
I'm on a Mac, but when using the the Neural Filters in Photoshop, Photo Restoration to be specific, 40% of the time it will crash by instantly shutting down my iMac Pro. I mean like I pulled the plug out of the wall. Only has happened using that filter, so I'm convinced it's software related.

Only putting that out there because if can indeed be software that can cause a system to shut down.

[C4D] I need help! / Re: Random flashes with Corona Sun
« on: 2024-12-17, 17:14:20 »
Which was the actual tip that worked for you?

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