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Topics - Njen

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I would like the ability to cap the top and bottom of a light when it is set to 'Cylinder'.


Is there a way to roll the adjustments made in the 'CShading_LightMix' render element back into the lights in the scene?

Please add a new 'Image Filter' type to the system globals: 'Closest to Camera', otherwise known as 'Min' in some renderers.


It seems the VFB window crops off the list of render elements that extends down past the bottom the the window.

I know you can use the up/down arrows to get to them, or resize the VBF window, but nonetheless, this stumped me for about a day.

It would be extremely handy to have a checkbox that enables/disables Bloom and Glare on the 'CShading_LightMix' render element..

What is the method for rendering an unfiltered pixel? If it is not 'closest to camera', can there please be an option to set this?

I would like a new attribute that overrides the background value with a user defined value.

If I am rendering an unclipped zdepth pass, I will have values above and below zero, and currently the background gets a value of zero which means it is always "in focus" when I attempt to add defocus in comp.

[Max] I need help! / Bump issue...
« on: 2016-10-17, 09:17:09 »
Why does the bump not work in the lower example? It seems simple enough: a checker map being used in a CoronaMix as 'mix' between black and white.

So in the Slate material editor, I have a whole bunch of CoronaBitmap nodes that have loopable names (for example: 'mask_1001', 'mask_1002', etc.) all with textures and settings I want.

Does anyone know how to use maxscript to wire existing nodes in the SME to a 'CoronaMultiMap' node? I've been racking my brain, and I can't figure it out myself...

Btw, I know how to add new CoronaBitmap nodes to the CoronaMultiMap, but not existing nodes.

I had an environment that was using a couple of materials with 47 UDIM tile textures loaded in CoronaBitmap loaders piped into a 'MultiTIle' node, and I was experiencing slow render times compared to when I split out the single material into 47 separate materials not using any textures as UDIM tiles. I measured the render times to be 200% - 300% slower using textures as UDIM tiles.

The reason using UDIM tiles are preferable is because they are automatically and easily output by 3D painting apps. Also, obviously, because it's a lot easier maintaining a few materials than 47 of them.

Off-Topic / Cyan Eyed needs you!
« on: 2016-09-21, 06:25:41 »
Hey everyone, the short animated film I have been working on for the last few years has now got a Kickstarter campaign running. The funds will be used to complete the last 30% or so of the film, with most of it going to pay for the work that the world's best sound design company, Skywalker Sound, have done on for Cyan Eyed.

The steampunk themed film is rendered with Corona, and is aiming for an early 2017 release. There's lots of great rewards up for grabs! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.


[Max] General Discussion / CoronaMtl values question...
« on: 2016-09-13, 04:52:18 »
From a render speed/evaluation viewpoint, is a 'Diffuse Level' of '0' the exactly same as a 'Diffuse Level' of '1' with a 'Diffuse Colour' of '0,0,0'? If it isn't, is it possible to expose the 'Diffuse Level' parameter (and by extension the 'Reflection Level') to be mappable?

[Max] I need help! / Material Efficiency question...
« on: 2016-09-05, 19:20:05 »
I have modelled an interior scene that has 47 UDIM tiles full of geometry. From a Corona standpoint, is it more efficient to have a single material with a single texture set that has 47 UDIM tiles assigned to all of the objects, or split it up into 47 different materials with 1 texture set per material?

From a set up and scene management point of view, a single material with 47 UDIM tiles is much easier to manage than 47 separate materials, but I was wondering if my renders are going to take a hit because of it.


[Edit:] In case anyone was wondering why I have so many tiles, I am pushing all of the geo through Substance Painter and each object needs its own unique dirt and edge maps.

[Max] I need help! / Light portal situation...
« on: 2016-09-05, 19:11:53 »
I'm modelling an interior scene and the ceiling has a few grate objects that can see out to the sky. I have attached an image that shows the top of one of these grates (though we see them from underneath). I have an existing single quad light portal inside the red lines, but the portal object shares a coplanar space with some of the geometry of the grate(example areas marked in green).

The question I have: is it more efficient to put lots of tiny quad portals inside each grate hole, or keep the existing single quad even with the coplanar faces it shares?

I hope what I wrote makes sense.

(Lot's of questions from me today as I ramp up in the lighting/lookdev portion of my animated short film -

I am experiencing aliasing issues when I produce a render that has a Corona light in it (or a material with a bright Corona Light material). If I expose the image down so that the light has a value of less than 1, I see nice looking anti-aliasing, but at an EV of 0, I get the telltale 'jaggies'. It almost seems to me when doing my own tests that the current order of math is to sample the light colour then multipliy by the alpha of the light, then multiply the result by the intensity of the light. Or am I making completely wrong assumptions?

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