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Topics - dj_buckley

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 9
[Max] Bug Reporting / Sun and Sky Issue
« on: 2024-08-26, 00:07:30 »
This might be the way it's supposed to work, but ... if I have a Corona Sun in a daylight system with a Corona Sky in the Environment.  Everything works as expected.  If I take the time to say 9pm at night, you get the nice dusk sky BUT, if I turn the sun off at this point, the sky goes super bright?  Why is that?

Just to add, this also happens at any time of day?

[Max] Bug Reporting / Slow VFB
« on: 2024-08-25, 16:35:37 »
Not sure this is a bug or just an innefficient feature.  But the tone mapping stack responds really really slowly if you have a Curves operator expanded in the stack to show the histogram.

Turning on and off different operators such as Contrast and Tone Curve take forever to update in the render window, until you collapse the curve operator so the histogram isn't visible or get rid of it altogether.

[Max] Feature Requests / Lister 'Select' Function
« on: 2024-08-20, 10:10:12 »
Is there any way to get the 'Select' function in Corona Lister to do a quick 'deselect all' first when you press it.

If I've already got something selected in my scene, then I open lister and use the select button to select a light, it just adds it to my current selection.  Not ideal.

My use case here is the Corona sun which is attached to a daylight system.  I want to select the sun from lister so I can then go and manipulate it's date/time etc, stuff that I can't manipulate directly in lister itself.  But it kind of defeats the object if I can't manipulate something after selecting it because something else was randomly selected in the scene before opening lister

[Max] I need help! / Help with faking a lighting effect
« on: 2024-08-14, 23:44:24 »
As the sun starts to disappear I get this incredible lighting effect happening in my living room.

I'm wondering how to fake this because the recreating the reality would be huge overkill imo.

The reality (see second pic) - as the sun sets it reflects off this nasty cheap wavy perspex type material.  The perspex is really dirty and really warped/bendy.  Behind the perspex is a stained glass window.  The light then bounces into my living room, through my bay window, which has double glazed sash windows, and finally through the shutters and onto the living room wall.  The result is the gorgeous effect you see here.

How would you recreate the effect without modeling/shading the reality of the environment that's creating it?

[Max] I need help! / License Issue
« on: 2024-08-08, 13:41:01 »
Please change the licence system guys.

The internet is currently down for an unknown period of time in my area which means I can't render anything.

I was hoping to use the licence offline but low and behold in order to get an offline licence file, I need to be online.  Make it make sense.

I have zero control over the current outage but I need to continue working

[Max] Bug Reporting / Corona 12 Major Memory Leak
« on: 2024-07-10, 12:14:45 »
I seem to be experiencing a pretty serious memory leak with Corona 12.

I'm trying to pinpoint it exactly at the minute, but it seems to be when I try to use IR for the first time after merging a 3rd party model into my scene.

The process goes something like this

- merge model
- continue working (no problems yet)
- start IR
- memory leak


If I save the scene after merging, close max, reopen the scene and start IR then its fine.

But the memory leak is literally causing my computer to lock out and ultimately crash requiring a full restart.

I've just setup light mix.  The scene only has 3 lights.  I've not adjusted any setttings yet in lightmix, just separated out the lights.  But there is a difference between the beauty pass and the light mix pass.  The shadows are lighter in the lightmix pass.  I'm just waiting for the render to finish and will upload comparision shots when it's done, but just wondered if anyone had experienced the same thing.

But if my settings are as shown in the screenshot and those are the only 3 lights in the scene then it should look identical to the beauty right?

[Max] I need help! / Ctrl+Z (Undo) Crashing Max
« on: 2024-03-27, 12:44:49 »
Has anyone experienced Ctrl+Z or Undo in general consistenly crashing their scenes?  I'm in Max 2024 and Corona 11 - pretty sure it's a Max issue though.

But I'll start a new scene and everything works fine for a while.  Then (randomly) Ctrl+Z will crash Max, and from this point, any instance of Ctrl+Z in that scene results in a crash.  The rest of the scene works fine but once I've had that initial crash - Ctrl+Z becomes a no go zone.  It's driving me insane.

[Max] I need help! / Corona Slicer
« on: 2024-03-03, 14:30:24 »
How do I get Corona Slicer to do the opposite of what it's doing in my attached screenshot?  i.e. keep the inside bit and slice away the outside bit.

I'm trying to replicate the setup here done with Vray Clipper (14 mins) and clip a Phoenix Ocean Mesh to to specific shape

[Max] Bug Reporting / MtlOverride - Preserve Glass
« on: 2024-02-20, 18:37:01 »
See screenshot.

My glass material 'Glazing' is respected by the 'Preserve' feature usually, but if, for example, i put it inside a Ray Switch then the Mtl Override no longer displays it as Glass despite them all just being instances of each other

[Max] I need help! / "Thin Shell"
« on: 2024-02-18, 21:48:02 »
If I've got some window glass setup as 'thin shell' should the glass block light at all?  I was always under the impression it stops the objects being refractive (the equivalent of ior 1) and from casting shadows/blocking light as the light is now passing straight through and not being refracted.  Now I think my understanding is wrong.  I'm just testing an interior scene and when hiding the glass the brightness of the whole interior increases quite a lot.

It's a super basic shader.  0 diffuse, thin shell, 1 refract. 1.52 ior.

A bit more testing and leaving Thin Shell ticked but changing the IOR to 1, I get the same result as if I'd hidden the glass.  So what exactly does 'thin shell' do.  Does it simply stop light rays bending?

[Max] Feature Requests / VFB Curves Histogram
« on: 2024-02-01, 14:47:15 »
If you add curves to the tonemapping stack the histogram is only effected by the operators above it and not the curves operator itself.  To the see the effect of the curves operator on the histogram you need to add another curves below it which seems pretty counterintuative.

Repro steps:

Start IR
Add curves operator at bottom of tonemapping stack
Adjust curves and observe histogram not changing

I appreciate this is how the curves adjustment layer works in PS, but you also have a separate histogram in PS that shows the effects of changes made to said adjustment layer

Trying to get my head around using the built in clouds and so far I'm not impressed.  They only seem to work if you leave the sky at defaults for everything.

As soon as you put the sky in a CC node it's game over.

I'll set the scene.  This is a sunny afternoon shot (2.30pm) in the Caribbean (or it's meant to be).  The sun is infront of the camera and off to the left (about 45 degrees)

Image 1 - this is the default Corona Sun and Sky with Clouds off.  It's way too pale (but there are plenty threads about that).

Image 2 - this is default Corona Sun and Sky with Clouds turned on.  Clouds look okay'ish.

Image 3 - this is default Corona Sun and Sky with Clouds off, plugged into a CoronaColourCorrect to boost the saturation of the sky a bit (0.25 Sat)

Image 4 - this is the same as Image 3, but with the Clouds on again.  The clouds are clearly pink.

The second column of images is the same as the first column but with PS Saturation set to 100.  This is to serve 2 purposes.  A).  It demonstrates just how pale the default CoronaSky is and B)  It demonstrates the very obvious magenta tint to the clouds.

Not only that but when turning on clouds the entire sky goes darker so the blues become a differnt colour.  Why is this?  It's almost as if enabling clouds gives the rest of the sky a grey wash.  My clouds amount is set to 0.25.

I appreciate I'm kinda looking towards the sun here so I'm not expecting an ultra saturated blue sky but even so, the default sun and sky looks so grey with a very subtle hint of blue.  I can deal with the colour though, it's the clouds that fully ruin everything.

Last note - there's another thread on here at the minute about banding in the sky.  This banding is evident in my screenshots too.

As the title suggests, if I enable Tone Mapping overrides in the camera, I can still change the tonemapping in the frame buffer.  That suggests it's not overriding anything?

[Max] General Discussion / Price Increase
« on: 2024-01-11, 14:40:02 »
Just had an email from Chaos informing of another 10% price increase to an annual Corona Premium Subscription, this coming after last years 100%+ increase.  Thoughts people?

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