« on: 2024-01-29, 01:13:41 »
Trying to get my head around using the built in clouds and so far I'm not impressed. They only seem to work if you leave the sky at defaults for everything.
As soon as you put the sky in a CC node it's game over.
I'll set the scene. This is a sunny afternoon shot (2.30pm) in the Caribbean (or it's meant to be). The sun is infront of the camera and off to the left (about 45 degrees)
Image 1 - this is the default Corona Sun and Sky with Clouds off. It's way too pale (but there are plenty threads about that).
Image 2 - this is default Corona Sun and Sky with Clouds turned on. Clouds look okay'ish.
Image 3 - this is default Corona Sun and Sky with Clouds off, plugged into a CoronaColourCorrect to boost the saturation of the sky a bit (0.25 Sat)
Image 4 - this is the same as Image 3, but with the Clouds on again. The clouds are clearly pink.
The second column of images is the same as the first column but with PS Saturation set to 100. This is to serve 2 purposes. A). It demonstrates just how pale the default CoronaSky is and B) It demonstrates the very obvious magenta tint to the clouds.
Not only that but when turning on clouds the entire sky goes darker so the blues become a differnt colour. Why is this? It's almost as if enabling clouds gives the rest of the sky a grey wash. My clouds amount is set to 0.25.
I appreciate I'm kinda looking towards the sun here so I'm not expecting an ultra saturated blue sky but even so, the default sun and sky looks so grey with a very subtle hint of blue. I can deal with the colour though, it's the clouds that fully ruin everything.
Last note - there's another thread on here at the minute about banding in the sky. This banding is evident in my screenshots too.