I'm currently experiencing a very, very, annoying problem. It seems to affect almost all scenes, on all projects at the moment and it's killing me.
It's not necessarily Corona related (I actually suspect Vray)
I load a file. I open Slate Material Editor and then an instant crash.
I re-open the scene, open SME and almost every time, it opens fine.
However, this problem has recently evolved. Now I open a scene, load SME and it doesn't open, the whole program just completely freezes. Nothing.
I have NO idea what's causing it, and no idea how to stop it.
Has anyone experienced anything like this before?
I'm on Corona 13 Daily July 30 , Max 2024.1, Windows 10.
One note; When this happens I check Task Manager and 3ds Max has has multiple instances of 'Microsoft Edge WebView 2' open. What is this? Is it possibly related?
Thanks for any debugging tips!