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Topics - romullus

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[Max] Feature Requests / Corona Decal - lock aspect ratio
« on: 2022-09-05, 14:24:20 »
Please add the option to lock decal's aspect ratio. I know that you can simply uniformly scale decal object, but having non 100% scaled objects in the scene doesn't play nicely with my OCD. UI elements locking is very common thing and there's plenty of them in Max UI and in fact in Corona itself. I see no reason why it shouldn't be there in Corona decal too. Please :]

Scatter V1 HF4

I noticed that when you're scattering instances on the spline and set spacing to be exactly the same as spline's segment length, so that each instance would be placed at the spline's knot, they follow direction of previous segment and not the segment ahead. To fix this, you need to increase instances spacing by about 0,2-1% This solves the issue, but leads to another problem - instances are no longer placed exactly at spline's knots and sometimes this is not desirable. I suspect that this might be more of a Max's spline issue, rather than the Scatter's bug, but it would be nice if you could look at this and see if this behaviour could be somehow improved.

I recorded a video, since i think my description might seem a little cryptic.

[Max] Feature Requests / Smart sharpening/blurring
« on: 2022-09-04, 12:00:49 »
I think that current sharpening/blurring (S/B) implementation in VFB is not very useful, you can get the same and most often significantly better results in post. But since Corona has access to raw 3D data, then why not to use this to its advantage? If Corona could use DOF and z-depth data to enhance its S/B algorithms, then it would be big win. I imagine it could be something like couple additional parameters to current S/B UI - "DOF influence" and "Z-Depth influence", where if you increase DOF influence parameter it would sharpen focused areas and blur de-focused areas more. Same with z-depth influence - sharpen foreground and blur background more.

I know that z-depth based sharpening/blurring can be easily achieved in post, but i think DOF based sharpening would be truly unique feature in Corona.

Recently i discovered that you can load multi-tiles in V-ray bitmap by using name tags: I think it's brilliant idea and would love to see something similar in Corona bitmap. I'm aware that 3ds Max has dedicated multi-tile map, but it's retarded and buggy and it doesn't look that autodesk has plans to fix it in foreseeable future - i saw bug reports as old as 2019 and it still isn't fixed in the latest versions!

[Max] Resolved Bugs / Multi-map batch naming issue
« on: 2022-08-16, 15:34:35 »
Technically speaking it's not a bug, but it looks very odd and confusing when you batch load multiple maps in Corona multi-map and it automatically generates their names that numerically does not correspond their assigned slot name, so "Color 1" gets "Subtex 0" map, "Color 2" - "Subtex 1" and so on. Could this be fixed please?

[Max] Resolved Bugs / Displacement adaptivity cut-off issue
« on: 2022-08-08, 16:19:51 »
3ds Max 2023.1 Corona 9 Aug 2 build

It looks like in certain situations Corona is culling adaptive displacement subdivision way to soon behind the view frustum. I was able partially fix it by adding unreasonable amount of subdivision, or by setting displacement bias towards positive direction, but that's not always viable solution.

Hardware / [SOLVED] Extreme mouse lag on a new Ryzen system
« on: 2022-07-28, 16:46:58 »
I know this is not the right forum to seek help for this kind of issue, but it's the only community i'm active and i can't seem to solve it on my own - i've been batling all day with little success.

So i've built myself new computer and i'm having horrible experience with it so far. The build is - Asus B550-F gaming, Ryzen 5950X, nvme for system drive. First issue was that windows 10 couldn't find network adapter driver and i had to download drivers with my old pc. I downloaded bunch of drivers from MB support page and installed them all, just in case and immediatelly mouse freezes has started. After some googling i think it can be related to Windows power plan. I changed it from balanced to high performance and indeed situation became better. It still freezes alot, to the level it's not workable, but at least those are not complete freezes - with balanced plan mouse became completely non responding in a matter of minutes after restart. I didn't change anything in BIOS, except for setting XMP DOCP for the RAM. I'm thinking about reinstalling Windows and not touching any drivers again from Asus, but i'm not sure if that's good idea and maybe there's better solution? Any help would be very appreciate.

Maybe i should've stick to Intel :/

[Max] Bug Reporting / User property issue
« on: 2022-07-18, 21:44:22 »
3ds Max 2016, Corona 9 Jul 12 build

Interactive rendering needs to be restarted before object's user property is taken into account by Corona user property texmap. Not sure if it was like that before - i'm not using that map very often.

Corona physical material gives you an option to chose between specular and IOR modes, unfortunately this functionality hasn't been ported back to old materials, like legacy, or skin, so i'm looking for a tool to convert specular textures to IOR. After some research i found this topic by Dubcat. Since i'm using 3ds Max 2016, i don't have access to OSL, so i had to use his LUT file in Affinity Photo to convert textures externally (which is preferred method for me anyway). The problem is, that i couldn't manage to get correct results with it - it's either i don't know how to use it properly, or Affinity treats this LUT somehow differently.

Then i found this tool by Mohammadreza Mohseni, but virus total flagged it as malicious, so no use :/

At this point i'm out of ideas, so any help would be greatly appreciated.

[Max] Resolved Bugs / CoronaWire issue
« on: 2022-06-19, 22:16:27 »
Corona version - 8 HF1

CoronaWire does not work correctly on meshes with displacement. Only partial wireframe can be seen here and there. Situation improves slightly when smaller image is rendered , or when thicker wire is selected, but still it's impossible to get decent result.

IIRC it used to work just fine in older versions.

I took few photos of small utility hatch on my stroll this morning and made Corona decal out of them. Decided to share it with community. Photos were taken with a smartphone, so the quality is not the greatest, but sufficient enough for background and medium range shots. Free for personal and commercial use, don't re-sell.

Was some changes made to the forum recently? Since yesterday it became very inconvenient to read it on mobile phone. It used to fit nicely on the screen without need to scroll sideways, but that's not the case anymore. I thought maybe it's because of some update in Chrome, but it's the same in other browsers. Does anyone else have the same experience?

If Corona bitmap parameters are linked with controllers and you want to adjust bitmap cropping, it eventually ends with 3ds max crashing. 3ds max 2016, Corona V8 Dec 6 build.

If and when the users will have an option to store their materials in CML, i think it would be nice if it would be possible to store Corona custom decal objects as well.

Of course if Corona would ship with some premade decals, that would be great too!

When you type material name in search by name field in material/map browser, CoronaPhysical material does not appear in the list.

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