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Messages - TomG

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 375

I just installed Corona 12 on my computer on 3d max 22 (previously using corona version 11), and I can't render anything. It closes the file and asks me to report an error. What could be the issue? Can someone help me?

Thank you.

Sorry for the inconvenience. Please send in a ticket at (this is a very old thread, about another Corona version, and not specific to the issue you are reporting, so it could get missed without the ticket and we don't want that) - please include the same information as above, and if possible a screenshot of the message that asks you to report the error.

[Scatter] I need help! / Re: Make Group Flowers
« on: 2024-07-23, 17:37:30 »
You'd have to group them first, then scatter the groups.

[Max] Daily Builds / Re: CoronaPattern playground!
« on: 2024-07-16, 07:26:31 »
At some point, too time consuming becomes the same thing as impossible, which is what we have here - it can be taken as physically impossible. As a note for some offsets, you can use two patterns, especially now that there is the mapping for making a pattern visible or invisible, just have them set up with an offset and one pattern visible on one row, then another on the next.

Hope this helps!

[Max] I need help! / Re: Distributed rendering (LAN)
« on: 2024-07-12, 18:46:38 »
Yes, Backburner works best when all machines are kinda similar in performance; and yes, the paid alternatives certainly offer a lot more options and control than the sadly long-neglected built-in solution :)

[Max] I need help! / Re: Distributed rendering (LAN)
« on: 2024-07-12, 17:44:10 »
You can just use Max's Backburner, a free and built-in network rendering tool. You don't need to say which frames go on which machine, Backburner will divide the frames up between any and all connected machines by itself. There are other more sophisticated (but paid for) network render management solutions too.

Remember, you will need a Corona Node license to render on the second machine. This is either included for you (because you subscribed before Corona 8 was released  and have maintained your subscription), or you will need to  purchase one if you don't have the historically included nodes.

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Vantage intergration...
« on: 2024-07-12, 17:41:17 »
Do remember to let us know which export option you are using (as there are several approaches, see the tutorial video for details). A screenshot of your settings for the export would help to :) Thanks!

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Vantage intergration...
« on: 2024-07-12, 16:54:09 »
Best thing to do is raise a ticket, include one or more of the scenes that are crashing, and provide the crash dump - thanks!

You'd need to give us a lot more information :) All scenes we've tested from earlier versions work fine, clearly it wouldn't be released if it generally didn't render old scenes. So we'll need to know about your old scenes, and what you mean by "doesn't render". Is there an error message? Do they render all white, all black? Does it crash on loading the old scene? Easiest thing  to do is to send in one of those scenes that won't render, via ticket, along with that extra information on what happens, to

[C4D] Feature Requests / Re: Convert Mats to Vantage...
« on: 2024-07-10, 21:58:25 »
Generally I'd only expect something that exceeded video RAM to cause Vantage to crash, as any other "problem materials" simply won't load/exist in Vantage. That might help guide your search :) And let us know what you find out!

General CG Discussion / Re: Can't download Corona 12
« on: 2024-07-10, 21:55:56 »
On in the big banner at the top, there is "Download Corona". You get to that /corona page from the homepage in a variety of ways. Consideration is being given to other ways to navigate there too, but this is pretty findable in the meantime. Hope this helps!

Might be related to "Added option to distinguish media based on their material (e.g., two intersecting objects with the same material will be now considered as a single volume). This is automatically active for new scenes." ? This could be changing the interpreted thickness of the overlapping objects, thus increasing absorption effects? Though sounds like you aren't using different objects in the example, just two variations of the material front and back one which has a bump and the other does not, but not 100% clear on that.

What version did you update from btw, Corona 11? What happens if you just apply one material rather than a front and back set up?

A pretty complex system; as best as I understand it, the render engine has to be a separate standalone item, then in Blender there is code to pass information back and forth out to this external version where the rendering etc. actually happens. This way the V-Ray core is not "inside" Blender, and only the code passing info back and forth has to end up open source. This level of complexity is why we have no plans to tackle Corona for Blender, it would simply consume too much time and slow down progress on the core functionality of Corona.

[C4D] Daily Builds / Re: Fast loading now...
« on: 2024-07-09, 13:58:48 »
Umm no need to use RC3, Corona 12 has been out for a week, so you can use the official release :)

We don't get into discussing when something will show up in a daily, as there are just too many unknowns. All we can ever say is "planned for Corona 13" (until we say "it's out now in a daily" ;) ).

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