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Messages - Tom

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 17

It reminds me of people who reported extraordinary long rendering times (I was one of them) when using Triplanar map with a particular version of Corona (10 I guess). Maybe that's the cause of your issue? Did you try rendering it without Triplanar map, just to check if you get normal rendering times?

[Max] I need help! / Re: geosphere as background
« on: 2024-05-01, 03:35:54 »
I think everything was already explained in this thread. Corona doesn't "like" fake effects such as objects not casting shadows and they can lead to shading issues. There is at least one known workaround to this, but it is not perfect. Can you show your results? Maybe then it will be possible to come up with some additional ideas.

I've setup a simple scene trying to replicate the workaround but it doesn't work 100%: it does get rid of the black sun highlight, but then the backplate is not visible in the reflection anymore, as said @leo_surrealismo.

Is there a way to have both a normal highlight and the backplate being reflected?

See attached screenshots and scene (3ds Max 2023 + Corona 10HF2)

I've already replaced the texture by a noise map maru, but thanks for the follow up.

[Max] I need help! / Re: Stone roof
« on: 2024-05-01, 02:15:02 »
As mentioned above, this is a perfect task for RailClone. All you have to do is modelling few slightly different stone elements, say around 10 to avoid any repetition, and spread them with RailClone. I know RC is not free but it's an amazing tool:

[Max] I need help! / Re: Stone roof
« on: 2024-05-01, 02:11:12 »
Thanks Maru for the video, the UVW Xform modifier is pretty handy.

Thanks. Yes I tried, it doesn't work.
Finally I used a noise map that turned out to work nicely.
To my understanding noise maps are 3D procedural maps so they work in all directions, which is great, while the PhoenixFDOceanTex map seems to work only in the World Z Axis for some reason, which makes sense since water only deforms on a horizontal plane after all.


I'm using a PhoenixFDOceanTex as a displacement map in a CoronaPhysicalMtl: it's working fine on a horizontal plane, but I want to apply the displacement effect on a vertical object and it doesn't work.

I tried all the options available in the Phoenix texture Coordinates menu but it seems to have no effect.

Can you help?

[Max] I need help! / Re: geosphere as background
« on: 2024-04-24, 04:36:39 »
Interestingly, I just discovered that I had encountered this bug in my last scene without knowing where it came from. I had thought that my backplate was the culprit but didn't have time to address the issue. So thank you @leo_surrealismo for this very informative thread.

The workaround seems effective, it's always better than fixing the bug in Photoshop :) but I see that the post dates back to 2021: so it's not planned to find a fix in a future Corona version?

[Max] I need help! / Re: Corona displacement mod problem
« on: 2024-04-22, 02:32:32 »
As soon as I convert simple box to editable poly and apply unwrap and  displacement, one side of box got displacement and other side is "flat".

I'm not able to reproduce this issue. Every face of the box looks fine on my end, even when it's converted to editable poly and I played a bit with the UVs with the Unwrap UVW modifier.

[Max] I need help! / Re: Corona displacement mod problem
« on: 2024-04-22, 02:24:55 »
Did you try to put the Displacement map in the material slot instead of using a modifier?

[Max] I need help! / Re: Node to rotate a texture?
« on: 2024-04-12, 11:29:55 »
But this is not what he wants: he doesn't want to instance the rotation value, he wants a control to change the rotation of only one map, and the two maps being instanced.

[Max] I need help! / Re: Node to rotate a texture?
« on: 2024-04-12, 09:53:31 »
Yes, I was thinking of that possibility too, but didn't find how to do that.
Could you explain a bit further?

[Max] I need help! / Re: Node to rotate a texture?
« on: 2024-04-12, 02:33:59 »
You could try the following setup: plug the Default Output to the Environment slot, and apply a self illuminated CoronaMtl to a geosphere that will act as a "geometry direct override" if that makes sense.

If you rotate the HDRi, the rotation is reflected on the geosphere as well. But if you want the geosphere to have a different orientation than your HDRi all you have to do is to rotate it in the Top viewport.
You will have to find the correct orientation of the geosphere first so that its mapping matches the one of the environment slot, and play with the self-illumination intensity as well but this setup works.

I hope it helps.

Work in Progress/Tests / Re: Juraj's Renderings thread
« on: 2024-04-11, 08:28:30 »
Thanks for your comments Juraj. About the background, I've opened your render in PS, turned it into B&W and checked the exposure levels with the eyedropper: I was wrong actually, the exposure levels are correct, my bad. It's funny how it looked underexposed to me when looking at the original render, but it looks correct when turning the render into B&W. For some reason the colours tricked my eyes :-)
I totally get what you say about keeping the imperfections of the images, it makes sense when you work under pressure (it's hard to find imperfections in your images Juraj!)

Work in Progress/Tests / Re: Juraj's Renderings thread
« on: 2024-04-11, 02:44:29 »
Very impressive work as usual Juraj, thanks for sharing.

Here is a great rug tutorial by Pikcells:

If I may offer a critique, on the rendering with the woman walking with the coffee cup, I feel like the background is a bit underexposed (the curtain seems brighter than the outside). Apart from that ... perfect job :)

As always, I have great admiration for your glows on the windows. I'm eagerly waiting for Corona to one day produce glows as realistic as yours. Your glows remind me a lot of those by Bertrand Benoit or Jesus Selvera. I imagine you create them in post-production in 32 bits using software like ArionFX?

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