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Messages - John_Do

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[C4D] Bug Reporting / XRefs Generator and IR
« on: 2024-04-16, 12:24:37 »

I'm using some XRefs in my scene and the following message pops up even when the XRefs aren't loaded (I only enable them for the final render).

Would it be possible to take the load state in account ? Or better, could the generator mode be supported in IR ?

Thanks !

I'm still planning to release more scripts, here is a little work in progress :

Smart creation

Creating multiple shaders at once

Works also with only one node

Even if there is no node selected

And all the commands can be assigned to a keyboard shortcut! 🥰

Code: [Select]
Quixel Bridge Plugin::Received data from Bridge.
{'minLOD': 'lod0', 'scriptFilePath': None, 'message': 'export', 'version': 1, 'resolution': '4K', 'resolutionValue': 4096, 'category': 'Floor', 'type': 'surface', 'id': 'vl0gfdalw', 'name': 'Concrete Floor Tiles', 'path': 'D:\\CLOUD-RENDU3D\\MEGASCAN\\Downloaded\\surface\\concrete_smooth_vl0gfdalw', 'exportAs': 'default', 'textureFormat': 'image/jpeg', 'meshFormat': '', 'previewImage': 'D:\\CLOUD-RENDU3D\\MEGASCAN\\Downloaded\\surface\\concrete_smooth_vl0gfdalw\\vl0gfdalw_Preview.png', 'averageColor': '#000000', 'tags': ['gray', 'yellow', 'white', 'rdt', 'construction', 'pool', 'flooring', 'urban', 'city', 'concrete plates', 'squares', 'grout', 'ground', 'tiles', 'clean', 'flat', 'pale', 'smooth', 'new'], 'activeLOD': 'high', 'categories': ['surface', 'concrete', 'smooth'], 'isExternal': False, 'exportPath': '', 'namingConvention': {'texture': '$mapName_$resolution_$lod_$id', 'model': '$name_$lod_$variation_$id', 'folder': '$name_$id'}, 'folderNamingConvention': 'Concrete Floor Tiles_vl0gfdalw', 'mapNameOverride': {'albedo': 'Albedo', 'ao': 'AO', 'bump': 'Bump', 'cavity': 'Cavity', 'curvature': 'Curvature', 'diffuse': 'Diffuse', 'displacement': 'Displacement', 'fuzz': 'Fuzz', 'gloss': 'Gloss', 'mask': 'Mask', 'metalness': 'Metalness', 'normal': 'Normal', 'opacity': 'Opacity', 'roughness': 'Roughness', 'specular': 'Specular', 'thickness': 'Thickness', 'translucency': 'Translucency', 'transmission': 'Transmission'}, 'meta': [{'key': 'scanArea', 'name': 'Scan Area', 'value': '3x3 m'}, {'key': 'height', 'name': 'Height', 'value': '0.028 m'}, {'key': 'tileable', 'name': 'Tileable', 'value': True}, {'key': 'tiling_directions', 'name': 'Tiling Directions', 'value': ['x', 'y']}, {'key': 'texelDensity', 'name': 'Texel Density', 'value': '5461 px/m'}, {'key': 'calibration', 'name': 'Calibration', 'value': 'GretagMacbeth ColorChecker Color Rendition Chart'}, {'key': 'scanner', 'name': 'Scanner', 'value': 'MKX'}], 'materials': [], 'textureSets': [], 'workflow': 'specular', 'origin': 'megascans', 'isModularAsset': False, 'guid': 'fed65e21-5ada-8628-6811-f0f0c94ecc56', 'components': [{'path': 'D:\\CLOUD-RENDU3D\\MEGASCAN\\Downloaded\\surface\\concrete_smooth_vl0gfdalw\\vl0gfdalw_4K_Albedo.jpg', 'type': 'albedo', 'resolution': '4K', 'format': 'jpg', 'name': 'vl0gfdalw_4K_Albedo.jpg', 'nameOverride': 'Albedo_4K__vl0gfdalw.jpg', 'colorSpace': 'sRGB', 'physicalSize': '3x3'}, {'resolution': '4K', 'type': 'ao', 'path': 'D:\\CLOUD-RENDU3D\\MEGASCAN\\Downloaded\\surface\\concrete_smooth_vl0gfdalw\\vl0gfdalw_4K_AO.jpg', 'format': 'jpg', 'name': 'vl0gfdalw_4K_AO.jpg', 'nameOverride': 'AO_4K__vl0gfdalw.jpg', 'colorSpace': 'sRGB', 'physicalSize': '3x3'}, {'resolution': '4K', 'type': 'bump', 'path': 'D:\\CLOUD-RENDU3D\\MEGASCAN\\Downloaded\\surface\\concrete_smooth_vl0gfdalw\\vl0gfdalw_4K_Bump.jpg', 'format': 'jpg', 'name': 'vl0gfdalw_4K_Bump.jpg', 'nameOverride': 'Bump_4K__vl0gfdalw.jpg', 'colorSpace': 'Linear', 'physicalSize': '3x3'}, {'resolution': '4K', 'type': 'displacement', 'path': 'D:\\CLOUD-RENDU3D\\MEGASCAN\\Downloaded\\surface\\concrete_smooth_vl0gfdalw\\vl0gfdalw_4K_Displacement.exr', 'format': 'exr', 'name': 'vl0gfdalw_4K_Displacement.exr', 'nameOverride': 'Displacement_4K__vl0gfdalw.exr', 'colorSpace': 'Linear', 'physicalSize': '3x3'}, {'resolution': '4K', 'type': 'gloss', 'path': 'D:\\CLOUD-RENDU3D\\MEGASCAN\\Downloaded\\surface\\concrete_smooth_vl0gfdalw\\vl0gfdalw_4K_Gloss.jpg', 'format': 'jpg', 'name': 'vl0gfdalw_4K_Gloss.jpg', 'nameOverride': 'Gloss_4K__vl0gfdalw.jpg', 'colorSpace': 'Linear', 'physicalSize': '3x3'}], 'meshList': [], 'packedTextures': [], 'lodList': [], 'meshVersion': 1, 'components-billboard': [], 'isCustom': False}
Quixel Bridge Plugin::Importing Concrete Floor Tiles
Quixel Bridge Plugin::Successfully imported Concrete Floor Tiles

The console when i import a material.

I tried with the b&w bump map, it worked. Not with the normal map. Something strange.

Please check your DM !

yes the texture is download.

Thanks, have you checked the textures' folder ? Sometimes some channels in the texture set are not downloaded.

I've tried the same asset on my side, every bump configuration is supported and works as intended, as you can see in the attached record.

If it still doesn't work, check the console and let me know if it outputs something unusual (Extension > Console > Python (0/0))

hmmm, doesn't work

Nah it works, I've tested it before answering ;)

But in your case I guess there is no normal map in this texture set. The plugin can load only what is in the folder and what is enabled in the export settings.

So please check the textures available in the folder with "go to files" in the context menu. If the normal map is missing, re-download the asset ensuring the normal map channel is checked in the download settings.

Hey, nice plugin !!
Just one question, how can I force the use of the normal map instead of the bump map during export?

Hey thanks !

You can disable the Bump channel in the export settings, as well as any other texture type you don't want to import :


The bug happens on my side with 2024.3.2, but not with 2023.2.2. Corona 11h1 in both cases. All the material values are reset to default.

So does the issue come from Corona or Cinema ?

Also the generated Asset Browser preview is empty (black square) if the saved asset has Corona dependencies and Corona the active render engine (both conditions have to be met).

[C4D] I need help! / Re: How to make Spotlights with Corona
« on: 2024-03-26, 11:32:10 »
Hi !

There are at least two ways :

1. Using a C4D Native spot light object. Not the most realistic result but the beam will be customisable.

2. Using an IES file in a Corona Light :

You can find .ies files on internet but before that, check the ones in C4D's Asset Browser.

[C4D] I need help! / Re: Problem with Displacment Map
« on: 2024-03-25, 15:21:39 »
Displacement doesn't like this kind of big elongated triangles that usually come with CAD geometry. Try to put your imported mesh inside a Remesh generator, it should fix the issue. It can also break some features and details of the original geo, so check twice.

Haha I wrote exactly the same scripts for my own use. But I just use the Commander to launch them and I didn't go as far as you.

Thanks !

I bought, it works great and I want more ;)
What will happen when Quixel releases an update? Will Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V in the code be enough?

Thanks !

In the short term don't expect any update to Bridge since the last C4D plugin update was in September 2022 ( it is more or less the same with the other plugins).

Later this year, Megascans will become part of FAB, a new 3d asset marketplace from Epic. They will launch new tools to get the most out of the new platform, but I don't know which software will be supported and how well. More info here.

Hi micz, the update will come within the week.

I've added few other things in addition to decals, I'll keep you posted here or through Gumroad if you bought the plugin.

I've just added support for decals 😎

[C4D] Bug Reporting / Re: Corona 11 VFB issues on macOS
« on: 2024-03-15, 11:41:48 »
- I can't zoom in/out with the trackpad
Did you try the cmd key and 2 fingers on the trackpad sliding them up or down?

Yes, it works with the cmd key pressed, thanks! That's how I realized that the fractional zoom is AWFUL on macOS. Every software has buttery smooth scroll/pan/zoom when using of the trackpad but Corona VFB ?!

Do you think the devs could implement a better zoom in the future VFB 2 planned for v12, or at least an option to choose the behavior ?

- The horizontal scrolling direction is inverted compared to what is happening in macOS. The vertical scrolling direction is right though.
Can you give me more details here? (I'm still a macOS noob) ;)

macOS noob here too 😉

Open a new Finder window narrow enough to scroll horizontally. Scroll left/righ.
Switch to Corona VFB, zoom in enough to scroll horizontally, scroll left/right. The direction is inverted in Corona.

It doesn't happen on the vertical axis though.

[C4D] Bug Reporting / Re: Corona 11 VFB issues on macOS
« on: 2024-03-14, 21:26:53 »
No worries !

Yeah same issues arise with the latest dailybuild.

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