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Messages - Nejc Kilar

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Gallery / Re: Brdo F6 terraced houses
« on: 2023-10-09, 14:45:27 »
Sweet, I'll be on the lookout next time I visit the capital city :) More images wound indeed be nice though, the current one sets a nice mood and has me wanting more :)

Hardware / Re: Render Farm Build
« on: 2023-10-06, 13:45:43 »
Just so it's on your radar there have been a few leaks that the new threadrippers will be announced this month and may be released shortly after, and may have 96cores at the top end.
The Threadrippers that are currently out are powerful but are really overpriced for quite old tech now (especially compared to a Ryzen 9 7950x). So before spending 5k+ on a threadripper build, if you are not in a super rush to upgrade it might be worth holding off and seeing what AMD reveals.

I definitely agree with the above but it might also be worth mentioning that today's leaks from some of the more "famous" leakers suggest that the Oct 19th launch of the 7xxx TRs will be mainly for OEMs with very low DIY (if any) availability. Only one way to find out what they are planning :)

Off-Topic / Re: Corona vfb spinnig smiley face icon
« on: 2023-09-28, 16:12:52 »
Just out of pure curiosity, if you don't mind sharing, why do you need it? :)

[Max] I need help! / Re: Color bleed on walls
« on: 2023-09-25, 16:45:59 »
Thank you for the update! Glad you've resolved it :)

Yeah that does look potentially funky so thank you a lot for bringing this up. These last examples are imho very useful as well. We'll discuss it internally and we'll post a reply here once we know more.

[Max] I need help! / Re: Noise in a specific area
« on: 2023-09-21, 13:32:11 »
Just to maybe add to the above, you mentioned that you're loosing details if you let things render longer? In that case I'd be inclined to think what you are seeing are not flakes but rather noise?

If it were flakes I would expected them to not disappear with more samples.

What I sometimes do in these situations is I render a mask for the part that is noisy - rear view mirror in your example. Then in Resolve / Premiere / whatevs I would duplicate my animation to a second video track and go with really high denoising settings on it. Then I'd mask it out using the mask we created when rendering.

Alternatively, I also sometimes render out a VirtualBeauty pass from Corona with the denoising there set to full on 1. Then I use that in a similar manner as described above to get the noisy parts to be less noisy.

Yep, this to me looks like the usual and expected reflection behavior.

When the surface is not glossy it will bounce rays all over the place basically whereas with the glossy material they'll be more focused and that will make a bigger, more visible impact on things. When you limit MSI you're basically saying "hey, those really strong rays should be clipped" and as such you're then not getting them to come though.

Yeah I think I agree with Maru and Pokoy here too. Scattering Directionality might help, so does "intense" enough volume and so do some nice post effects (bloom & glare + maybe a little diffusion like effect that you get in Magic Bullet or other similar products). So I'd say its a combination of all of the above and that makes my reply pretty much useless I'd imagine.

That said I did play around with setting it up without any post effects except for bloom and glare in Corona and I think that alone should get you places.

I'm not really 100% sure what is happening here - from my understanding you are comparing f.e V-Ray with Corona and you left all the VFB related setting at their default? If so then yes, you will get drastically different results because Corona has ACES OT enabled which adds a filmic curve to your image (darker blacks, "softer" highlights etc...) whereas V-Ray doesn't do any of that when you just open the VFB. V-Ray has a Filmic tonemap layer which you can use to get somewhat of a similar effect to what ACES OT does in Corona. For the sake of simplifying things even further, think of it as comparing an image with a LUT applied to an image without it.

And even then that wouldn't be a proper way to compare GI results - this is why comparing render engines is hard.

Ideally you'd have all the settings matching but because each renderer works a little bit differently that is hard to do. Sure, you can set both renderers to do unbiased pathtracing but then you still need to consider V-Ray has its Max Depth parameters set differently than Corona. There's loads of things like that at play potentially.

It could be that I misunderstood you and you have actually taken all of the above into consideration in which case we can, of course, deepen the debate here :)

[C4D] I need help! / Re: Object Visibility
« on: 2023-09-04, 13:30:56 »
If it is of any help you can also use Xpresso (Set Driver / Set Driven) to "sync" the material's opacity value with the one in the tag. That way you can use the tag to control the material. It can be handy sometimes.

[C4D] Bug Reporting / Re: Corona 10 Very Slow
« on: 2023-09-04, 13:27:54 »
Hi Guys

I've been running 10 for the past 10 days and i had the same feeling of renderings being slower. This morning i replace 10 by 9 and re rendere my scene. With 10 its really slower then with 9. 1 hour 50mn with 10 vs 40 mn with 9.
Configuration :C4D/CRN Windows. AMD Ryzen Thread Ripper 3990X 64 core. 256 Go RAM
It's a pretty simple scene. A terrasse with some furnitures. A few plants. Some maxtree bamboo. Multipass rendering in 16bits. 5000x3750 px. On HDRI. Noise target to 5.

Have a nice day.

Also, as an additional question, which Windows version are you using? Thank you!

Hmm, I mean only thing that seems a bit off to me is that you have absorption set to full on black. I'm not sure if I understand what kind of hazy effect you're after but setting it to grey might help?

Would be glad to help, do you happen to have any examples of the hazy effect you're after?

[Max] I need help! / Re: reflection level vs ior
« on: 2023-08-26, 11:39:36 »

Reflection color is only available when working with the legacy MTL and what it does is it defines the strength & color of reflections. So 100% white for example means reflections at their full strength. 50% white (grey) means reflection intensity will be cut in half. Black means zero reflective properties (although technically you still have diffuse reflections but we typically don't call those reflections).

If you set the reflection color to full red for example then you'll end up with reflections that are red colored.

IOR on the other hand refers to the Index Of Refraction which defines how the reflections behave when you see the material head on versus when you look at its edges from more of a grazing angle. A perfect way to demo this is with a sphere (in reality and in CG). On a sphere you'll see that if you look at it straight in the middle part it'll look less reflective as it does on its "edges" (grazing angles, outer most parts of the sphere). That is basically the IOR effect. If you go with higher values (typically 2+) you'll notice how everything becomes more reflective all-around. If you go with lower values (anything above 1.0) then pretty much the only place you'll see reflections are towards those edges.

The Index Of Refraction also plays a part with refractive materials (as the name suggests). For refractive materials it defines how light "bends" as it travels through the material / substance.

You'll probably notice that the Physical Material doesn't give you the ability to tweak the reflection color when creating non-metal materials. That is because tuning the reflection strength and color via a single parameter like that isn't really... Physical. To control the intensity you typically want to either play with the IOR or with the roughness parameters (very high roughness value makes the reflections diffuse and they visually look less intense because of that). That would then be the physical way to go about things - and why the Physical Material is the go to material for Corona now as it is way harder to create a material that is not physical.

Hope that helps! :)

edit: Just to try and clarify things a bit more. Visually comparing the difference between reflection color and IOR would be that lowering the reflection color just lowers the reflective property for the material as a whole. IOR would lower it based on the Fresnel formula aka grazing angles could still be more reflective compared to viewing the thing head on at its center.

[Max] General Discussion / Re: TX image format?
« on: 2023-08-23, 11:08:35 »
To Nejc:

Mip-mapping is conditional, render at high-res framebuffer and it's back to full footprint. But I am definitely in support of it. Automated mip-mapping behind the scene, but with control to still allow user-control to modify the amount/level) would be of course fantastic. Most of my machines are 128GB ram and they're not enough... but that's also because 3dsMax and Corona load all assets twice effectively. Not much to do there.
Out-of-Core is just glorified swapping.

But I am like.. not arguing these features don't exist, but they're not features I mentioned. Here is thing A which is maybe similar to feature B. Well, ok.

Yeah I understand what you mean better now, thanks for clarifying. :) I'd still think it would be useful to post a feature request for it if not for anything else then to let us know that we have users that would still appreciate more memory optimizations and then it is up to the team to find good solutions for everyone :)

[Max] General Discussion / Re: TX image format?
« on: 2023-08-18, 13:21:10 »
Neither Out-of-core and mipmapping are compression alternatives. The first just offloads the texture and the seconds mip-maps to lower resolution.
Compression reduces the actual footprint, in lossy form in exchange for lowered visual fidelity.

Indeed they are not compression algorithms but they do help with that you stated - that a large bitmap gets automatically "converted down" to something less resource intensive.
At least thats why I thought you aimed at with your OP :)

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