Author Topic: Quixel Bridge Importer for Corona Renderer (C4D)  (Read 1165 times)

2024-04-08, 13:53:10
Reply #15


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yes the texture is download.

Thanks, have you checked the textures' folder ? Sometimes some channels in the texture set are not downloaded.

I've tried the same asset on my side, every bump configuration is supported and works as intended, as you can see in the attached record.

If it still doesn't work, check the console and let me know if it outputs something unusual (Extension > Console > Python (0/0))

2024-04-08, 14:25:58
Reply #16


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sounds like great plugin, just bought it, thanks John!

2024-04-08, 14:41:10
Reply #17


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Code: [Select]
Quixel Bridge Plugin::Received data from Bridge.
{'minLOD': 'lod0', 'scriptFilePath': None, 'message': 'export', 'version': 1, 'resolution': '4K', 'resolutionValue': 4096, 'category': 'Floor', 'type': 'surface', 'id': 'vl0gfdalw', 'name': 'Concrete Floor Tiles', 'path': 'D:\\CLOUD-RENDU3D\\MEGASCAN\\Downloaded\\surface\\concrete_smooth_vl0gfdalw', 'exportAs': 'default', 'textureFormat': 'image/jpeg', 'meshFormat': '', 'previewImage': 'D:\\CLOUD-RENDU3D\\MEGASCAN\\Downloaded\\surface\\concrete_smooth_vl0gfdalw\\vl0gfdalw_Preview.png', 'averageColor': '#000000', 'tags': ['gray', 'yellow', 'white', 'rdt', 'construction', 'pool', 'flooring', 'urban', 'city', 'concrete plates', 'squares', 'grout', 'ground', 'tiles', 'clean', 'flat', 'pale', 'smooth', 'new'], 'activeLOD': 'high', 'categories': ['surface', 'concrete', 'smooth'], 'isExternal': False, 'exportPath': '', 'namingConvention': {'texture': '$mapName_$resolution_$lod_$id', 'model': '$name_$lod_$variation_$id', 'folder': '$name_$id'}, 'folderNamingConvention': 'Concrete Floor Tiles_vl0gfdalw', 'mapNameOverride': {'albedo': 'Albedo', 'ao': 'AO', 'bump': 'Bump', 'cavity': 'Cavity', 'curvature': 'Curvature', 'diffuse': 'Diffuse', 'displacement': 'Displacement', 'fuzz': 'Fuzz', 'gloss': 'Gloss', 'mask': 'Mask', 'metalness': 'Metalness', 'normal': 'Normal', 'opacity': 'Opacity', 'roughness': 'Roughness', 'specular': 'Specular', 'thickness': 'Thickness', 'translucency': 'Translucency', 'transmission': 'Transmission'}, 'meta': [{'key': 'scanArea', 'name': 'Scan Area', 'value': '3x3 m'}, {'key': 'height', 'name': 'Height', 'value': '0.028 m'}, {'key': 'tileable', 'name': 'Tileable', 'value': True}, {'key': 'tiling_directions', 'name': 'Tiling Directions', 'value': ['x', 'y']}, {'key': 'texelDensity', 'name': 'Texel Density', 'value': '5461 px/m'}, {'key': 'calibration', 'name': 'Calibration', 'value': 'GretagMacbeth ColorChecker Color Rendition Chart'}, {'key': 'scanner', 'name': 'Scanner', 'value': 'MKX'}], 'materials': [], 'textureSets': [], 'workflow': 'specular', 'origin': 'megascans', 'isModularAsset': False, 'guid': 'fed65e21-5ada-8628-6811-f0f0c94ecc56', 'components': [{'path': 'D:\\CLOUD-RENDU3D\\MEGASCAN\\Downloaded\\surface\\concrete_smooth_vl0gfdalw\\vl0gfdalw_4K_Albedo.jpg', 'type': 'albedo', 'resolution': '4K', 'format': 'jpg', 'name': 'vl0gfdalw_4K_Albedo.jpg', 'nameOverride': 'Albedo_4K__vl0gfdalw.jpg', 'colorSpace': 'sRGB', 'physicalSize': '3x3'}, {'resolution': '4K', 'type': 'ao', 'path': 'D:\\CLOUD-RENDU3D\\MEGASCAN\\Downloaded\\surface\\concrete_smooth_vl0gfdalw\\vl0gfdalw_4K_AO.jpg', 'format': 'jpg', 'name': 'vl0gfdalw_4K_AO.jpg', 'nameOverride': 'AO_4K__vl0gfdalw.jpg', 'colorSpace': 'sRGB', 'physicalSize': '3x3'}, {'resolution': '4K', 'type': 'bump', 'path': 'D:\\CLOUD-RENDU3D\\MEGASCAN\\Downloaded\\surface\\concrete_smooth_vl0gfdalw\\vl0gfdalw_4K_Bump.jpg', 'format': 'jpg', 'name': 'vl0gfdalw_4K_Bump.jpg', 'nameOverride': 'Bump_4K__vl0gfdalw.jpg', 'colorSpace': 'Linear', 'physicalSize': '3x3'}, {'resolution': '4K', 'type': 'displacement', 'path': 'D:\\CLOUD-RENDU3D\\MEGASCAN\\Downloaded\\surface\\concrete_smooth_vl0gfdalw\\vl0gfdalw_4K_Displacement.exr', 'format': 'exr', 'name': 'vl0gfdalw_4K_Displacement.exr', 'nameOverride': 'Displacement_4K__vl0gfdalw.exr', 'colorSpace': 'Linear', 'physicalSize': '3x3'}, {'resolution': '4K', 'type': 'gloss', 'path': 'D:\\CLOUD-RENDU3D\\MEGASCAN\\Downloaded\\surface\\concrete_smooth_vl0gfdalw\\vl0gfdalw_4K_Gloss.jpg', 'format': 'jpg', 'name': 'vl0gfdalw_4K_Gloss.jpg', 'nameOverride': 'Gloss_4K__vl0gfdalw.jpg', 'colorSpace': 'Linear', 'physicalSize': '3x3'}], 'meshList': [], 'packedTextures': [], 'lodList': [], 'meshVersion': 1, 'components-billboard': [], 'isCustom': False}
Quixel Bridge Plugin::Importing Concrete Floor Tiles
Quixel Bridge Plugin::Successfully imported Concrete Floor Tiles

The console when i import a material.

I tried with the b&w bump map, it worked. Not with the normal map. Something strange.

2024-04-08, 15:37:49
Reply #18


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Code: [Select]
Quixel Bridge Plugin::Received data from Bridge.
{'minLOD': 'lod0', 'scriptFilePath': None, 'message': 'export', 'version': 1, 'resolution': '4K', 'resolutionValue': 4096, 'category': 'Floor', 'type': 'surface', 'id': 'vl0gfdalw', 'name': 'Concrete Floor Tiles', 'path': 'D:\\CLOUD-RENDU3D\\MEGASCAN\\Downloaded\\surface\\concrete_smooth_vl0gfdalw', 'exportAs': 'default', 'textureFormat': 'image/jpeg', 'meshFormat': '', 'previewImage': 'D:\\CLOUD-RENDU3D\\MEGASCAN\\Downloaded\\surface\\concrete_smooth_vl0gfdalw\\vl0gfdalw_Preview.png', 'averageColor': '#000000', 'tags': ['gray', 'yellow', 'white', 'rdt', 'construction', 'pool', 'flooring', 'urban', 'city', 'concrete plates', 'squares', 'grout', 'ground', 'tiles', 'clean', 'flat', 'pale', 'smooth', 'new'], 'activeLOD': 'high', 'categories': ['surface', 'concrete', 'smooth'], 'isExternal': False, 'exportPath': '', 'namingConvention': {'texture': '$mapName_$resolution_$lod_$id', 'model': '$name_$lod_$variation_$id', 'folder': '$name_$id'}, 'folderNamingConvention': 'Concrete Floor Tiles_vl0gfdalw', 'mapNameOverride': {'albedo': 'Albedo', 'ao': 'AO', 'bump': 'Bump', 'cavity': 'Cavity', 'curvature': 'Curvature', 'diffuse': 'Diffuse', 'displacement': 'Displacement', 'fuzz': 'Fuzz', 'gloss': 'Gloss', 'mask': 'Mask', 'metalness': 'Metalness', 'normal': 'Normal', 'opacity': 'Opacity', 'roughness': 'Roughness', 'specular': 'Specular', 'thickness': 'Thickness', 'translucency': 'Translucency', 'transmission': 'Transmission'}, 'meta': [{'key': 'scanArea', 'name': 'Scan Area', 'value': '3x3 m'}, {'key': 'height', 'name': 'Height', 'value': '0.028 m'}, {'key': 'tileable', 'name': 'Tileable', 'value': True}, {'key': 'tiling_directions', 'name': 'Tiling Directions', 'value': ['x', 'y']}, {'key': 'texelDensity', 'name': 'Texel Density', 'value': '5461 px/m'}, {'key': 'calibration', 'name': 'Calibration', 'value': 'GretagMacbeth ColorChecker Color Rendition Chart'}, {'key': 'scanner', 'name': 'Scanner', 'value': 'MKX'}], 'materials': [], 'textureSets': [], 'workflow': 'specular', 'origin': 'megascans', 'isModularAsset': False, 'guid': 'fed65e21-5ada-8628-6811-f0f0c94ecc56', 'components': [{'path': 'D:\\CLOUD-RENDU3D\\MEGASCAN\\Downloaded\\surface\\concrete_smooth_vl0gfdalw\\vl0gfdalw_4K_Albedo.jpg', 'type': 'albedo', 'resolution': '4K', 'format': 'jpg', 'name': 'vl0gfdalw_4K_Albedo.jpg', 'nameOverride': 'Albedo_4K__vl0gfdalw.jpg', 'colorSpace': 'sRGB', 'physicalSize': '3x3'}, {'resolution': '4K', 'type': 'ao', 'path': 'D:\\CLOUD-RENDU3D\\MEGASCAN\\Downloaded\\surface\\concrete_smooth_vl0gfdalw\\vl0gfdalw_4K_AO.jpg', 'format': 'jpg', 'name': 'vl0gfdalw_4K_AO.jpg', 'nameOverride': 'AO_4K__vl0gfdalw.jpg', 'colorSpace': 'sRGB', 'physicalSize': '3x3'}, {'resolution': '4K', 'type': 'bump', 'path': 'D:\\CLOUD-RENDU3D\\MEGASCAN\\Downloaded\\surface\\concrete_smooth_vl0gfdalw\\vl0gfdalw_4K_Bump.jpg', 'format': 'jpg', 'name': 'vl0gfdalw_4K_Bump.jpg', 'nameOverride': 'Bump_4K__vl0gfdalw.jpg', 'colorSpace': 'Linear', 'physicalSize': '3x3'}, {'resolution': '4K', 'type': 'displacement', 'path': 'D:\\CLOUD-RENDU3D\\MEGASCAN\\Downloaded\\surface\\concrete_smooth_vl0gfdalw\\vl0gfdalw_4K_Displacement.exr', 'format': 'exr', 'name': 'vl0gfdalw_4K_Displacement.exr', 'nameOverride': 'Displacement_4K__vl0gfdalw.exr', 'colorSpace': 'Linear', 'physicalSize': '3x3'}, {'resolution': '4K', 'type': 'gloss', 'path': 'D:\\CLOUD-RENDU3D\\MEGASCAN\\Downloaded\\surface\\concrete_smooth_vl0gfdalw\\vl0gfdalw_4K_Gloss.jpg', 'format': 'jpg', 'name': 'vl0gfdalw_4K_Gloss.jpg', 'nameOverride': 'Gloss_4K__vl0gfdalw.jpg', 'colorSpace': 'Linear', 'physicalSize': '3x3'}], 'meshList': [], 'packedTextures': [], 'lodList': [], 'meshVersion': 1, 'components-billboard': [], 'isCustom': False}
Quixel Bridge Plugin::Importing Concrete Floor Tiles
Quixel Bridge Plugin::Successfully imported Concrete Floor Tiles

The console when i import a material.

I tried with the b&w bump map, it worked. Not with the normal map. Something strange.

Please check your DM !

2024-04-16, 09:24:01
Reply #19

Nejc Kilar

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I'll be getting this! Thank you so much for working on it!
Nejc Kilar |
Educational Content Creator | contact us