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Messages - tuami

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any news on this?

Gallery / Re: Audi RS7 – CGI
« on: 2024-05-27, 15:13:18 »
very nice project with a great dynamic. i find the approach very exciting. this is exactly how we can use AI in the future or even now by helping us to do things that take a lot of time either in creation or in research.
I just recently read that midjourney will soon be able to use a character across multiple images with identical appearance and finally offers the possibility for consistent behavior.  ( Character Consistency)
it remains exciting in any case.
best regards

I don't think the pricing policy is justified either. It would be fair to say let's take a look at it and not immediately come up with counterarguments. Unfortunately, that's just wishful thinking, because that's not how companies that have to be profitable work.

I'm glad that we have one of the old licenses (even though automatic renewal wasn't activated during the changeover, I saw that in time and changed it..)
If that weren't the case, we would also consider looking for alternatives (Octane costs €19.99 per month and even has 10+ render node licenses)

We have a price increase from back then

2 x FairSaaS (old license) = €699.98 incl. VAT
on today
2 x Premium license with 2x 5 render nodes = €996.74 incl. VAT

which means a price increase of 42.4%.


If we had canceled corona and had to pay extra for our 4 render nodes, we would be with

2 x Premium = 1082.42 including VAT
4 x Solo Nodes = €628.32 incl. VAT

Total costs €1710,74 annually including VAT

If you now compare the old Fairsass license of € 699.98 from 2020/2021 and 2022 to € 1710,74, that is a price increase of 144,4% within 2 years

But as I said, we are happy to still have the old license ;)

I still dream that corona and vray will combine their synergies and become “CORAY" THE only ultimate render engine you need -  But that's another topic :)

For internal projects we have set the path for the cosmos assets to a folder on a network drive.

For external projects it would indeed make sense to integrate such a function.


[C4D] Feature Requests / Re: Support for AMD GPU Denoiser ?
« on: 2024-05-21, 08:54:26 »
No developments on this front at the moment. We plan to revisit denoising and do a general overhaul (but not for 12) of everything, including UI, so we'd look into the generalization of the Intel denoiser then.

sounds good :) thanks for the clarification

here u are ;)

[C4D] Feature Requests / Re: Support for AMD GPU Denoiser ?
« on: 2024-05-16, 11:11:33 »
hi are there any new developments on this topic? Thanks!

I've been saying for a long time that it's the corona bitmap shader, I also suspect the problem is something that has to do with the current Cinema 4D version AND the Corona bitmap shader. Maybe the logic in the program code needs to be changed. I just don't understand why the problems can't be understood, according to the changelog.
Test scenes and descriptions showing the problem have already been mentioned several times. I hope they can fix the problems before the final release.

Forum Links

Assets Browser Problem

Long Loading Problem


I just testet it-  open same file with different corona versions (Cienma 4d 2024.4.0 installed)

Corona 10 Hotfix 2
8 seconds

Corona Daily Build 10 May
50 seconds

hello frv,
you are right that they are there for testing purposes. we lost a lot of time clearing up the problem and the error with the asset browser because we didn't know that this error existed.

i have already reported the problem several times and always tested the latest versions. i just can't listen to this “can you send us a test scene” anymore, because i have already been in active exchange with the corona team and it should be clear by now how the errors can be reproduced.

this was my last mail from march to corona team as an example


here is the summary again

Computer 1 (My computer)

On this PC is installed
Cinema 4D version 2024.2.3 (latest)
Corona 10 Hotfix 2 from September 2023

The following problems are no longer present when Corona 10 Hotfix 2 from September is installed
- Xref problem
- Long loading times when opening scenes

The following problems are still there
- Problems with Asset Browser (Corona materials are reset)

Computer 2 (computer of a colleague)

The following is installed on this PC
Cinema 4D version 2024.1.0
corona-12-c4d-daily-2024-03-11 (latest)

The following problems are no longer present when Cinema 4D version 2024.1.0 is installed
- Problems with Asset Browser (Corona materials are reset)

The following problems are still there
- Xref problem
- Long loading times when opening scenes

Forum Links

Assets Browser Problem

Long Loading Problem

Xref Problem
apparently fewer people use xref but the problem still exists


Hello there,

Thank you for all your feedback.
Have any of you already tried the latest Daily build? (23.4)
Does the issue persist?
Could any of you share a previous scene so that we can use it to reproduce the issue on our end?
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Have an amazing weekend ahead.

Is there anything new?
I already reported the error 2 months ago. Beanzvision was on my computer about a month ago and I showed him the error (plus other errors that are currently being discussed in another thread). i don't understand why they are asking for test files again. somehow there seems to be something wrong with your internal communication.

i also invited him in this thread on 2024-04-05, 12:44:06 to send test files again, that was a month ago and no one has responded. Now you are asking for test files.

i have already sent them to the support, i posted some tickets two months ago also with the reference to the corresponding forum posts and here still no connection is recognized or looked at properly. is there a programmer with whom you can contact directly?
Either the wrong configuration environments are being used or the communication with the programmer does not seem to be correct. please send me a private message if you have any questions about this or post in the thread so that others can also benefit from it.

Since there was a Hotfix to Corona 11 and also the new 2024.4 had some promising new feature, I've installed both and tried out our beloved little bugs. Seems like the bug somehow changed . Now, the color stays after re-loading it from the Asset Browser (most of the time), but the Bump value still is replaced with the full 100%, instead of the previously set value before loading it into the database. Just for a quick update on the topic from my side.

This still seems very uncertain and I keep wondering why nothing has been fixed yet. I think it's partly due to corona and partly due to maxon. Maxon tells me to contact corona. Somehow it all seems very uncertain to me, it's a fundamental mistake that can lead to whole days of work being lost because you think everything is correctly stored in the library. We have to set up three workstations here so that either cinema4d (asset problem with corona) or corona (extremely slow loading of files that contain Corona Bitmap shader) works and that is just extremely nerve-wracking if nothing changes. I posted the error over 2 months ago and so far either the things couldn't be traced or you only get the feedback that it will be passed on. On the other hand, unimportant new functions are added instead of focusing on ensuring that everything works smoothly. Man, I'm really pissed off, sorry, but this needs to be heard. I have to take care of everything here and this  just doesn't work.

I'm still planning to release more scripts, here is a little work in progress :

whoa i need this! would be great if there are more shaders to be found there, thanks keep doing great helpful work :)

[C4D] Bug Reporting / Re: C4D crashes at closing file
« on: 2024-04-10, 12:52:26 »
same here

Hello benjamin,

the problem does exist and you were recently with us on two computers where I showed you the problem. You are welcome to come back to our computer and I will show you the problems.

Which version of Cinema 4D and Corona Renderer are you using, if I may ask, I saw somewhere that you are not using the latest versions. I hope we finally get help, I have been writing to support and here in the forum for two months, apart from the fact that they keep saying that things cannot be reproduced, it does not mean that the problems are not there and obviously there are many here who have the problems.

1. asset browser problem
2. super extremely slow opening of scenes
3. xref problem (paths of corona bitmap shaders are not converted to absolute paths.

Forgive my stubbornness on this topic, but we have to deal with this every day and I would be happy to finally get a solution to the problem.

If you have any questions feel free to contact me (privately) and I can give you more test scenes and please tell me your setup again


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