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Messages - romullus

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 607
[Max] Resolved Bugs / Re: Corona Color Picker - Temp. [K]
« on: Yesterday at 13:58:51 »
The topic has been moved to resolved board just to avoid unnecessary duplication. The original report is still there in bug reporting board and the issue is still standing. Cheers

[Max] I need help! / Re: Megascans material and displacement
« on: Yesterday at 10:48:41 »
You can find physical dimensions of surface in a JSON file that comes with every Megascan asset. Look for area and height keywords and fill according Corona physical material fields with those values. And of course all that info can be found in Bridge, even if that app lost most of its value now.

It's the nuisance, yes, but you have to find other ways to do what you need, since there's no way to do this reliably in Corona. You can replace the background in photoshop, or better yet, do the post-processing, including tone mapping outside of 3ds Max, where you can have much less destructive workflows.

If you're using LUT, or ACE OT Corona tonemap control might not be able to fully cancel their effect. It's the limitation of technology.

You can quickly enable/disable entire map/shader branch in material. Disabling individual maps is not possible in 3ds Max, other than unplugging them or constructing cumbersome bypass nodes with Corona select or something like that.

Thank you!

The roadmap was updated yesterday. I think folks who over the years has been asking for NPR rendering, might be very pleased with it.

DonĀ“t forget: As different news sources told in the beginning of the year, Ondra joined another "project" - so that surely had an effect.

I didn't know that. Would you mind to share a link to those sources, please?

Calling a feature as dumb is not very helpful to anyone. If you have ideas how to improve it, go to Corona ideas portal and submit new feature request:

Maybe it's worth checking your preferences>viewports settings? "Improved" viewport selection hit algorithm was driving me nuts in Max 2024, until i reduced selection pixel radius to 2. Your issue looks different than it was for me, but maybe they have added some new settings there in Max 2025, you never know.

[Max] I need help! / Re: Corona pattern + randomiser
« on: 2025-02-13, 15:30:17 »
There is some hacky way to get seamless randomization with Corona pattern. Check this message and see if you can apply that technique to your task:

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