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Messages - maru

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 866
[C4D] Bug Reporting / Re: Cannot open the Cosmos Browser
« on: 2024-08-30, 15:18:26 »
This is reported and being handled through the support ticket #285725.

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Corona 12 and Vantage
« on: 2024-08-29, 08:56:10 »
Hi Luis.lab, can you please explain what exactly you mean by animating textures? Do you mean animating their transforms (offset, rotation, scale) or some kind of animated texture effects like noise changing its pattern, waves on the water, etc?

Hmm, you reported the same thing in the past and confirmed that the fix worked:
"At least one of those objects was heavily scaled. Applying "reset xform" to both the sea and the object fixes the issue immediately."

[C4D] General Discussion / Corona 12 and Vantage
« on: 2024-08-28, 15:06:15 »
Hello, I am starting this thread as a place to ask questions, report issues, showcase renders, and anything else related to Corona + Vantage!
As a reminder, if you wish to request a new feature, please see this forum thread.

As the first step, be sure to check out our Corona for Cinema 4D + Vantage tutorial:

We also have text guide with simple step-by-step instructions at

[Max] General Discussion / Corona 12 and Vantage
« on: 2024-08-28, 15:03:58 »
Hello, I am starting this thread as a place to ask questions, report issues, showcase renders, and anything else related to Corona + Vantage!
As a reminder, if you wish to request a new feature, please see this forum thread.

As the first step, be sure to check out our Corona for 3ds Max + Vantage tutorial:

We also have text guide with simple step-by-step instructions at

[Max] Bug Reporting / Re: CXR saving problem with Corona 12
« on: 2024-08-28, 11:35:55 »
Thank you for all the details! This is now reproduced and logged for our developers as (Report ID=CMAX-1247).

The "prevent black appearance" option doesn't affect reflections and refraction, only direct visibility. We have this logged at (Report ID=CMAX-195).

[Max] Bug Reporting / Re: Corona 12 Major Memory Leak
« on: 2024-08-27, 09:51:41 »
I've been experiencing this same issue with several different max files. Very frustrating since I have to crash max.

Currently on Max 2024 with most recent updates.

You now have a support ticket #284095. Please check your mailbox.

[Max] Bug Reporting / Re: Corona 12 feels sluggish?
« on: 2024-08-26, 09:56:52 »
Hi, could you please share any scene with us where you are able to consistently reproduce this? (even if it's a simple test scene)
The thing is that we have received multiple reports like this, but we are unable to reproduce the problem so far. Once we have a scene, we could render it on various systems with various Corona versions and share the results with you.

The best way to share scenes with us is starting a support ticket here and attaching your scene archived with all assets (File > Archive option in 3ds Max):

Thank you in advance!

I would like to ask if the problem of slow reading of corona assets when opening MAX files has been solved. Currently, the installation of 11.2 is still very slow, and 12.1 will also be slow

As explained in this thread multiple times, please:
- archive your scene with all assets
- send it to us at

Please also note that unfortunately getting stuck at "loading Corona assets" might not mean that the issue is really related to Corona. Flor example, we had a case where this was caused by the 3ds Max Cloth modifier.

We need scenes from users with this problem in order to understand what is going on and provide a fix/explanation. Thank you in advance.

I was testing something else with Phoenix foam today, so I decided to give it a go. Here is what I was able to get. Please take a look at the particle shader settings.

Since Corona simulates real life rules of light transport, there are these things called "reflections" and "global illumination" in it. If you render a dark wall surrounded by dark objects, it will look different than the same dark wall surrounded by bright objects.

I am not sure what exactly we are looking at here, but the result of texture baking an orthogonal projection, not a perspective view. Imagine shooting an infinite mirror effect with a narrow-angle camera lens. All the extra reflections would hide behind the mirror edges and you would only see the reflection of your camera lens. :)

Why would you need multiple reflections in a baked texture anyway?

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