Author Topic: Daily Builds 1.0 - 1.4  (Read 304195 times)

2016-04-15, 18:57:06
Reply #1260


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Ondra, does minidumps from 3ds max design version still not useful to you? I'm planning to reinstall OS soon - may go with non design version of max this time if it'll be better for bug hunting.
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2016-04-15, 19:40:44
Reply #1261


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Render history feedback:
  • Don't like that "size dismatch" warning when snapshots differ in resolution. Don't know how it's done in Vray or VFB+, but i like how it's solved in RAM player. Can we have that?
  • Can't think a single reason for date to be included in info overlay. Time maybe, but date? Maybe it could be better to change it with resolution, especially when there's no ability to have different resolution snapshots in one comparison. Ideally i'd like that info overlay could be customizable.

And bug reporting: i got crash when trying right click on history snapshot with "size dismatch" text.
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2016-04-15, 20:05:25
Reply #1262


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Sorry, I'll back to the theme DR+Adaptive+DeNoise problem's///
Why in DailyBuild Mar 2016.03.12 Adaptivity and Denoise perfectly working with
DR, and  in the following Daily Build's// not working???
What's wrong after daily 2016.03.12??
« Last Edit: 2016-04-15, 20:27:46 by denisgo22 »

2016-04-15, 21:46:08
Reply #1263


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Sorry, I'll back to the theme DR+Adaptive+DeNoise problem's///
Why in DailyBuild Mar 2016.03.12 Adaptivity and Denoise perfectly working with
DR, and  in the following Daily Build's// not working???
What's wrong after daily 2016.03.12??

I have the same question. Still using build from 2016.03.12 because all latest builds have the same problems with denoising + region render + native VFB update which were reported some time ago here.

"I tried build from 25-03-2016, there some problems I've noticed with region render and denoising:
When region has been rendered denoised picture has rendered region as it should be, but the rest of it is actually from the last picture which has been denoised. So if I rendered something with no denoising or canceled it I'll get last denoised part of the image even if I changed camera. Not denoised picture looks like it should.
After several times of switching to region rendering and back to full picture rendering denoising stops work. Denoising reports very short process but it doesn't do anything. After reset Max it starts to work again"

"Multiple regions for render is really great thing! Thanks!
But trying the build from 2016-04-10 noticed that Corona renders region chosen from Corona's VFB slower than if the same region chosen from native VFB (actually it was the same with earlier builds with region render in Corona's VFB). Bad thing that now after using region render chosen from native VFB or VFB+ Corona doesn't update native VFB/VFB+ at all. It doesn't matter was the region render in Corona's VFB active at the same time or not."

I use VFB+ quite alot, so it's important to have there updated picture

Latest build from 2016.04.15 updates native VFB normally only untill denoising is switched on. After denoising used once Corona updates native VBF only if denoising is done, if it's switched off or canceled Corona doesn't update native VBF.

Max 2014, Win 7

2016-04-15, 23:06:15
Reply #1264


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Another VFB history bug. When recent snapshots size reaches set history size limit and first file that's still is displayed in history list is deleted from disk, max crashes. Hopefully i described it clear enough.

Hmm, I need some clarification on what Vfb history size means, well to be more specific - is it stored in ram or on the hard drive and if on a latter when there exactly it is stored ?

It is stored on disk, in: C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMaxDesign\201x - 64bit\ENU\en-US\plugcfg\corona\history
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2016-04-15, 23:25:37
Reply #1265


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Another VFB history bug. When recent snapshots size reaches set history size limit and first file that's still is displayed in history list is deleted from disk, max crashes. Hopefully i described it clear enough.

Hmm, I need some clarification on what Vfb history size means, well to be more specific - is it stored in ram or on the hard drive and if on a latter when there exactly it is stored ?

It is stored on disk, in: C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMaxDesign\201x - 64bit\ENU\en-US\plugcfg\corona\history

Thanks - it seems that symlinking that folder to some folder on a regular hdd will solve my worries and symlink I will do now )) But I still think this location needs to be set up by the user or more precisely the user should be able to set it up wherever he wants.

2016-04-16, 01:20:29
Reply #1266


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I agree with that. My SSD is nearly full, and I would realy like to be able to use history until I get a bigger SSD :)

2016-04-16, 01:57:13
Reply #1267


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I do like the interactive render region, being able to move it around while its rendering is pretty handy.

Can confirm crashes when deleting history images.

2016-04-16, 02:18:02
Reply #1268


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I agree with that. My SSD is nearly full, and I would realy like to be able to use history until I get a bigger SSD :)
Well as I wrote above symlink for that history folder works and works pretty well, but not everybody knows what symlink is or how to make those, so imo the ability to set up that folder is a must.
 If that helps anyone, for symlink creation I personally use this little tool and there's a couple of others, all of which are very helpful in keeping ssd space health in check - no more bloating chrome crap, no more NVidia\amd driver install files, no more giant 3ds max's autosaves lost somewhere deep in Users folder's depths in case one accidentally forgot to set up a project folder, even blasted c:\Windows\Installer\ folder which ate almost 30 gigs of precious ssd space was successfully moved to other hdd and resides there for at least half a year without any problems - well, you get the idea - no more ANY of unnecessary and bloating\space eating crap on my ssd's and all of this with the help of Symlinks !!!  yeah, I love them so much )))

2016-04-16, 09:40:07
Reply #1269


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Anyone noticed that denoiser can have quite significant impact on performance? It gives less passes and worse picture compared to image rendered without denoiser in the same amount of time. I was under impression that denoiser impacts only memory consumption and adds extra time on render end, but it seems that's not entirely true.
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2016-04-17, 13:45:35
Reply #1270


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Anyone noticed that denoiser can have quite significant impact on performance? It gives less passes and worse picture compared to image rendered without denoiser in the same amount of time. I was under impression that denoiser impacts only memory consumption and adds extra time on render end, but it seems that's not entirely true.

Can you post some examples of this? For us that's not been the case at all.
Alex York

2016-04-17, 15:34:11
Reply #1271


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I have nothing to show now. Did only few quick tests on basic scenes, maybe with more complex ones, difference is negligible. I'll try to do some more tests, when i'll have more time.
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2016-04-17, 23:36:34
Reply #1272


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Anyone noticed that denoiser can have quite significant impact on performance? It gives less passes and worse picture compared to image rendered without denoiser in the same amount of time. I was under impression that denoiser impacts only memory consumption and adds extra time on render end, but it seems that's not entirely true.

If definitely takes time to process at the end on 4k render, but not sure on the gives worse render with less passes.
I've been turning it on and playing with it at the end, most of the time I'll only have it set to 0.3 or so, otherwise it can make a mess.

2016-04-18, 13:33:15
Reply #1273

Alexandre SCELLIER

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About the new option in the corona multimap (hue randomization), why don't you insert all options multitexture offers : saturation and gamma + blur ?. It would be AWESOME !

2016-04-18, 13:42:23
Reply #1274


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Can you post some examples of this? For us that's not been the case at all.
If definitely takes time to process at the end on 4k render, but not sure on the gives worse render with less passes.
I've been turning it on and playing with it at the end, most of the time I'll only have it set to 0.3 or so, otherwise it can make a mess.

I've tested it on more complex scene and indeed although difference in noise pattern is clearly visible, it's hard to tell if it worse or not and the amount of passes stays the same despite denoiser being turned on or off. It's very simple scenes which renders very quickly that shows distinguishable difference. 90% of my recent renderings are quickie, so no wonder that i noticed that difference :]
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