Okay, sorry about that. I'll try to be more clear. I just meant this (render history A/B comparison). When I use DR, it no longer saves the CXR file. But without DR it saves it.
I have finally found time to conduct some tests for this. Corona 12 fh1, Max 2024:
• When rendering a single frame, with DR, the history autosave works as expected - file is saved on the master. Nodes do not save anything (it would be incomplete anyway). If confirmation window for deletion appears, OK-ing it will remove some file(s) and save, if cancelled, output will be saved without any deletion (this means confirmation window will appear on the next round of rendering too, as file count/size is reached)
• When rendering sequences, Max will throw a warning message, that only the last file will be saved, prompting for output. History autosave (not output autosave) is expected to not work here, which is fine with the tests too.
If you have a scene where rendering with DR does not do history autosave, please send it over and we will test it.
For the rest:
• Stopping (but not cancelling? any thoughts on this) IR should make history autosave. Currently it doesn't, only when pass limit is reached - this will be reported.
• Output autosave (the one made for full, complete renders by design), worked as expected in any scenario - single or sequence rendering, with or without DR. It automatically overwrote oldest files.
My suggestion is to use history autosave for IR (iterating over design, local rendering), and for complete frames use Output autosave, that is given you have not explicitly specified output for renders in Max.
The main difference is that history autosave automatically adds history items for convenience. But you can still load CXR from output autosave into history.
Another suggestion:
Output autosave automatically overwrites old files to store new ones, without any confirmation window.
Does it make sense to implement the same behavior for history autosave too?
Hope this clears things out.