Author Topic: Corona 12 Crash  (Read 6774 times)

2024-08-22, 12:49:21
Reply #30

Aram Avetisyan

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Another thing that I've noticed regarding chaos scatter. If I open the scene with scatter present ( edge trimming turned on in  the roll out ) and start rendering: If I'm rendering in IR mode, It crashes, In normal render it stucks in parsing mode, with max render windows missing at all.

Then, if I turn edge trimming off and on, it will render normally in both modes.

This can be yet another very good finding!
If that is the case for the scene you have attached, feel free to add that information in the ticket too (if you have not done it yet).
Support guys will process it further for QA.
Aram Avetisyan |
Chaos Corona QA Specialist | contact us

2024-08-22, 12:52:24
Reply #31


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Corona 12 h1 still broken for me had to downgrade again!!! I will wait now until I install windows 24h1.
Same here. I've given up and reverted to 11.2, what has windows 24H1 got to do with the installer crashing max?
Just a quick question for you  since our issue is typically the same ( Corona 12 crashes max on launch  after installing it), do you have Memory Integrity turned on or off under core isolation for windows 11? could it be possible that windows is somehow blocking the .dll file for corona, i once experienced this in some certain older versions of 3dsmax and had to turn that setting off.
I haven't tried reinstalling corona HF1 after disabling this windows setting. All the other suggestions from corona support did not work as well.