But why do you want them converted?
If you can provide some more details, I may be able to help you better.
Guys Come on? really? I know that you need a good reason in order to prioritize updates or make adjustments but..... Does it really matter why I need to convert them?
I need to convert them as a favor to my client that provide me these models, They dont have anyway to do this, and they need them as mesh.
What about if Im modeling forniture or something that in certain point I want to sell it on 3dsky or wherever, I need to provide a model so everyone can open it without any problem if they dont have certain plugins in order to avoid incompatibility.
This is something that I can do really easy and fast in ForestPack/RailClone
This could be something that you could improve, an easy way to convert multiple or every scatter in the scene as a mesh in order to use them if we dont have Chaos Scatter or any other special reason.
The question was not coming out from curiosity, but from trying to understand what you are after, and trying to be helpful.
Converting Scatter geometry to Max, even for one scatter object, can be very taxing for the scene - even if the instanced mesh can be simple, creating a large number of objects in the scene, which the conversion does, will most probably lead to scene freeze. I am not talking about hundreds of scatters. This will surely be the same for ForestPack conversion (if it does not attach all the scattered geometry into one object).
Unfortunately there is not way to do this in batch. I was trying to create a batch script for you with maxscript for this, but seems there is no way to do it.
This will be registered as a feature request, but this is not something that is regularly done, I believe.
If having the geometry "on place" was the end goal (given the screenshots, I think these are linear scatters), maybe other ways of modeling could be beneficial, e.g. the array modifier (which has solid scattering options too), which would later be easily converted into mesh.
I don't see any other option than to convert them one by one, I am afraid.