Hi Avi. I have been checking and i found the error. I imported 20 USD models in my scene and they have a USDPREVIEWSURFACE shader. It makes my WS to go slow. When I override a base material to all the scene, the CPU runs at 100%... when I hide the USD models, the cpu runs at 100%.. We I unhide the USDs the problem comes back.
There's no way to convert USDPREVIEWSURFACE to corona for now, so I think that maybe that could be an opportunity area for the corona Team.
1. What version of 3ds Max you are using with Corona 10 RC1? << 2024.1
2. What are the hardware specs of the system which is using 80% CPU utilization? << AMD 3960X - 64GB RAM - ASUS PRIME MOBO - M2 DISKS
3. What operating system is installed on this system? << W10 PRO
4. Please make sure there is no thread limit is set on this system. <<IS NOT. THE ERROR ARE THE USD FILES.
5. All systems which are taking part in DR using Corona 10 RC1 and same version of 3ds Max? <<YES. SAME WINDOWS, SAME 3DS MAX, PLUGINS, UPDATES, CORONA, ALL IS THE SAME.
6. How is the DR setup? Are the systems connected via LAN? and you are using Corona DR? << AMD 5950X - 64 RAM - M2 DISKS... ALMOST THE SAME THAN WS. - LAN CONNECTION. YES, IM USING CORONA DR SERVER AND I HAVE ENOUGH LICENCES FOR ALL.
7. Is this a scene-specific issue? For example: This is only happening with some particular scene you are rendering on DR or this is happening even with a very simple scene that has some planes and cubes. << I FOUND THE ERROR. USD FILES.
8. Does the node have a proper Windows, driver, and BIOS update? << YES
9. Make sure that power management is not set to some energy-saving mode, it should be set to high performance. << NOPE
10. It is also important to check the cooling of your node so we are sure it's performing as it should. << ALL IS COOL ;)
11. Is this issue happening only with Corona 10 RC1 and does not happen with Corona 9 HF3 or V-Ray? << I DONT KNOW, I INSTALLED C10 RC1 BEFORE WORKING THIS PROJECT. BEFORE I HAVENT USED MANY USD FILES SO I DONT RECALL HAVING THIS PROBLEM.
Thank you