Hi Chaos Team,
Once again I am coming back with the same issue. Every time I try to upgrade to the latest Chaos Cosmos browser, the browser crashes. This has been a persistent issue for me for a very long time. The only way to fix this issue is via setting up a number of steps via "terminal". I could never do it myself as it involves very technical steps. This issue has even been solved when one of your tech teams logged into my Mac remotely.
If it helps you, the last time I was informed by one of your tech team members who fixed my mac remotely mentioned that a file was missing from within the browser's setup file and this had to be added manually to my mac through terminal.
I will wait until tomorrow to get one of your team members to log into my mac once again.
Ian -
Oxocan London
P.S. Uninstalling and resinstalling of the entire Chosmos Excho system DOES NOT FIX THE ISSUE.