Author Topic: Corona Subscription Update by CHAOS  (Read 31420 times)

2022-10-17, 19:36:52
Reply #15


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The link "" doesn't seem to be working anymore?

The email we received was very unclear on how this would be affecting all of our license and the pricing seems a little concerning.

Right now we are paying €30/m for 6 workstation licenses and 25 node licenses so a clear picture on how licencese will be affected is desperately needed.

Generally not very pleased about the communication so far!

Over 14 years expereince in the CGI Industry. Always working with the latest and greatest technology.

2022-10-17, 19:41:27
Reply #16


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If you have specific questions, best thing is to contact the support team who can see exactly what kind of licenses you have and answer any questions you have on what is changing. is the place for that.

There should be an email that details what you will pay next renewal, and the renewal after that (everyone has at least 30 days before anything is charged at the new rate), and what happens to nodes kept from FairSaaS, etc. But specifics are best handled directly so we can see what you have, and hear what specific questions you have, and give you specific answers.
Tom Grimes |
Product Manager | contact us

2022-10-17, 19:50:23
Reply #17


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Now that the release is out, you should have full details by email of when you would see a new price, plus the website now has the details of Solo/Premium/Annual/Monthly (as your email will only have given you specifics about what you HAVE, not all the other options available, but now you can see those with everything updated), and the FAQ has details of questions such as the differences between Solo and Premium, etc.

And you are always welcome to ask specific questions, we suggest as the team there can look at your specific licenses and situation, but we can do our best here too of course.
Tom Grimes |
Product Manager | contact us

2022-10-17, 21:16:48
Reply #18


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Is there any thinking going forward for us using both Vray and Corona? I have the Vray Premium so I'm already paying for Phoenix and Scans and just need Corona, ideally in that bundle.

Also, who sees a value in getting versions for bot 3ds Max and Cinema 4D? I can see people using different renderers (like I am) but using different modeling tools?

2022-10-17, 22:03:32
Reply #19


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I am now installing Corona 9.  Can we still use 3 renderslaves on one premium or solo Corona subscription or are these nodes removed now?

Best regards, Ceasare

2022-10-18, 07:55:22
Reply #20


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The biggest bummer is, that you now have to pay for rendnodes.

Corona WS + 5 Rendernodes was 349,- . Now it is Corona Solo (322,80 ) plus 538,80 for the rendernodes. Thats an increase from 349,- to 861,60! Or did I missed something. ( I am not talking about the granted offer for longerterm user).

As Corona and Vray is one family, I really hoped, that AT LEAST, when I have to pay for rendernodes now, the rendernodes are usable for corona AND vray !!!

And as Benny said, do we get any bundles vray/corona, as with the premium versions, we have to pay twice for some products ?

Or does the corona Chaos Scans gives access to the vray Chaos Scans too?

Lots if unanswered questions in my eyes.....

2022-10-18, 08:33:43
Reply #21


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Another price increase. This is all going in the wrong direction. Render nodes to be bought separately, so that there is an impression that the price has not changed. It feels like Chaos Corona, not good old Corona....

2022-10-18, 08:49:23
Reply #22


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Hmm, I can understand a price jump because of the general way of things these days, plus Chaos Cosmos included. But a 44% increase is quite alot (From 289,99EUR to 418,80EUR)
And this is only if I keep paying every year, or else we're talking an increase that's just wild(Solo + rendernode pricing)

I think an open dialogue and breakdown/reasoning behind this decision would be welcomed. Seems like we're getting the short end of the stick right now.

2022-10-18, 09:05:55
Reply #23

Peter A.

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Hmm, I can understand a price jump because of the general way of things these days, plus Chaos Cosmos included. But a 44% increase is quite alot (From 289,99EUR to 418,80EUR)
And this is only if I keep paying every year, or else we're talking an increase that's just wild(Solo + rendernode pricing)

I think an open dialogue and breakdown/reasoning behind this decision would be welcomed. Seems like we're getting the short end of the stick right now.

Very well said!

2022-10-18, 11:07:31
Reply #24


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Corona will be dropped within two years by Chaosgroup if you ask me. I've seen these things before with great tools being bought by bigger company's.
(Canoma, softimage.......)
The sheer fact that Corona isn't even mentioned on the landing page of is a proof of that to me.

I will finish a commercial project that I am working on right now within the last discounted month of Corona Premium and will have to look for alternatives in the meantime.
I will abandon this sinking ship and my main reason is the drop of the rendernodes in the main license.
If Chaosgroup left the nodes in I could have had a choice for solo and would understand, and could also live with, the price increase.
But now my cute little renderfarm of three computers turn out to be useless....

2022-10-18, 11:10:54
Reply #25


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For clarity on the Render Nodes, nothing has changed here - extra render nodes were dropped with the release of Corona 8, not with Corona 9, so it's been this way since April. That is, unless you were an existing user before Corona 8 in which case you got to keep whatever render nodes you used to have, and you still get to keep those with Corona 9 too so long as your Premium subscription remains renewed.
Tom Grimes |
Product Manager | contact us

2022-10-18, 11:12:28
Reply #26


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On Chaos Scans, a Chaos Scans license is a Chaos Scans license and not tied to a particular render engine - this means if you own a Scans license from V-Ray Premium, it will work with Corona, and if you own a Scans license from Corona Premium, it will work with V-Ray. Same with Phoenix, and Player :)
Tom Grimes |
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2022-10-18, 11:16:54
Reply #27


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No plans for Corona to be dropped - bear in mind that it's now been 5 years since we joined forces with Chaos Group. Companies that buy-in-order-to-discontinue do not invest 5 years of money into a product, nor allow that product to keep developing at the rate we've been developing ;)

There are other reasons why the websites aren't merged, it's something we consider doing now and then but it's not been the right time so far, and certain problems with doing that (for our users) have not been resolved, and so we've opted to keep the sites separate for now. Of course if the websites DID merge, people would then use this as a sign that Chaos is going to drop Corona ;)
Tom Grimes |
Product Manager | contact us

2022-10-18, 11:20:46
Reply #28


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And on the reasoning for the new prices, the prices of all products was carefully selected based on the challenges faced by businesses in the current economic climate.
Tom Grimes |
Product Manager | contact us

2022-10-18, 12:03:11
Reply #29


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On Chaos Scans, a Chaos Scans license is a Chaos Scans license and not tied to a particular render engine - this means if you own a Scans license from V-Ray Premium, it will work with Corona, and if you own a Scans license from Corona Premium, it will work with V-Ray. Same with Phoenix, and Player :)

Thats good to know. However, a corona/vray bundle would be nice, as I think, there people like me, who own and use both.
Also, as I wrote above, a unified CHAOS RENDERNODE would be good, but I know, you would make less money :-P