Just for reflection I would light with HDRI and plug override reflection in corosettings.
If you mean adding a sun plus or less in the position of the hdri sun to add some hard shadows, I think you can achieve that too but in the very sensitive parameters world of corona : tricky :) I could achieve that with an hdri having a global multiplier of 20 and a sun having it's power at 0,2.. it seems that the important thing about is in the corona sun tab : separate sampling (below the choice of sun color input, by sky, or direct temp. choice,..)
The sensivity of corona + the exposure/highight compression makes it not so easy to figure at first but if you start by lightning only with hdri, exposure at 0 and highlight comp. at 1, you can tweak the multiplier of your hdri till you get correct result, may be a bit underexpose and then you can start 'adding' the sun, start from 0,05 even, and going up...
I'm very willing to ear about this separate sampling parameter, I think it's usefull when corona sun is not used with corona sky map.. but someone might explain more may be ?
Now don't expect purist too welcome that way, it is FAKE to add a sun to a sun. Some might say that a correctly exposed hdri already contains a sun.. you can 'paint' with photoshop a pure bright spot on your hdr to force shadows directionnality.
(a bit like
http://www.cgtechniques.com/tutorials/synthhdr.php you might find clearer sources about)