Let's hope layered material will be revisited someday :]
It could be bit more robust. Game engines now offer blend nodes that don't just lerp between two materials, but can 'stack' them (I think this is what the legacy Autodesk composite material was supposed to do ? But does anyone ever used it).
You could then lerp their diffuse/specular properties, but overlay normals.
This can be easily done through nodal network of course, but the charm of more advanced blend node, is that you can keep untouched presets, and mix them into final materials with very artistic, real-world resembling approach. A "dampness" layer, mixed with paving, would overlay normals, and multiply diffuse properties, lerping specularity, without any nodal network at all. Even a 5year old child could then easily create complex blended materials.
One can hope. Or not, when something like "check-box" caused hysteric reactions.