Thanks for your clear answer! Sounds great.
So the next question is - would it be able to get the same result on Google Cardboard and when?
Currently working heavily on a Cardboard related project.
After trying many viewers, I gotta say, the cardboard experience is heavily dependent on the viewer.
All Google printouts or products based on it suck so badly.
Stuff thats a little more developed, yet equally as cheap like the knox v2 do a good job. You need have a 1080, 5,5 inch phone at least or the experience is awful.
Next thing is implementation, if you use any app outside the Android Cardboard eco system be prepared for some heavy tweaking. All the different viewers are tagged by a QR code, that saves distortion values, fov, de abboration values and so on. But they are encoded behind a proprietary library called the google protocol buffer, which require a .proto, which is on github to decode that stuff + compiling and running the encoded QR code with the .proto file through Google's proto buffer library.
So any viewer that was setup by the google calibration proces, has all the values encoded. I spoke with many cardboard related vendors in the past month. No one has any idea what their values or even what their FOV is, since all data is hidden in the QR code encoded. Thus, any app outside the cardboard ecosystem, that did not take the time to implement this decoder will suck suck suck.
Since I'm kinda coding around in the field, I will post a conversion app in about a month for other to get their Viewers values, since currently nobody did anything like that.
But other than that, the experience is really great for us archviz people. It does it's job once properly setup.