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Messages - CharlyRT

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 9
For me, using IR its causing a lot of crashes, even when not using it, once it has been used in the session, 3ds max will become very unstable, and it crashes while editing materials, transforming and editing objects, using undo, etc, besides that, everything its ok in my workflow

About this Forum / Re: Notify me of replies
« on: 2024-12-03, 15:13:02 »
Thanks Tom, this did it!!!
Hope you can improve this Forum or incorporate to Chaos style
this one has many limitations or hidden features

[Max] General Discussion / Re: Corona 13 additions?
« on: 2024-12-02, 15:15:54 »
Hi Tom
Thanks for reminding me the Blog, I havent read it since long time.
On the other hand, I have already submitted a case with a bunch of minidumps but I havent had any response.
Ill try to upload another one, because I cannot share any from the company where I work.

About this Forum / Notify me of replies
« on: 2024-11-30, 18:57:25 »
How can I activate "Notify me of replies" by default in this forum.
Dont know why this is turned off and hidden, its obvius that I want to know when someone replies, If theres alot of messages, we can deactivate the function.

[Max] General Discussion / Corona 13 additions?
« on: 2024-11-30, 18:43:58 »
I love the new additions in Corona 12 update 1, unfortunately it crash a lot when you start using IR.
I hope this can be solved since it is very frustrating, apart from that, I would like to know what new things are coming for Corona 13 :)

[Max] General Discussion / Batch Render with Pulze SM
« on: 2024-11-29, 19:30:44 »
Hi, Im using Pulze Scene Manager to use it in Batch render, I only want to save the main CXR (that includes all channels) per camera
The thing is that if I activate the Automatic saving from History, its not saving any image, is this something from Pulze or Corona?

I want to know if theres a way to add the environment light from the Camera environment override with lightmix setup.
I have already submit this into ideas, but I want to know if theres already a way to do it

Thanks Tom
Its still happening in the other PC, I upload a pair of screenshots
Ill try to upload an empty file from the scene.

Hi Tom
No, its rendering from scratch, im doing another test in another computer, hopely I could take a picture, unfortunately I cannot provide the scene

[Max] I need help! / Re: script to lunch vantage
« on: 2024-11-22, 16:50:27 »
I have logged this as an idea, hope we can get a proper Vantage toolbar or make the Original works in both engines

Hi, has anyone noticed something strange while rendering with Corona 12 update 1?
Yesterday I was rendering a 4k image at 4% noise level limit, and the render time was changing from 4hrs to 330 hrs, to 4hrs again and never decreaced remaining time
Noise Level was progressing fine, I stopped at 5.5% in 2 hrs, but the message of remaining time was acting a little strange.
Im not an expert in Corona behaivior, as a Progressive render engine I havent seen something like this, could it be related to something odd in the scene?

[Max] General Discussion / Re: Download Corona 12 update 1
« on: 2024-11-19, 17:48:11 »
Sorry I missed this message - is it still happening? Did you try clearing the cache and refreshing in case it was pulling up a cached version?

Hi Tom, Yeah, I have tried with different Computers and Explorers, I have found the issue, the link sent me to, in there, theres no link but in it does.

[Max] General Discussion / Download Corona 12 update 1
« on: 2024-11-19, 16:06:38 »
Hi I wanted to download the newest update 1 for Corona 12 and theres not link to it yet, only for Hotfix 1

Thanks, but sometimes I cant. I got 2 crashes today and it gets completely stuck, the only way to get out is CTRL ALT DEL. This happens when IR.
Actually almost every time It crashes on the first try of IR, then I close it and try again and sometimes it works. IR usually will cause me crash and I have a beefy machine, 256 RAM, RTX 4090.

Recently Im having lots of crashes, but 3ds Max get stuck after saving an autoback and it doesnt create any MiniDumps, I have noticed that everything comes very unstable when using IR, if I dont use it I can work very smoothly, well, there are times when changing some parameter in materials or lights that takes too long, but no crash, as soon as I start using IR I have crashes with everything, moving objects, editing materials and geometry, undo operations, etc, its not that im using it while doing these operations, I learned my lesson but even with no IR, 3ds Max crash.

[Max] General Discussion / Re: State Sets
« on: 2024-11-05, 03:10:52 »
Thanks Marcin I already responded to the email
I couldnt use the link provided in the email, there was an error, also searching the ticked didnt work.

What I must say is that I have tested this in the last Corona 13 Daily build and it seems that its been fixed

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