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Messages - benmack180

Pages: [1]
[Max] I need help! / Re: Interior Scene Light Bleed Corona 6
« on: 2020-11-11, 12:42:48 »
It would be great if Corona can implement "Retrace" algorithm as V-Ray did to prevent lights leaking problems:
The lights leaks are even more prominent when I use render to texture (baking).

[Max] I need help! / Re: Lightmap baking confusion
« on: 2020-09-10, 16:17:06 »
Sorry for the delay. I have just added this thread to a list of RTT feature requests here:
Improving RTT is a high priority for us, as it seems that some important options are lacking in Corona now, however there is a lot of work for our developers already. Projection modifier support is scheduled for 1.8 version (, so I think this is the time we can also expect new render elements.

Hi @maru
It's been sometime. Please consider adding Lightmap RTT element into Corona roadmap.

Projection would be great. Also Normal, Bump

Pages: [1]