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Messages - teamwhd

Pages: [1]
sorry :-) I am blind and did not see forum pages button, so I chcecked only firts page :-)

I installed corona 12 in max 2023 and its crashing even in empty scene when I want to create corona camera or try to select corona camera to change parametres...........does anybody have same issue???

Yes when I imported some models with metal materials (from corona cosmos for example the white earphones without cable) then the NaN was there everytime either IR or denoise phase.

NaNs are now happening to me on both my computers with Corona 11 - it happens mostly in denoising phase, but also in IR. I was testing many scenarios, material overide without any maps and it always appears. Only solution working is not to use Light mix......which is not pleasant thing

Here is the file...I was not succesful...but did not try hard :-)

Standard bitmap solved it pretty nice, so I left the corona bitmap solution. I tried Clamp and it did not worked for me. My friend (see attachment) used composite to get rid of Alpha from png. Maybe to avoid usage of png files is better way...dont know.

Hopefully I found out…...just switched two things (see attachment)….thanks god :-)

Same story :-/

I am not able to find out how to make it work, please see attachments. The correct one is from max 2019 and corona 5 I think. Now I cannot make logo and all materials appear the same way.

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