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Messages - jarmo2127

Pages: [1]
General CG Discussion / 3ds Max Scripting
« on: 2023-09-29, 04:41:17 »
Hey Guys
Where to I find help on scripting - I have a repetitive task of selecting objects converting them to poly and welding the vets - I tried the script listen but is saves a selection set not the whole object vertices


Gallery / Re: A snowflake participating in perfect beauty
« on: 2023-09-24, 09:00:47 »

[Max] I need help! / Re: Color bleed on walls
« on: 2023-09-23, 01:36:42 »
I think I worked it out I think its a shadow from a blind

[Max] I need help! / Color bleed on walls
« on: 2023-09-23, 00:29:59 »
Hi Guys
I had a bit of a look but can't seem to find an answer- anyone experienced this wired color around the corners- there is no AO on the wall or ceiling material  - light is coming from the sun and sky and it not coming from the light in the bedroom as I have a light mix and its still there from when turned off. I have a feeling it is coming from the sky ? be interested to hear what you think, it seemed to be less of an issue when using an HDRI Maybe it's just the lighting setup. I seem to get in on a lot of my renders.  Its only a small thing but be nice to get it clean then add in my AO once it's clean. It could be the geometry not welded up there too maybe 


Hi All
The denoiser is not working in the the light mixer even though the denoiser is checked  in the each light selector any ideas ? Im using the latest corona 8 and max2019


[Max] I need help! / Re: miniature Tilt shift
« on: 2021-05-28, 03:23:14 »
Not really I was thinking of making an animation , Ive got an other question was the best way to do a test animation for eample can you some house use IR to do it ? 

[Max] I need help! / miniature Tilt shift
« on: 2021-05-27, 10:05:58 »
Hey Guy dose anyone have good example how to create the Miniature look,

Pages: [1]