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Messages - Achilles3000

Pages: [1]
[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Animation in Corona
« on: 2019-07-04, 20:05:07 »
Thanks for the replies guys. @BigAI3D , i got the scenefile uploaded here.
The Problem is, that when i want to save the whole scene, it says it can´t find specific textures from inside the material presets. I hope you can open everything the right way. all the settings you can. Thanks a lot.

@shane_w , thanks a lot for this information. I did not knew this. I will check it out.


[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Animation in Corona
« on: 2019-06-30, 21:21:03 »
like i wrote, this is not from me, mine is attached to the post of me as a link, not the youtube video. This video looks great, and it got less samples then i have. Wondering why my animation got noise

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Animation in Corona
« on: 2019-06-13, 13:58:32 »

iam a bit confused about my animation test.
I got the Idea of the UHD and the Settings and how to use it. I think.
Iam just wondering why my animation with 128 passes is so noisy. Well i remdered it out by recalculating the Cache each time again, does make sense that there is noise. But can you tell me,
if i would render the same animation with less passes , lets say 25 passes, will it stick the noise to the Position in 3D Space ? SO i wil have a kinda dirty animatuion but not the noise each frame showing up on a different position ? Right now its like confetti all over the Scene and i saw Animations with less passes, who were much cleaner. Of course the UHD will give a flicker free Animation like it says, but this noise is not Flicker, right ?
Iam just wondering how i can get clean animations out of corona.
for Example this Video. 100 Passes and no Flicker, no Noise.

If there is any tips you can give me, i would appreciate it a lot.
Here is my Animation.

I can upload the Videofile also if you like.

Thanks a lot.

[C4D] I need help! / Re: Interactive Renderer
« on: 2019-06-13, 13:15:56 »
Thanks for the quick reply. I know it is a feature, and it is really great. But somehow i can´t zoom out in the "interactive Render Vieport" I only were able to do so by mistake, i think i went first into C4d picture viewer and went back to "interactive renderview of corona" That´s why i was confused. Maybe iam doing something wrong but whenever i try to render in corona and try to zoom out, it wont work. Only zooming in.

I just figuered out iam on the wrong board. There is an own section for C4d User. Iam very sorry for this mistake.
Can anyone of the Mods transfer this into C4d ? Or should i open a new Topic ?

[Max] I need help! / Re: Blue Cheese Shader
« on: 2019-06-12, 11:23:33 »
Penicillin you can get from different food.

Peaches and so on :).

Great Shader tho.

[C4D] I need help! / Re: Interactive Renderer
« on: 2019-06-12, 11:13:10 »
I got the same Problem. But kinda not.

When i render in the interactive Render, it only renders the Region i´am looking at. When i scroll up or down, the areas left, causes by the resolution of course, just atrting to render when i look at it. That means, after 64 passes for example, the render looks beautiful, but the Areas you can´t see in Viewport, aren´t rendered. Can i turn off somewhere to avoid this and let corona render the whole image instead of only the part i can see ?

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