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Messages - Serj Scennikov

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Sorry for late response.
Sent you a bug report.
Request #274794

This problem occurs on network rendering using backburner. Cannot confirm if there are same problem when rendering locally.

Was the light source or its intensity in those frame too small or less for the bloom to be applied?

There's no bloom at all.
See attached files, where frames 74 and 76 have bloom applied, and frame 75 are completely empty.
This occurs randomly in each shot and each project. Random frames are completely black without any bloom applied. This can be seen by the size of the files.
If i re-render frames with missing bloom the same problem occurs once again on random frames. In the current state bloom and glare are completely useless in animations.

[Max] Bug Reporting / bloom and glare corona 12 in animation
« on: 2024-07-14, 08:28:21 »
Strange behavior of bloom&glare in animation.
Some of the frames rendered without it. Have to render those frames again.

As seen on the screenshot attached some of the frames are empty without any bloom.

This is happening random in every shot rendered both locally and network rendering.

[Max] I need help! / Re: Corona 11 ACES Workflow
« on: 2023-12-21, 07:59:38 »
Yes, its not perfect, but can work.
The problem is i have to uncheck LUT when i send it to render farm. Which is something that have to be remembered.
And because its something that should be remembered by the whole team of artists in studio this cause problems (people always forget to check/uncheck something)

[Max] I need help! / Re: Corona 11 ACES Workflow
« on: 2023-12-19, 16:16:05 »
Here is what is happening:

When using a custom color space (the "OCIO/ACES workflow"), the the VFB content is in linear sRGB instead of the expected gamma-corrected sRGB  - this is why it looks "wrong". The reason for this is that with the current color management implementation, Corona does not respect the 3ds Max Display and Views > Frame Buffer Default option.

We are working on improving the color management support and also trying to come up with a workaround that would allow users to see the image in the VFB as expected.
Also, we are planning new VFB features for Corona 12 (and a reskin), with the intention of making working with OCIO/ACES easier.

What works correctly right now is:
- Loading textures created in specific color spaces (there is a new drop-down for this in Corona Bitmap (and Corona Color))
- Rendering in a specific color space (all internal calculations are done in that color space)
- Outputting files with the selected color space and conversion (3ds Max 2024 "color management" section in the "Save image" dialog).

What we suggest:
If you do not need to load textures created in specific color spaces or are not planning to render in specific color spaces to bring your images into 2D editors or compositing software, leave the 3ds Max color management settings at the legacy gamma workflow.
Otherwise, you can use the available options (loading textures, customizing 3ds Max color management, outputting in specific color space), but bear in mind that the result visible in the VFB will be displayed in linear sRGB.

We are also working on a color management guide that we will share with everyone.

Sorry for not fully supporting everything. We are doing our best to improve this. Meanwhile, we are still interested in hearing what color management options you are interested in and why.

Sorry for late response.
Appreciate your feedback.

We do need to work in ACES color space in studio, for the meantime we are do all conversion inside our post process software, but its far from good solution.
I'm looking for the possibility to have process as streamlined as possible for 3d artist in studio to work with ACES.

Its important to have ability to see in Frame Buffer image converted to non linear sRGB image during interactive rendering (say while i work on lighting and shaders) and ability of saving as EXR linear ACEScg image.

This process implemented very well for example in Octane Render for Cinema4D.
Inside frame buffer you can chose color space to be shown inside FrameBuffer (either linear, or non linear converted to sRGB) without affecting output of the exr file.

[Max] I need help! / Corona 11 ACES Workflow
« on: 2023-11-30, 22:42:29 »
Hello, after seeing that Color Management were added to corona 11 i'm trying to understand how i can stat to use it.

I'm trying to understand why in Corona Framebuffer there are no conversion from ACEScg to sRGB.
Im using default max2024 OCIO config in Color Management tab, newer config gives me error that it is not supported/compatible.

Image 1 - screenshot how it looks in Frame Buffer.
Image 2 - file saved in EXR
Image 3 - standard conversion from ACEScg to sRGB

From my experience with Octane for example, what i see in Frame Buffer (image 1) should be exactly the same as Image 3.

Thanks in advance.

[Max] Resolved Bugs / Scene stops to render
« on: 2021-08-25, 10:08:14 »
While rendering on the local render farm, at some point there are significant jump in memory consumption and render simply stops to render at all. This is relevant just for one view. While trying to render another view, everything is good.

Scene archive achziv-penthouse-08.7z uploaded to the dropbox

I had same error, the reason was - that by some cases NvidiaAiDenoiser wasn't installed by the corona installer, so i downloaded it and installed separately.
That was the solution for me.

[Max] I need help! / Re: Any idea how to achieve this ?
« on: 2017-10-15, 13:03:37 »
I think I have an idea:
Maybe you can try instead of converting to mesh - convert to splines, and then scatter spheres with forest/railclone/corona scatter by splines?

Cant try it now, but you can check.

[Max] Corona Goodies - User Contributions / Re: Free HDRI's
« on: 2017-10-12, 11:48:04 »
I tried "pond_bridge_night_4k.hdr" and "waterbuck_trail_8k.hdr" (I don't have links, sorry, just checked my downloads folder). But I'm still on 1.5.2 if that makes any difference.

"pond_bridge_night_4k.hdr" was exactly the same file i tried yesterday without any issues with 1.7 RC8, i'll try "waterbuck" and if it'll load fine, then it probably will be safe to assume, that whatever issue was in 1.5, it is fixed now.

I also got errors with few of this maps, but only with maps that are lower than 16k.

What version of Corona did you try with?

1.7 RC7

[Max] Corona Goodies - User Contributions / Re: Free HDRI's
« on: 2017-10-12, 11:34:17 »
I also got errors with few of this maps, but only with maps that are lower than 16k.

[Max] I need help! / Re: V-Ray Convertor
« on: 2017-09-03, 16:21:30 »
Check 999 freshnel IOR chechbox and change it for example to 1.54 or whatever

i think vray hdri, vray triplanar texture. should be useful...
but we have both already...

Ok, as long as we see in future plans compatibility of vraymtl and vrayproxy when we should expect the coronamaterial and coronaproxy compatibility in VRay?
I know that this question should be addressed  to Vlado, but maybe even you can give some answers?
Or maybe Vlado itself can post some info?

about DomeLight, I don't have longer experience with vray but what I understand is it is a feature which gives user a room to store custom lighting options, am I right?
if ondra doesn't want it because of it could hurts corona's simplicity but in other hands users really need custom lighting options (including me sometimes).
then .. what about integrate custom lighting inside the CoronaCamera? :)

That's looks like very good idea, and maybe even improve it with implementation of something similar to camera resolution mod posted in one of the threads so users could have different settings for environment light, resolution etc. per camera

Regarding DomeLight requests - adding DomeLight would not resolve Corona's inability to store multiple environments for LightMix. That's a completely separate and more complex problem. What introduction of DomeLight would do is just making IBL setup in Corona more confusing and less straightforward.

Then there should be another solution for the cases when need to keep 2 and more different environments in one scene with easy access, control and switching. Not everyone works with the slate material editor to keep separate tab with different environment maps, so this is not the solution.

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