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Messages - Darawork

Pages: [1] 2
General CG Discussion / Re: 3D Gaussian Splatting
« on: 2025-03-07, 13:07:39 »
Just spotted this yesterday:

[Max] Feature Requests / Re: 3DS max point cloud render
« on: 2024-07-25, 16:29:20 »
"Whhaaat!?! Dudeeee!! Are you kidding meee? Are you freeakin' kiddin meee?!?!" Etc...

But yes, looks impressive :)

[Max] Feature Requests / Re: 3DS max point cloud render
« on: 2024-07-25, 13:45:53 »
+1 From me too.

I just discovered how to create DIY pointclouds from recording flyarounds in Google Earth, exported into Recap photo.
Would be great to be able to render them in Corona. The photogrammetry models are ok looking, but the pointcloud exports look a lot nicer.


Thanks for the replies all.
I think I'll go back to populate people for now.


Hi all,

I have a scene with about 15 people from the Chaos Cosmos browser preset -> Walking people.
They are dotted along a spline, with the usual Chaos Scatter process it uses.

When created, they are listed as seperate people, with the Scatter called "Walking People 001".

I would like to motion blur them for a single frame still, as they look very cartoony when standing still.
I know how to do the Camera (Geometry) motion blur technique, but the people don't seem to walk when the timeline is scrubbed.

Do these people actually walk, or are they somehow frozen because of the Scatter Process used to populate them?

Thanks :)

[Max] General Discussion / Re: Material Library / Management
« on: 2024-01-31, 15:31:43 »
We use Project Manager here, there is also a stripped down version called Material Manager. K-Studios.
Pretty good.


Some more handy Maxscript I found over the years to speed up Corona Workflow;

Denoise set to on with all Render Elements:
Code: [Select]
local RE= maxOps.GetCurRenderElementMgr()
local REcount=re.NumRenderElements()
--for i=0 to (re.NumRenderElements())-1 where (findstring ((re.GetRenderElement i)as string) "LightSelect") != undefined do
if REcount != 0 then
( for i=0 to REcount-1 where (hasproperty (local El=(re.GetRenderElement i)) #usedenoise) do
( if El.usedenoise then
( format (El.elementname+": skipped because UseDenoise is already enabled\n")
) else
( El.usedenoise= true
format (El.elementname+".UseDenoise: "+(if El.usedenoise then "Enabled" else "Disabled")+"\n")
) else
( messagebox "Your RenderElements is empty :)" title:"Denoise all RenderElements"

Clear Render Element File Paths:
Code: [Select]
re = maxOps.GetCurRenderElementMgr()
for i = 0 to re.NumRenderElements()  do re.SetRenderElementFilename i ""

Create Render Elements:
Code: [Select]
-- set a list of render elements.
elementlist = #(CESSENTIAL_Reflect, CESSENTIAL_Refract, CESSENTIAL_Translucency, CMasking_ID, CShading_Albedo, CShading_Alpha, CShading_Lightmix, CShading_Lightselect, CShading_Shadows, CMasking_WireColor, CTexmap)

re = maxOps.GetCurRenderElementMgr() -- get the current render element manager
re.removeallrenderelements() -- remove all renderelements
re.numrenderelements() -- get number of render elements

theManager = maxOps.GetRenderElementMgr #Production
rendoutputfilename = "c:\\test.tif"
-- adds all renderelements to be rendered.
for n in elementlist do
re.addrenderelement (n elementname:("OMP_" + (n as string)))
format "\nAdded % renderelement" n
rendsavefile = true
setsilentmode true -- used to avoid error message when checking the filename of element -- open Render Dialog -- get all render elements set and return name of render element and output filename
for n = 0 to (theManager.numrenderelements () - 1) do
el = re.getrenderelement n
format "\nGetting % render element" el.elementname
format "\nRender element outputfilename: %" (re.GetRenderElementFileName n)

Show Corona Material Library:
Code: [Select]
CoronaMaterialLibrary.MaterialLibraryFp.showBrowserIfPossible true

With all Render Setup Settings Maxscript functions, Render Setup Dialogue needs to be closed first, not open.
All credit to original authors.


[Max] General Discussion / Re: Corona on a laptop
« on: 2023-04-07, 23:27:35 »

Some very good explainations above.
I haven't bought a laptop in about a decade or more.
They are nice, and it's good to hear that they are getting better, generally.

But, more often than not, a Desktop will always be better in terms of configurability;
Hardware componant access, hardware upgrades, swopping out GPUs or even CPUS, expense, durability, watercooling, custom componants, neon fans, repair, etc.

It's nice to hear people are still buying laptops though.
Alienware, MSI, ASUS, HP, IBM, Dell. Nice.

They should bring back VAIOs, I always loved them.
Beautiful, powerful, but very brittle.

But in the meanwhilst, Desktops all the way.
The bigger the better. :)


General CG Discussion / Re: Max 2024 install? Anyone try?
« on: 2023-03-29, 21:38:26 »
Thanks for the move.


Yeah, in work were still on 2022.
No use in breaking something that works.

But at home, I get to install the new releases of AutoDesk products, and Corona.
It doesn't really matter if something explodes, I can usually fix it, or throw a bucket of water on it.
But working, it would be a different story.

I'm going to try 2024 with Corona 9 (Stable Release) in a bit.
Already sure it won't work. But interested.


General CG Discussion / Re: Max 2024 install? Anyone try?
« on: 2023-03-29, 21:23:59 »

I just downloaded 3DSMax from my Licence.
I had Max2023.3 installed before, so I uninstalled it, as my OS harddrive is small.
I then uninstalled Corona. Rebooted, and installed 3DSMax 2024.

Only then did I think to check if there was a 2024 Corona licence. Doh.

So, I'm not tried it yet. But I will after I reinstall Corona 9.
I doubt it will work with Max 2024 yet, it usually takes a few weeks before 3rd Party Plug-Ins catch up.
So I'm not full of hope that it will work.



Slow closing times are usually one of two things:

AMD cpu in your PC, when saving out before closing (Known problem, they are currently looking for a solution)
Or, Your scene is esponentially filling with hidden NoteTracks (also a known problem, yet to find a solution).

With the former, AMD problem, there is nothing you can do.
But with the latter, you can run some maxscript to clear out the NoteTracks:

NoteTracks are these little things:

They come in when merging xRefs into Max Scenes, and a few other ways.
But they tend to fill up some peoples scenes, ADSK are yet to find out properly why.
Sometimes there's millions of them. They can hyperinflate your scene too, in to the GBs in size.

Hopefully this helps.

Hi all,

Not sure if this has been implimented into 8 & 9 because I'm still on 7 (office restraints).
But, I miss being able to right-click on a bitmap in the slate material editor and choosing to 'edit' via Photoshop in shell.
It was a pretty handy but simple feature when working with other render engines inside Max.

Thanks :)

Hi all, just wanted to re-start this discussion as our team are currently trying to drop vray completely in favour of just using Corona only. Were're currently using Corona 6/7 and vRay 5.
Has there been any advancements in functionality of this sort e.g. In Corona 8? Seeing as it's now Chaos Corona 8, and the amalgamation of the two products is getting closer year by year.

Is there any mention of it on the current roadmap for future Corona builds?


Just tested it with max2016, and changing the environment map does work with Scene States.

This is still working in Corona 7 and Max 2020. ;)


Is there any way to set the Cmasking ID element pass to give out more 'clashing' colour types on a per Material basis?
Currently it drops pink besides purple for some, as yet unknown by me, reason.

When trying to select by colour range in Photoshop, increasing the fuzziness will more often than not select some unwanted bordering similar colour pixels that closely resemble pink/purple/red etc. It would make life easier if bordering colours were at polar opposite ends of the spectrum, if that was at all possible.


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