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Messages - clemens_at

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 10
try this:
Code: [Select]
for mat in (allPhysMats = getClassInstances PhysicalMaterial) do
mat.reflectivity = 0.0
mat.sss_scale = 0.0

James beat me to it :P
I think he wanted to set the values to 0?

same material and 50 different textures or 50 different materials?
in any way I would do it in maxscript. It's not hard, let me know if you need help.

jfyi, problem seems to be fixed with the latest integration.

That's really interesting

How did you determine this?

Connecter 6 has been updating recently and I have had a 'successful integration' message on my system.

We'll likely be losing Connecter before August due to the free teams change (going to subscription)

It seems that the more advanced it gets, the more features, the more issues

well, I had one node that did not have any errors when rendering, so we just compared what was different to the other nodes.

The guys from dc already confirmed the issue btw, so we should have a fix soon hopefully. In the mean time you can just remove the integration from the machines with the error.

we finally found out what is causing this:

it's the connecter integration. You can now conveniently uninstall it directly from the connecter app.

After uninstalling everything works as expected. I already notified the guys over at dc.

it is definitely a max problem.

The thing is I have 3 machines with the same max2024 & corona setup but only 2 are throwing the error.
Guess it's time to find the difference...

had the exact same error yesterday when trying to render with backburner.

its very strange, we also could not get rid of it. what render manager are you using?

I tested with pulze render manager just to see if that changes anything and it rendered fine. One node had the error but still rendered normally.

Just cool to see that video, I worked on the design of that real-world architecture project in Paris back in the day :D
very cool!

Can you send me the 3d model of this please ?
I tried to install adv array modifier but I use Autodesk 3ds max 2024 and didn't find it
the latest version of AdvArray (1.2.6) works fine with max2024.

the first example, the calatrave wave, is actually very easy to do.

fastest way would be with AdvancedArray and its built in Oscillate:

quick tutorial:

I think I had the same issue today.
A simple electrical socket with a box & slicer material for slicing the geometry behind it.The socket model itslef is exluded obviously.
Please see attached video.

Hardware / Re: Very noisy new ryzen build
« on: 2024-01-10, 15:07:36 »
In the Armory Crate dashboard I've activated Power Saving and that does help a bit actually. Good idea!
Its still certainly louder than the old machine - but bearable....

Armory Crate is Asus Software I have no experience with. I also don't think Power Saving = Eco Mode
Try to change the setting in the bios, you should have MUCH lower temperatures then.

Hardware / Re: Very noisy new ryzen build
« on: 2024-01-10, 15:01:26 »
Where do you search for this eco mode? In the BIOS, or in the Ryzen master? I have 5950X and i'm not super happy to hear fans ramping up on the load. It's not very bad, the fans are only blasting in full speed when there's sudden spike in load on one or two cores, which doesn't happen too often in my workflow, especially in winter time when the ambient temp is relatively low, but i think it wouldn't hurt to try that eco mode and if performance penalty is not very noticeable it might be worth tradeoff.

we have an 5950x here too and see quite a dropoff with ECO-mode enabled, so don't do that, instead just try changing the fan curves (those are quite agressive) - our system is completely silent also under full load.
Also I recommend you to do this:
we had about a 8-10% performance gain with negligable change in temperature/noise.

Hardware / Re: Very noisy new ryzen build
« on: 2024-01-10, 11:26:34 »
you could tweak the fan curves manually, 75-80 is not very high for the 7950x.
I personally would even turn on AMD's eco mode (105W) - you loose a little bit of performance but have a much cooler and quieter cpu.

Hardware / Re: Cooling down the i9-14900K
« on: 2024-01-05, 11:25:54 »
look into undervolting, you will loose a little bit of performance but have a much cooler cpu.
you should be fine with a good air-cooler then. (noctua for example)

Hardware / Re: New PC Build AMD v Intel
« on: 2023-12-20, 11:36:58 »
Intel is no competition for the new Threadrippers right now, so I would definitely go down that route.

Both the 7975WX and the 7985WX are good choices.

My take is the same as Jame's. The 7975WX, with the higher baseclock will be better for basically all tasks that don't take advantage of all cores, which are still a lot.

If its pureley rendering performance you need, then the 7985WX is a no brainer. 

Also keep in mind the 7985WX runs much cooler than the 7975WX.   

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