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Messages - Abdulmuminsmith

Pages: [1]
[Max] I need help! / Re: Corona Shader setups
« on: 2015-03-12, 15:12:34 »
Thank you guys so much! This community is awesome! :D

[Max] I need help! / Re: Corona Shader setups
« on: 2015-03-12, 02:40:08 »
Just to specify a little: I'm mainly looking for a good glass, metal (with some anisotropy), wood; natural, wood; glossy finish, and concrete. Hopes this helps! :D

[Max] I need help! / Corona Shader setups
« on: 2015-03-12, 02:34:59 »
Hey guys, is there a place where I can see shader setups for various Corona materials or explaining the basics of material creation? I'm very new to the shading system; I looked on the Corona material library website but I use Blender and CML only has them available for .MAX download. Any help? Thanks! :D

Chaos Corona for Blender / Re: Corona won't render.
« on: 2015-03-11, 01:21:59 »
Turns out I didn't have a lamp in! Sorry guys, I'm an idiot sometimes! XD

Chaos Corona for Blender / Re: Corona won't render.
« on: 2015-03-10, 21:56:47 »
Yep, one sun lamp. The scene setup is very simple, as it's literally my first scene ever with corona. It's a cube, a plane, a sun lamp, and of course a camera.

Chaos Corona for Blender / Corona won't render.
« on: 2015-03-10, 20:34:44 »
Hey guys, I am VERY new to Corona and got the exporter for Blender (I'm using Blender 2.73 btw). After I've exported the configurations, materials, and objects I press render yet all I get is the alpha background and a time stamp. I'm not too familiar with the render settings as there are quite a few. Any ideas?

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