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Messages - MetricaVisuals

Pages: [1] 2
Hi, we are having a hard time with a small scene thats crashing all the time under interactive rendering when we make almost any changes..
We are using corona 11.1 and max 2024
To reproduce the crash i just start interactive and change the sun properties

Im also creating a ticket with the scene.
Please help !

[Scatter] I need help! / How do I .. In chaos scatter
« on: 2024-04-30, 23:16:32 »
Hi, im trying to do some simple scatter using chaos scatter.

1. First when i make an spline scatter, where can i specify a surface for it to stick to??
2. How can i scatter an empty object ? In forest i just create an empty object and that way i can have an scatter that has some gaps, like its not filling all the spaces (its really handy, trust me...)
In corona scatter if i create a box and turn it not renderable the scatter will render it... If i create a dummy it will not work..

Thx in advance !

Gallery / Our video Reel for 2023
« on: 2024-03-18, 15:54:49 »
We finally made a reel :)

The vast majority of our projects are still under NDA but we manage to gather some nice ones to share.
Eager to hear your comments :)

Im using a different pc to do the rendering, but also have tried on the same pc that has the 3dsmax scene opened and the result is the same.

Big update: Turning all the railclone to mesh works, the render runs just fine through Pulze render manager and our farm.
Already contacted itoo with the findings

Hi, we are experiencing a bit of pain lately, we are trying to render a very simple scene through Backburner AND Pulze render Manager with the same bad luck, we got this message
''An exception occurred while rendering with 3ds Max. This render will abort. If you render again without resolving the exception, you may experience instability"  The scene starts parsing and it closes leaving that message on backburner or the logs of pulze render manager.
We are using max 2023.3.4 and corona 10.2
The scenes will render locally with no problem, our network is working for everything else that we throw

Please HELP!

*Update  We also test Corona 11.1 and the results were the same error

Gallery / Casa Ledge / Desai Chia Architects
« on: 2024-01-10, 14:48:43 »
Architecture: Desai Chia Architects

We developed this house as an internal training project for our last team member in order to teach him the office workflow, and to test new training ideas.
The project took 1 month of constant training, revisions and previews, in the end the result was very good and we expect to replicate the process with the next new members of our team.


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Hi, i have a bit of trouble with an animation shot, i have a top view camera looking at a string light, it has lots of lights, the problem comes on the animation side, not all the bulbs show on each frame, I have tried different noise targets, solvers, corona settings, the best combination has been uping the resolution and lowering the noise target, but for an animation its all going to hurt the render time, anyone has experience in this ??
Im currently rendering at 2560*1440 and 5 noise target (was targeting 1920*1080 but its way worse..)

Hi Aram, here is a video showing the behavior

Thx Aram for the explanation, it would be REALLY helpfull to have that as a warning on the corona error window, i Spent a day and a half trying to figure it out...

Hi, i have encountered a bug regarding the corona proxy exporter dialog.
If i put a range from 0 to 48 and hit export, IF the max timeline is set to 0-100 it will export 101 Frames
if the max time line is set to 48 it will export 49 frames.

Using max 2023.3.4   Corona 10.1

[Max] Resolved Bugs / Re: Weird shading in corona 10 vs 9
« on: 2023-08-11, 16:24:58 »
Hi Maru, ticket made   #145511

[Max] Bug Reporting / Re: Corona Out of Core Textures
« on: 2023-08-10, 16:44:43 »
Hi, we are finding the same issue were a user saves a file (pc1) another user loads that file (pc2) and corona gives us a warning that out of core folder cannot be found becouse it is looking for user pc1 on the Pc2... we have plenty of free hard drive space..
Corona 10.1   Max 2023.3.3

[Max] Resolved Bugs / Weird shading in corona 10 vs 9
« on: 2023-08-10, 16:33:53 »
We found a bad corona 10 behavior on a couple of situations involving corona AO and in other circumstances with round edges.
We narrow the problem on a combination of Corona AO and a specific color correction map being used.
and for the round edges it was a combination of a map and the non legacy (the legacy option was fine)

Non of this happens in corona 9

Corona 10.1 and 3dsmax 2023.3.3  win 10
We can share a private scene, its a big file..

Gallery / CU Hotel
« on: 2023-07-25, 23:52:29 »
CGI:               Metrica Visuals
Design:          5Sólidos
Location:       Puerto Rico
Type:             Hospitality
Year:              2020

MV-2014-5-Solidos-Culebra-Bar-01-Post" border="0

MV-2014-5-Solidos-Culebra-Bar-03-Post" border="0

MV-2014-5-Solidos-Culebra-Condos-04-Post" border="0

MV-2014-5-Solidos-Culebra-General-01-Post" border="0

MV-2014-5-Solidos-Culebra-Lobby-03-Post" border="0

MV-2014-5-Solidos-Culebra-Lobby-04-Post" border="0

MV-2014-5-Solidos-Culebra-Tent-02-Post" border="0

MV-2014-5-Solidos-Culebra-Tent-04-Post" border="0

Gallery / Hyperloop Desert Campus
« on: 2023-07-25, 23:50:46 »
CGI:               Metrica Visuals
Design:          Mariana Cabugueira, Begum Aydinoglu and Juan Carlos Naranjo
Type:             Contest
Location:       Nevada Desert, United States
Year:              2020

MV-2013-LAP-Hyperloop-Desert-Campus-Cam-01-V3-Post" border="0

MV-2013-LAP-Hyperloop-Desert-Campus-Cam-02-V3" border="0

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