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Messages - merovingl

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3ds max 2012 windows vista
4 cams, visualisations overlayed on each other.
Attached picture says everything

Keymaster this is the same problem, and it had solved there:,3555.0.html
You can delete, or remove this topic to Resolved bugs, ty.

I'm not developer, so I cant manualy send report to microsoft from there

I made what i could, but without code attachment (in picture below)

Hi again Keymaster. I had setup vista ultimate, and checked all updates (with all language packs, that was my mistake) and it took long long time to update, and in the end of it, i'v got outage. And after that I had update error. So i've started from the begining, vista business, all updates completed, many times restarted and checked new updates. I've got same errors.

Error with avx2check
Error during 3ds max start.
But I dont see any option, button to send report. What to do, how to send it?
There is no any log information.

Right now I dont have this option, becouse i dont have vista on that slave, as I said, I had setup windows 7, and full update of it took whole day (and I am at home right now :) ). But I shall think, what I can do to repeat this error (on next week)

I will write to you when I'll be ready as soon as possible.

I have 1 fx-8320 that was tested already, and also i have 2 more fx-8320. But I will build render slaves with them later, month, or more. If we have time, I can(shall) use another version of vista (not buisiness) and maybe another motherboards with next 2 pc (I can test it in any way). And when we will have statistics, we submit bug report to microsoft. Or we can make it faster. As you wish. 

I had setup windows 7, fully updated it, avx2 test completed!

Vista doesnt have that special core update for amd fx 8320(and other fx?), as i think.

I have 3 pc with amd 1055t, windows vista, and they run fine.

Administrator, you may move topic to solved.

No ideas? :(
I shall try another OS then

Hi, the problem is as here in the first post.,3098.msg25848.html#new
Error Loading max(coronautils2012.dlt, corona2012.dlr for 3ds max 2012, and coronautils2013.dlt, corona2013.dlr for 3ds max 2014)
AVX2 check crashes. (amd fx 8320 support AVX1)
vista buisness 64bit fully updated (reloaded and checked for new updates many times)
amd fx 8320

I tried to use legacy corona's files, but the same problem with 3ds max 2012, 2014.

I tried many restarts of pc for invisible updates setup.

p.s. amd fx 8320 support sse 4.1 (I was surprised)

[Max] Resolved Bugs / Re: Error Loading
« on: 2014-04-17, 15:07:23 »
Hi, the problem is as in the first post. AVX2 check crashes.
vista buisness 64bit fully upadated
amd fx 8320

I tried to use legacy corona's files, but the same problem with 3ds max 2012, 2014.

I tried many restarts of pc for invisible updates setup.

Thank you very much, i will try it tomorrow, but im shure it will work. By the way, there are people who have the same problem, when all updates doesnt help, and it's the cure!

Thank you for answer. I tried windows vista, 7 fully updated.
But i dont see the legasy directory and files, where are they?

Hi. Cpu - amd fx-8320.
Corona make mistake when detect cpu with sse 4.1, and think that fx-8320 handle it. And so corona does'nt work, 3ds max 2012, 3ds max 2014 make error during loading (error code -1073741795 - (null)) "Illegal Instruction (0xc000001d) at address 0x00402818" means that you are trying to run an application built with instruction sets that are newer than the ones that are built into the CPU.

So how to make corona use slow version with fx-8320?

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