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Messages - besto

Pages: [1]

"It seems that this issue is not exclusive to Corona. If you attempt to open the scene without having Corona installed and it still freezes, you may see a different message: "Finalizing Load." I suggest merging the scene by groups of geometry instead of merging everything at once. This approach will help you identify which specific element or elements might be causing the freeze."

This tells me they didnt even check the scene once! Cause than u would have said that the problem isnt corona render...

what should be problematic in my scene? not fancy modifiers..just edit polys and uwv maps...

have the same problem on and on. with scenes that where started with previous version.
i just sent an example. file size only 120 mb. almost no materials.

it doesnt take 10 minutes BUT it loads way to long for its size.
and of course "loading corona assets)

scene is on its way

Sweet. Thx!

I just switched from corona 9 to 11 and I seem to be blind, but where is the "Use settings from map" option in the CoronaColorCorrect Map? This was essential for my workflow, especially for fast editing of vegetation shaders and so on?

this option is still refered in the online help!?

problem still exists for me although i removed randomizer.
seems to a problem with an arroway texture (they are large of course). i use arroway textures for wood a lot and never ran into any problem with previous corona version. i can send u scene if u like?

just updated to corona 11 and worked on a scene previously made with corona 9.
finally found the elements. as soon as i turned the objects with the problematic material on the fps dropped to 0-3.
i do use randomizer regularly. in this case removing the randomizer didnt help. i also had to use the multimap too (which i always use for color variations).

please fix this. i will run into problems with most of the scenes now!

[Max] Bug Reporting / Re: endless parsing scene
« on: 2022-09-28, 15:00:39 »
Same problem here (since corona 7). I do use Pulze Manager too, but only for a day now.
But with this bug still existing, batch rendering is quite useless ;-)

I have to say, that the problem doesnt always occur.

Problem description:
Starting a rendering
Corona VFB shows up, stays black...
Scene Parsin forever
I have to activate/click on the VFB window once, than rendering starts immediately

Very annoying

I use latest max 2022 and corona 8 hotfix 2
most of the day i have multiple instances of 3ds max active...

Jobs / Asset Modelling / Tutor for Max & Corona needed
« on: 2022-07-12, 12:01:45 »

i have a small archviz company myself and i wouldn't call myself an 3ds max pro ;-)
I am in need for 2 different jobs/collaborations:

1. From time to time i need help with asset modelling in superb quality (like lamps, furniture and whatsoever)

2. I am looking for someone who can help me with improving my skills using max, corona and itoo. within the next weeks and month i am especially looking for someone who can help me with environmental modelling and rendering. not on a large scale but on a small scale. for example the garden of a residential house or a garden environment for a garden house for example. i am striving for super hyper mega realistic quality ;-)
tutoring shall be done online via skype or similar and a screen sharing software. i do speak german and english. i was thinking of paying you by the hour. so the tutoring will always be based on concrete ideas/references. i am not looking for general tutoring. i need someone who is working/showing me how to get the desired result.

so if u are interested. please send me a message with some fitting references and how much u wanna charge (per hour)
if u have any questions please let me know!


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