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Messages - Fritzlachatte

Pages: 1 ... 5 6 [7] 8
Gallery / Re: architects office
« on: 2016-02-17, 23:35:23 »
Neufert + Schneider Bautabelle... so so!

[Max] Daily Builds / Re: Daily Builds
« on: 2016-02-07, 08:03:22 »
Your "support" is absolutly one of your "unique selling points" I just realized there was a problem with the "save all function" and one night later before I had been able to post the problem you fixed it in a new daily build.

Everybody is always friendly and amazingly fast, I never felt the need for being part of a "web community" before, but here in the forum even I must realize, great product, great people, great renderings 24/7 :-)     

This level of details ist great, congratulations for your Evermotion-award it is a pleasure to find new details in your pictures. This guy in your last picture is slightly on the edge of being a messy. Is he 3D or just one of the best cutout integrations of the last weeks. I am not sure if he is too nice for this loft, he appears so orderly and won´t sleep in your orange plastic bed soaked with sweat (I hope it is not you and I insulted you :-) ) In general the people have bearded Hipsters with Arms like horse thighs ten times covered with new layers of tattoos an obligatory singlespped bike, "gracing" the brickwall.
But maybe those type of guys would fit aswell... But what am I writing, it ist great!

Gallery / Re: Leer Rescue Station
« on: 2016-01-31, 11:14:55 »
That is what i call a german mood!

I totaly agree, 80% Photoshop. Classic german architectural competition graphics, flavored by the all time favored switzerland "end of days" style while squinting to Zumthor feat. Dudler :-)
Nice architecture, but as usual for competitions it is not clear, if it is concrete or metal. It reminds me a little bit to this one :
Germans love slightly over composed images (yes, ich komme auch daher und kenne es kaum anders..)
But the engraved PS- inner shadow layer style of " Rettungswache Leer" is not well done, next time you should try to handle this in 3DsMax.

But I think this one will make the race!

Gallery / Re: Gray Day
« on: 2015-11-25, 11:12:22 »
Wow, I like the feeling of beeing sad, "gray" and partial influenzal malady feeling on one side and being perfectly satisfied wathing this beautiful piece of art on the other.

Pleased to feel unhappy :-)

Gallery / Re: blue Lk WC
« on: 2015-11-18, 13:31:00 »
In other threads he is promoting his stuff, but banning him would be really rough. ( I would be missing his nice renderings)
Maybe just deleting links to his store would be enough to achieve inner peace of justice?!

Hardware / Re: Intel Xeon Phi
« on: 2015-11-18, 13:23:58 »
I just realized, that a lot of the architecture has been redeveloped and it will be addressed as x86 cores and will work CPU based.
It is hard to imagine,that such an additional card will boost any non analyzing applications, but I would be great if I am wrong.
I was amazed when I read about those 10 Core Broadwell-EP CPUs but 76 cores sound theoretically thrilling an too nice to be true... :-)

Gallery / Re: Nordic Pack
« on: 2015-08-05, 20:56:11 »
The Idea of multiplying ( I just learned "multilevel selling" should be the right term) is funny indeed. A new dimension of "Re"-selling but the aftertaste remains queasy. But I liked that you pointed out the abuse of a great product.

Gallery / Re: Nordic Pack
« on: 2015-08-05, 18:37:33 »
But not at costs of other people's stuff. The single Icelandic HDRi from CG-Source costs 20 euro, that I see was used :- ). If I would continue counting the other assets I recognize it would be well over 10 times that.

Do I understand this right, the HDRI etc. has been "re-resold"?!  I had quite often realized 3d Models from e.g. 3dsky and other CG-sites which were used here and sold as a part of this "unique" package. If I imagine the hours for modeling a simple table with an average level of detail, it takes some time and even if I would decide to release it for free to a community of fellows, I would be a little pissed off, without some credits.

Just my opinion, but for sure, the images look great. ( seems to have a good environmental lighting :-) )

Gallery / Re: Shelter in the woods
« on: 2015-07-04, 14:31:06 »
wow, great render, but karklinskarlis was right, the balanced contrast pushed it a lot!

Great work!

Gallery / Re: Kitchen France
« on: 2015-03-28, 18:05:51 »
The idea of an "invisible" kitchen and how the architects handled it, is clever, but why the hell don´t they hide the ugly 0815 faucet in one of three cabinets ?! Instead they have an iMac inside, sorry that is childish. Thats the point where I prefer the rendered non branded "remake" to the original version. He has a better contrast/ choice of colors and I really like the portrait of the black woman. The original has to many colored distractions so Asvee gave the composition an added value. I think Juraj is right with his uplifted forefinger of integrity and I thank him for the possibility of comparison to the original and other great projects of i29 I didn´t know before. btw. Juraj´s first message was quite friendly, ain´t no need for varicose veins.         

Gallery / Re: RM_Living
« on: 2015-03-28, 11:48:43 »
Outstanding, these purple colors are not mine, too funky but your shaders are amazing. Especially your stainless steel is one, if not "the" best I have seen. At the beginning i thought ohhh fireflies, but then... nice little water drops! Great work.
Maybe you could make some screenshots of your shader compositions. 

[Max] I need help! / Re: Corona Displacement
« on: 2015-03-27, 12:09:11 »
that is a really interesting aspect, for the bricks rocks etc. it felt quite fast, but the fact of view independents might become a problem.
I had the misgiving hunch by a lack of "ultra" fine details like wooden planks in closeups and whatever needed ultra high details.
Quite often I had the feeling corona displ. "kills" fine details or blurs to much at corners but as usual (sadly) everything has pros & cons.
But I thank you for these informations, sounds logical and far away from "ultra stupid";-)

[Max] I need help! / Re: Corona Displacement
« on: 2015-03-27, 11:34:15 »
But this workflow is not always usable

And I thought I found something similar to the holy grail :-) But because of my attending interest do you know examples of operations the modifier will fail.

Because of the variegated adjustments of fine-tuning like blurring, decay and the option of extra noise/ 2nd displ. texture etc. it makes a good job. 

[Max] I need help! / Re: Corona Displacement
« on: 2015-03-27, 10:41:12 »
I was wondering why nobody already considered the alternative use of the standard (non vray-) displacement modifier.
While playing around, I found a lot of benefits. While using it, there is a proper preview of mesh-deformation.
I tessellated / smoothed both meshes, but when I use the corona displ.shader option, I don´t like how it handles the details
and transitions between e.g. grout > bricks.
Another point is the fact, that I can collapse the object with the former displacement to a new "bricky" mesh, which might safe render time.

I hope nobody will abuse me for this proposal, just an idea.

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