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Messages - LKEdesign

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[Max] Resolved Feature Requests / Re: Real World Map Size
« on: 2013-12-05, 13:56:13 »
isn't it just to make a global scale factor for setting the sample sphere when maps are set to Real World Map Size units  in the general setup aside with the quality setting for the sample sphere. in other words you set a size the sphere should represent globally when maps are set to RWMSU.

If maps are set to use RWMSU  then the sphere is set to show it in fx 2m x 2m (the setting set in the general setup.

The problem might be that you must handle the procedual maps so they follow the same scale relatively - but I suppose its the same problem you meet when you render it in the scene.

[Max] Resolved Feature Requests / Re: Dirt map?
« on: 2013-12-05, 13:43:29 »
Keymaster, have you considered getting in touch with Matthias Senz from enRichPro (making RichDirt) - I have already been talking to him about Corona and he seems interested in porting RichDirt to Corona to. if you are interested I can give you his contact data.

I don't know if you can call this a bug per say, I find the Corona VFB acts strange when you render using render nodes managed by BackBurner (don't know if it does the same using other managers).
When a render node receives the job and begin to calculate, the VFB window is extremely small and the view scale is set to 1:32 !?
When you resize the window dragging the frames, and zoom in to a better scale the window tends to stop updating.
I don't know if the use of Windows Remote Desktop have any influence on this - this is the way I keep an eye on the various rendernodes in my render farm. I haven't had any possibility to check this behavior without WRD, as my render farm is placed on another floor in my office.

I guess it's pretty useful to convert skies. Since those are kind of maps/materials it may happen in a material converter. Sure, it could be equally done in a lights converter thing but that's not my business ;)
About the changing render thing. I don't like changing the renderer directly. That's something the user should do. There are sometimes things you want to check twice before switching the renderer - and this is (for both) just a click or a line of code.

i agree with Quizzy, after having worked with the converter for some days now. It feels logical that you have an option, a checkbox, giving the opportunity to automatically switch the render - as this is what you will do 9 out of 10 times after converting the materials - there is not much point in staying at the old render once the materials are converted.

To prevent undesired switching, you could uncheck this option when entering the converter, so that the user must make an effort to make the switch - but a little less effort than to go to render dialog and change render. We are all lazy at some point, aren't we?!

[Max] General Discussion / Re: xref scene not working?
« on: 2013-12-04, 20:03:39 »
Arrrrgh!! you are a tough guy to deal with Keymaster  ;O) 

So here you have it ...,2154.0.html

 - this was my second image made in Corona - lots to come!! Especially when I get a version with the Xref scene bug fixed ;)

I feel like an addict begging for one more fix ...  to take me to heaven!

Work in Progress/Tests / WIP - Bathroom in new townhouse
« on: 2013-12-04, 19:59:28 »
This WIP is part of a larger project of an area in Copenhagen - I have already done the major part in Mental Ray, but the bathroom here was much easier to do in Corona as i fx. didn't had to fight with splotches in the reflection of the wall in the mirror. In MR I had to make a 360 final gather trip to kill them  - here I just pressed render - So cool!!!

 This is my second image done in Corona, so bare with me :) I will be better!

[Max] General Discussion / Re: xref scene not working?
« on: 2013-12-04, 19:46:27 »
OK, can I do anything to get access to the daily builds that fix my problem?
I have just started working with Corona and haven't any real nice images yet  - that was the plan to do with this project actually.
I have made a WIP post in the gallery though - hope it show my right intentions  - and you will have mercy with me.

My WIP post:,2153.0.html

This is my first real project running Corona. I'm an old Mental Ray guy - but this render is beyond anything else I have seen - and it is only an alpha - WOW!

Most of the building parts are made using AutoCAD Architecture and most furniture are made in MAX. I haven't had time make any nice additions, such as chamfer edges and gabs between doors and their frames (sadly it is not possible from with in AutoCAD Architecture), as I get daily updates/changes of the building layout.
This is actually one of the advantages of Corona  - its so damn fast to make clayrenders - or should I say chalk renders :)

So .. Here is the first stage - many things will probably change - more things modeled and inserted ect.

[Max] General Discussion / Re: xref scene not working?
« on: 2013-12-04, 19:28:32 »
Have this Xref scene problem been solved in the current public alpha release, or only on daily builds?? Because I have the same problem as the others - Xref scene doesn't work but Xref Object does. See attached screendump.
I have taken the risky jump to try to make a current project using Corona - as it has some really good and useful features i need fo this project,  and now I am a little set back because of this problem.

But really I am so excited about this render!!!!

ALl the best - and please help!

First of all, thanks for a great script, - not just a normal re-piping thing but an intelligent one - so cool!
I am hassling with the Autodesk Materials problem to as I work closely together with companies working with Revit, and yes, as some other here wrote, sometimes I fall in the pit of laziness and grab to the fast solution of choosing a premade Autodesk Material. Often regretted afterwards, but never the less sometimes  it can be usable. The settings are however often very weird, - not the least for us Europeans that work with the metric system. God Damn It!!! (Wake up Autodesk!! )

Seeing it in the light of this, would it be an idea if the converter had an option - or rather two ...

1) Gather all objects having unconverted/unsupported materials in a named selection set
2) add a default white (or a Corona material of your own choose) to these objects. This might be a  function that was only possible if the first option was chosen.

This will make it possible to painlessly convert (old) scenes and be able to render them without having it glowing red from everywhere. At the same time it would be easy to isolate the problematic objects and manually change their materials.

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