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Messages - mraw

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[Max] I need help! / Re: DR- license server: config files
« on: 2016-07-21, 18:26:37 »
After rebooting it worked. I'm using windows for over 20 years now- when I will learn that you have to reboot first each and every time something isn't working as expected?
thanks, TomG.

[Max] I need help! / Re: DR- license server: config files
« on: 2016-07-21, 17:44:32 »
Thanks for the quick reply, TomG.
thanks to your link I remembered how I did it for the other nodes. The txt.file was placed in localuser/appdata/blah and I tried to mimic this for the new node.
Dr started fine like:
2016-07-21/17:33:50   DR server started
2016-07-21/17:33:50   Starting UDP socket, local hostname: Xeon-1
2016-07-21/17:33:50   Running Corona DrServer build Nov  3 2015 on ports UDP19666, TCP19668, loopback TCP19667

this looks just like the (working) node
2016-07-21/10:56:22   DR server started
2016-07-21/10:56:22   Starting UDP socket, local hostname: I-7
2016-07-21/10:56:22   Running Corona DrServer build Nov  3 2015 on ports UDP19666, TCP19668, loopback TCP19667

But Xeon-1 still can't be found.
One thing: In the working node's directory there are other files like licensing.log and a token. I remember reading or doing something about a token.

any ideas? thanks

[Max] I need help! / DR- license server: config files
« on: 2016-07-21, 17:17:22 »
Guys, sorry to bother you with this. But can maybe someone help me out with this? I already have two render nodes(I'm on Corona1.3 ) and they work fine generally.
I remember I had a tough time and had to do some research to get them reading the license information. It was something about placing a text-file containing my license information?

I'm setting up a new render node and because I'm an old fart I forgot how to do it and I can't find it anymore. The DR-server says something about creating a new config-file and it is not found by the master when I press search 'LAN'.

Any help greatly appreciated!!! thanks.

[Max] I need help! / Re: Stupid dome question of the day
« on: 2016-07-17, 13:15:12 »
Ah, thanks Juraj. Now I understand what's the 'fringing'-problem here (at least I think so). If you're tweaking the colors in post this 'fringing' will appear, because the original colors of the background are multiplied in the edge. Always render on black(alpha), when you want to do post-work.

[Max] I need help! / Re: Stupid dome question of the day
« on: 2016-07-17, 12:32:17 »
I think it would be worthy to look at your 'fringing' problem in Photoshop. Is it possible that this fringing you experience derives from a premultiply error?

[Max] I need help! / Re: How to create this type of concrete
« on: 2016-06-30, 23:29:38 »
Map and texture are interchangeable- that's right. I would dare to say material and shader, too. I think 'Material' is the 3dsMax-way to say 'Shader'. In Maya for example there are no 'Materials'- you call them 'Shaders'. But maybe someone with a more technical background can prove me wrong.

Gallery / Re: Tolgahan-Corona(avisgrafik)
« on: 2016-06-27, 19:16:46 »
@Tolgahan: Really nice work here! I really love the 'fractal' renders.
Do you mind to shed some light on how you did them?

what a shame it is serbian only. But still a  very good price. Thank you.

220,-€ seems like a very good price for  S2600COEIOC. Is this a webstore or a local store?

Hardware / Re: CPU-fans for ASUS Z9PA-D8
« on: 2016-06-10, 12:02:32 »
I see. Probably I will go with Jens solution as well. One question regarding the case. Actually I was thinking to reuse the old case. It's a normal sized sharkoon something I'm definitely not proud of., but it would save me a few bucks for the case.
But I recognized everybody here is going for the big cases. Is this only because of air-flow and noise? Or is it related to the mainboards as well?

would be awesome.

Hardware / CPU-fans for ASUS Z9PA-D8
« on: 2016-06-09, 19:54:39 »
Hey guys,
I bought 2 of those 2670 xeons to grab the opportunity to replace my old AMD-Thuban render(node)-heating.
So I would be happy if I could scavenge at least some parts from that old thing.
I got an fan. I don't know how to find out if a second noctua would fit next to it.
I'm going to purchase the ASUS Z9PA-D8 board.
If it's not going to fit- what do you recommend? Find something with a decent noise level that would fit next to it?
Or go for a pair of Noctua NH-D9DX i4 3U like Jens did.
thanks a million

Gallery / Re: CGDIGI Corona render sketchbook
« on: 2016-06-08, 23:44:42 »
I hated learning Zbrush(and probably have all forgotten by now, because not using it). If you're used to a 'traditional' 3d-package you're pretty much screwed. Everything is different! :) But it is a very good software and everything makes sense in a way. I'll return when they develop a VR-version... :D

[Max] I need help! / Re: Gamma Issue
« on: 2016-06-08, 16:43:02 »
AFAIK you have to tell Fusion what to display. I would use the Gamut LUT(small Icon in the viewport) in your case. Press 'Edit' and then 'output space' srgb.
Or if you prefer a node, I'd use a gamut node instead of the Brightness/Contrast.

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