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Messages - bluebox

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Unable to install latest daily. Have the exact same problem as in post #176

This happens if you still have old Corona/RenderLegion/ChaosCz DLLs in your max root directory. The latest daily installer should fix this. You can also delete them manually (all Legion*.dll and Corona*.dll, and ScatterCore.dll).

No idea what I should remove. Cant find any of the files you mention in my max root.

How do I proceed ?

[Max] Feature Requests / Re: Corona Converter - opacity clip
« on: 2019-10-09, 23:00:34 »
Wow. Such usefull and constructive comment ;]. If you want to do that manually for half an hour then you're free to do so and excersize your finger. I'd rather use the converter :]

Do yourself a favor - install this script and save your *you know what* ;]

Thanks for taking the time Romullus, really appreciated.
I still think though that since this clip feature is kinda uniqe to Corona the native converter should give the possibility to tick it on by default.

[Max] Feature Requests / Corona Converter - opacity clip
« on: 2019-10-09, 17:59:33 »
Hi there.
Can we get an option in the converter to enable opacity clip mode in all converted materials ? Recently imported a sketchup model with 112 materials. Doing this manually is a pain in the - you know where :)


[Max] Feature Requests / VFB like Camera Raw features
« on: 2019-10-01, 09:24:56 »
Hey there guys.
Can we get more like Camera Raw options built into the VFB ?
Shadows, Whites, Blacks and Clarity would be awesome. I think it would let 95% people skip any Photoshop work.

Is this by any chance considered ? Is it doable :) ?

Thanks !

[Max] Feature Requests / Re: Override Global Ilumination
« on: 2019-09-17, 21:14:13 »
I already proposed to have an option in the corona mtl itself to do this but certain "ui cluttering" fears emerged ;)
+1 still

Gallery / Re: Ancient Lion Statue
« on: 2019-08-17, 08:27:39 »
Love it, the grass adds up to the realism very much. Is it self made or stock ? Thanks !

Gallery / Re: Patio House
« on: 2019-07-17, 10:35:18 »
Love it. Very natural. The water is also 3d ?

[Max] Feature Requests / Re: The most wanted feature?
« on: 2019-07-15, 14:26:42 »
Love to see a wood shader one day!

It doesn't make much sense. A renderer renders. Maybe you meant a wood procedural noise? There is some that can be implemented, but otherwise you will have to use texture softwares or libraries for that.

I believe he ment a custom BSDF shader. I remember seeing a discussion on that sopic somewhere but don't recall where exactly.

Gallery / Re: Nomad
« on: 2019-07-10, 10:48:58 »
Love it. Simple but punchy.
I've a question tho. Is the fog below the clif in the first picture VDB or standard geometry with volume mat ?

Anyone getting hangups in interactive in v4 ? For us the performance on rather simple test scene is much much worse compared to v3.
It also restarts on some strange circumstances like going deeper in the shader tree in mat editor...

Are you able to provide your scene and if possible a short video which describes the hangups?



Sure as soon as I will have a spare moment I will send you the scene Rowmanns. Any Microsoft Visual C++ update recommended while updating to v4 ? We are constantly getting cascading "Runtime errors!" on slave machines while rendering? That wasn't happening on v3 ?

Anyone getting hangups in interactive in v4 ? For us the performance on rather simple test scene is much much worse compared to v3.
It also restarts on some strange circumstances like going deeper in the shader tree in mat editor...

It's very beautiful. I want to get a lot. How much is it

Wut xD ?

[Max] Feature Requests / Re: Procedural lens effects
« on: 2019-06-07, 12:31:06 »

Thank you Romullus :)

Is there a way to draw diffuse color of scattered objects from the diffuse texture of the object they are being scattered on ?

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