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Messages - Bormax

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The srcipt comes as an .exe file?? mmm i pass :P

Yes. It was so when I've downloaded it first time about 6 years ago and it is so now. Actually it adds the Wahooney Tools - script to C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2021\scripts\Startup folder. I don't know is there something but that file added to somewhere - I didn't find anything, but I can share the script file here and you can try to place it in Startup folder and see if it works or not, if you want.

Yes, I agree as well. Maybe worth posting on Autodesk forums instead ?

I've done it an hour ago :)

What about Image filter, which one do you use?

I struggle to understand the concept behind all those X,XXD snapping modes, so instead i use 3D mode only and axis constraint toggle. Works for me.

Hi romullus.
The concept behind snapping modes is to make kind off limits between what you are snapping to and where you actually create/manipulate/modify objects.
Best example for that if you are drawing the line and you have box based on the zero plane which you want to use for snapping with Endpoint snap type for example.

2D snap mode - you draw the line on zero plane (xy for top/bottom views, yz for left/right views, xz for front/back views, xy used for axonometric/perspective views). With this snap mode you can snap only to the endpoints which are laying on zero plane (depending on view). All endpoints which are above or under zero plane are not taken in to account - you can't snap to them.

2.5D snap mode - you draw the line on zero plane only, but in this case endpoints which have some Z coordinates differ from 0 are taken in to account and vertexes which you create using snapping to those endpoints will be projected on to the zero plane. It's very useful if you need to draw some flat shape under existing 3D-object in front, top, left, right, bottom, back or grid view (2D-views). With architectural objects I need this all the time so this mode is most handy for me when I work in 2D-views.

3D snap mode - you draw your line in 3D-space, all endpoints of the object you are snapping to are taken in to account wherever they are located (as with 2.5D mode). Vertexes you create will get Z coordinates if they snapped to the endpoints which are not laying on zero plane. This mode is useful for axonometric/perspective views, but it's not very good for use in 2D-views, because it's difficult to control which point is going to be used for snapping if you have many of them laying on top of each other in your working view. In this example with box, working in top view you have at least 2 overlaying endpoints in each corner of the box and vertexes of your line could take Z coordinates from the top points of the box. So you can get some 3D-shape instead of a flat one.

For me as for architect who is working mostly with "rectangular architecture" best choice is 2.5D snap mode for work in 2D-views, and 3D snap mode for work in axonometric/perspective views. That's why viewport-auto-snap script (link above) is perfect for me.

Hope my explanation is not too messy :)

Thank you Bormax, I once had cycling snapmode type on a hotkey but never got used to it.

Good Luck

Frood, you don't have to use any hotkey to cycle snapmode, with this script it's happening automatically - you are in top view - 2.5d mode is active, you change view to perspective - 3d mode activated automatically! No need to change it manually whatever way. For my workflow the idea of this script works perfectly, I really don't remember when I switched snapmode myself :)

Original description:

This script, while active, will automatically change the snapping degree
(3D, 2.5D, 2D) in Max based on the type of view you're in.
Perspective, camera, user and light views will default to 3D.
Front, top, left, right, bottom, back, grid and shape views will default to

It's about the coordinates. I can see them immediately there and yes, I need it all the time, especially z.
I see.
BTW, Talking about snaps, I was always unhappy with the necessity of switching between 2.5 and 3d snaps depending on 2d or 3d view I'm working at the moment. Normally I use 2.5d snaps in top/front/left... views and 3d snaps in perspective or isometric views. This script made me to forgot about this switching, maybe it could be useful for you as well, if you didn't try it yet.

(banned all .3 installations already and cannot see the effect in a .3 version)
Did you mean you can't install it? In my case installation was absolutely normal.

But the snap information is crucial for daily work and it's gone as well. It may work for you (being no longer disturbed) but without snap information any Max is just unusable for me.

Sad that this tool is not solution for you.
Sorry for the curiosity, but why lack of information about snapping make Max unusable for you if you can see snaps preview on screen?

I've asked about help on 3ds Max Programming forum and guy from there was very kind to wright the script which can toggle disable/enable that info line.
He doesn't mind if I share it, so you can use it too.

Unfortunately I'm not aware of any option to roll back gracefully.

Let's hope they will fix this blinking line issue.

And also sad that there are no responses from their own forum...

Yes, it's 2021.3. Working with Max 2014 and always using Endpoint+Middlepoint+Gridpoint snaps I wanted to disable this info line, because for me it's always felt like something which lowering viewport performance in heavy scenes where are tons of snapping points and each of them needs some power to check and show it's coordinates - it's just my guessing, maybe it is not so. Anyway this info was not annoying. But I don't like this blinking in current version of Max.
Do you know how to get back to 2021.2 with no pain of reinstalling everything concerning Max? Maybe it could help me with another issue (


I've asked the same question in Autodesk 3DS Max forum, but didn't get any respond from there. So I decide to post this question here, hope some of you can help me with this.

I use 3DS MAX for many years. I'm architect and working with architectural objects use snaps in my workflow almost all the time. There is one thing in UI which bothers me every day. I'm talking about small window in the bottom part of the Max window where you can find some tips what to do, something like the one you can see on attached screenshot. It's ok when snaps are OFF, but if they switched ON information about current point of snapping (type of snap and coordinates of the snapping point) appears in the same line replacing the tip for a 0.1 sec, after that tips appears again and they replace each other each 0.1 sec. On screen it looks just like blinking of that line even if I stop the mouse and some snap preview is shown on screen. This blinking actually does nothing, it's just annoying element which doesn't have any use for me.

Is it possible to disable this information about snapping coordinates at all still having snaps active?

Is it possible to change somewhere settings of SME in a way it keeps HideUnusedNodeslots (H) option active by default for all new opened materials?
I tried to change this parameter in SME.ini file from HideUnusedNodeslots=0 to HideUnusedNodeslots=1, but it didn't change anything.
I make it active for all maps/materials I work with in order not to blow up space used by materials on SME field, so it would be nice if this option will be active by default.

Thanks arqrenderz for your input!

Thanks for you try pokoy!

I agree, It's really strange that on different computers Max behaves differently and nobody can explain why it is so :P. From my experience, for example, Max gives much better viewport performance if it launched as administrator. It was so with Max 2016, Max 2019, now it is so with Max 2021, but for Max 2014 it doesn't make any difference :). This was confirmed by few Max users on different forums, but, if I get it right, for most of Max users "run as admin" doesn't affect program performance.

Sometimes it feels just like good/bad luck and in this particular case I'm not lucky :)

Thanks Frood

2021.3 has some quick fixes for Slate performance which was introduced without info & testing... so you could roll back to 2021.2 and see if it happens there. If not, then the new 'fix' in 2021.3 is the culprit - in that case, report to Autodesk.

Could you share the scene with me privately? Only the problematic asset...

Hi Pokoy. Thanks for your interest to this issue.
I found out that it's easy to reproduce this issue even with boxes. Here I attached the box version of the scene with this problem.

Multi/Sub-object material with 60 sub-materials assigned to the massive of 5000 instanced boxes. Corona material assigned to the unique box. Try to change something in that Corona material and see how much time it will take to get material update complete. On my computer it takes about 6 sec. Max 2014 does this job in 0.5 sec.

BTW, how to roll back to 2021.2? I have some problems with SME + Corona7 DBs which are described here That would be nice if roll back could solve this problem.

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