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Messages - John_Do

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The title is pretty explicit, but I should add that I'm talking about an instanced object with a decal on the original object, not on the instance itself.

It seems it doesn't work if the instance is in Render Instance mode, can you confirm ?

[C4D] Daily Builds / Re: Layered Material
« on: 2023-06-19, 23:11:19 »
I'm not sure to understand, does it work or not on your side Bengamin ?

I'm using the new asset browser in C4D 2023.

The content browser is deprecated in the latest versions and was removed, but I guess that doesn't help you guys since you have to support many older versions of Cinema.

[C4D] Daily Builds / Layered Material
« on: 2023-06-19, 12:21:28 »

I'm testing the latest dailybuild (10 RC2), and I am glad to see that the Layered Material is now fully supported when copy-pasting objects and materials between scenes ✌ good job !

Unfortunately the issue persists when saving the same material to a Cinema 4D Database ( the Layered Mtl is saved without the nested materials, and so the links are lost ). Is it something that could be fixed for the final release ?


I had this issue again tonight, before launching a big batch of renders. It isn't specific to Corona since the issue occurs with the basic Viewport Renderer too, and not hardware-specific since it happens on two different workstation.

Then a simple Google Search leads me too a post on Core4D forum from 2021 that confirmed that the issue is 01) old 02) on Cinema 4D side : 

 (the post :

So I've ran a close inspection of the overriden properties in the Takes Manager, and after deleting just the following little f*cker, everything works again !

I don't know if the propertie was tied to a deleted camera, or maybe a deleted Corona Tag, but it seems that the absence of the original data / object / propertie lead to a bug that render the current take over and over ( as many times as there are marked takes if you use the related command ).

Thanks for the heads up, I'm glad to see that the issue is adressable !

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Corona or C4D Issue?
« on: 2023-03-31, 08:30:48 »
Thanks for the idea, but alas, same result. It just won't lose that "maps\" bit. No matter where the maps are located or how many times I relink, it just won't actually link. I don't get it. Never had this problem before.

Had this issue a long time ago, can't remember if the following was the way to solve it but usually if there is a bug in the Project Asset Inspector, the texture manager in the Project Info settings should work to relink the files. But you can only do one file at a time.

Hi Benji,

Yes I'm using that, and it's precisely the issue. I would like that the tonemapping settings could work as in the previous versions.
I set my tonemapping settings in the parent Render Settings, and the settings should "trickle down" to the children Render Settings. It's the native C4D way to manage render settings, I use it for every other RS ( Render stop conditions, denoiser settings, etc ) and the new Tonemapping stack broke it.

Right now I have to do the following :

• set the tonemapping
• save the settings in a postprocess file
• reload it for every individual render settings ( so one for each image format in the project )
• and redo it everytime I have changed the tonemapping, if I'm looking for consistency between images ( very often but not always )

So instead having one place to manage this, I have to jump through hoops to do the same thing as before.

Right now the "best" workaround is to use the Camera tag instead : I usually do the postprocessing in the VFB, and then use the "copy render settings" button in the Corona Camera tag, and then copy/paste the tag to every camera. But again, it is quite a step backward compared to the previous version.

Also one more thing, the tonemapping settings in the Camera Tag and in the Render Settings lack the Save/Load command available in the VFB ;)


Camera Tag

Render Settings

Hi Benji,

I have tried for 15 minutes to reproduce the issue on purpose but without success. This happens mainly when I do several renderings during the night in a row, with the Takes module and render tokens on the output path, but it's not limited to this particular setup. Note that when I get the chance to see it happening live, the passes are missing in C4D Picture Viewer too ( only beauty is available ) but not in the Corona VFB. So it's a niche case where these passes are not properly sent to C4D render buffer.

Bump, this issue is still in the latest daily. I have 8 overnight renders messed up, the passes are missing in the multi-layers EXR files.

Bump ! This issue is still in the latest daily.


It's a welcome addition ! But would it be possible to have a proper texture channel inside the Light settings like in 3dsMax ? With a texture in a material, you have to duplicate the light AND the material and reapply the new material each time you want to change a different textured light. It's quite cumbersome when doing lookdev / lighting with textured lights.

Thanks !

Can confirm, I had the issue today with Corona v9. In fact I had the two results, one scene where it worked and the other one it failed to change the active take. In the latter the marked takes were the children of a parent take, which itself is parented to the Main take. I don't have the time to dig further but it could be related to this.

What is exactly what you're looking for?
Could you explain your workflow a little more so we can understand better what you mean by "the native C4D settings inheritance doesn't work anymore"?

Hi Benjamin,

I want that Corona follows the native behavior of C4D render settings like the versions before the tonemapping stack was introduced.

If I modify a setting in the parent, the children should inherit the new value.

Here is a demo of the current behavior with a dummy scene :

Like I wrote, it is the only setting where inheritance doesn't work, and it should work. I usually change Corona settings in the parent RS and use children to output various image format, as well as multiple output paths. This feature is quite useful to easily handle different rendering scenarios i.e. separate Corona settings from image dimensions or output settings etc. Used in combination with render tokens and takes it makes a powerful render management system without the need of a specific software or plugin.

[C4D] Resolved Bugs / Re: Object preview in asset browser
« on: 2023-02-04, 16:32:09 »

The bug is still here in the latest daillybuild (Version • 10 (Daily Build Jan 23 2023)).

The model is the same in both objects. only the left one have Corona materials applied. So it seems indeed related to Corona. Can you fix it ?

Hi Beck,

I have this issue too, it is here since Corona 9. There is a workaround, you have to set the C4D Picture Viewer as the default Framebuffer in Corona settings, like this :

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