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Messages - hurrycat

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Hi Tom, thank you for the quick reply. Apologies for the rushed, lacking in information post. Unfortunately I cannot share images but this happens in one scene as far as I can tell, not in other parts of the project.

I think it may have to do with the lighting setup: one plane light with 0,5 directionality directly facing the camera, with the light passing through several openings in a brick-like wall (to simulate a more intense natural light-not true to life but artistically it gave the desired result). It may be that the light is struggling and somehow it recalculates it everytime something is moved.

I know my info is scarce, but I will continue my testing and get back if i find anything. Thanks again!

Hi guys,

I am working on a small interior scene and I'm facing the following problem: each time I move something during Interactive rendering (small prop objects even, not lights), the scene lighting changes drastically, as if i had gone from +2.0 exposure to zero.
Unfortunately i cannot provide the scene, but i hoped someone had a solution to this.



Gallery / Re: Retreat
« on: 2022-02-21, 17:14:41 »
Damn, excellent work. The amount of work put into this is clearly showing. Congratulations, those images are a sight to behold!

I didn't know there is a workaround, i will give it a try.

Another similar problem I encountered today is that if you are using a CoronaSky map as an environment override in Reflection slot (let's say you use a Coronasky with higher altitude to get darker sky/reflections), then you may get a sharp line in a vertical surface (for example your walls), where the two different reflection values meet. It's as if the Coronasky map functions as a dome and not as a sphere. Corona 7 here.

[Max] I need help! / Re: Scene parsing issues
« on: 2022-02-08, 12:03:30 »
I 'm using Parsec for a little time now (2 weeks) on corona 7 and I haven't had any issues with parsing, but of course that's my experience in this limited time.

My only issue with Parsec is that you have to have a mouse connected to the other system in order for the cursor to appear when streaming. I don't think that's the culprit but thought I'd share!

I don't think you will be seeing any major improvements from upgrading any of the other components instead of the cpu.

If you have viewport lags, maybe you could upgrade the GPU, but I am getting excellent performance on a 1650 so no real benefit to be had there, not to mention that gpu prices are forbidding.

If you are dealing with larger scenes or lots of displacement and you are filling up you ram (>80%), you can upgrade to 64gb, because you could be seeing excessive loading times if your system uses your swap file on the hard drive instead of ram.

That's as far as you can go I'm afraid, but from my own experience you can save a good amount of render times by optimizing the scene, which can mean file size / save times, material properties, layers that help keep a scene tidy and can be turned on/off etc.

In windows you can find it in Render Setup > Camera > LUT (see attached screenshot)


Lately I have been getting this error, either when starting a production render or IR. It happens about once every 2 days, randomly. Pressing Render again starts rendering with no problems.
I am reporting this because sometimes I let it render several images overnight, and this would stop everything.

The error appears after the Parsing scene... phase, and before displacement and GI calculation. I am running corona 7 hotfix 1 and 3ds Max 2021.
I saw on the forums that this is a recurring bug, but I didn't find a solution. Unfortunately I can't provide the scene, but I am willing to provide as much information as possible, if the dev team wants any additional help.

To start, the scene has lots of Forest objects, displacement and a ton of Corona proxies. Poly count is ~50 million and file size about 4gb. Rendering uses about 50 to 70% of 128gb Ram (4 sticks) and is done on a AMD 3970X.

Let me know if you have any hunch regarding this bug, or If you need any additional info.

Have a nice day!

Thank you for taking the time to share your knowledge. You can use a software for years and still have things to learn! Nicely explained too, and to the point. Subscribed, liked, bell etc

Gallery / Re: Creativo DMK - Clubhouse
« on: 2022-01-28, 14:32:30 »
I second that, textures and lighting are really nice, spot on, nothing that throws away the realism. Nicely done!

[Max] Resolved Feature Requests / Re: Tyflow Motionblur
« on: 2022-01-26, 17:57:03 »
I am sorry if this doesn't apply to this specific case with tyflow particles, but i THINK i had a similar problem a while back with Max's particles and i used a Mesher compound object to replicate them, and then Motion blur worked (i was using Vray at the time). Again, I'm not sure i remember this correctly and i can't test it right now, but thought i would chip in case it indeed works.

I think the reason that one core seems to remain at 100% utilisation is that the program is executing a single core task at that point (I doubt that cleaning up is a multithreaded task, like rendering is) and not because a bucket is still being renderer, I could be wrong though.

Hi all,

Recently I have been getting program freezes at the cleaning up phase, after rendering and denoising is done, that require force closing 3ds max. It has happened in 2 different projects so far.
From my limited tests it seems to be rather consistent, and after some experimenting (and looking inside the forums) I found that it happens when the Post tab is active inside the VFB, and/or possibly when Bloom and Glare is enabled.
Switching to the Stats tab eliminates all freezes, even when Bloom and Glare remain enabled.

I am using Corona version: 7 (Hotfix 1)
Build timestamp: Aug 11 2021 10:54:31
and 3ds Max 2021.

From the forums I got the impression that this was a bug that has been fixed, but it seems it is still there.

Thank you

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