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Messages - synolog

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I confirm

[C4D] Resolved Bugs / Bump, strange light/shadow effects
« on: 2017-03-28, 19:40:47 »
A6.3 - Using the attached texture i've found that the bump seems inverted in the upper face of the cube. The c4d AR is more accurate.

Strange displacement result.

[C4D] Resolved Feature Requests / Re: light Lumen
« on: 2017-03-28, 19:23:47 »
Beta 1: 1st april?

It would be more useful if it worked the mixes textures,14809.0.html

Hi, have you tried the corona layered material?

the problem is to have two different types of mapping.
With layered material is has one material with more layers but it will only be applied one mapping.

Ok, i've understood: you want to mix different corona materials (not only textures) with the mix tex of the attribute manager. The only way is to use one material with the attributes of the materials you want to mix inserted in layer shaders.

It would be more useful if it worked the mixes textures,14809.0.html

Hi, have you tried the corona layered material?

Yes, i've sent you a reply in pm. You forgot to activate the multipass.

I don't understand. Maybe the results are more simple without layered material. What do you want to obtain exactly?

Examples below with reflection driven by color (white) or fresnel (white/black), add mode and slider (like blender but with slider control). I think you can obtain the same using layered material with diffuse_mat in base material and reflection/black_mat in 1st layer with mix mode color(same red of diffuse) or fresnel (white/same red of diffuse).

The problem is the Corona_output with the use of flow field in bump. In flow field the distortion value is determined by evaluating the flow direction of the distortion texture and then the flow direction vector is used to offset the sample coordinate of the texture. With corona_output the flow field function is unable to evaluate the flow direction and cant feed the bump. No more crashes putting corona_output under c4d_filter shader. So distorter->filter (in both texture and distorter channels)->corona_output->texture.

Could you send me your file?

You need only to select object Gbuff ID


I create a plane and i plug my picture in frontal projection, it's work but:
-i can't exclude my plane from alpha, it should be done by the corona tag, visible in mask but doesnt work
-the calculation is done for 100% of my render but the "real" 3d is 20 or 30% (depends) ..


Hi, you can exclude plane from alpha, see attachments.

Hi, in corona multipass, under mask, under "multiple condition mixing" select "Intersection AND". Remember to select Object GBuff ID

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Corona for C4D A6.3 testing
« on: 2017-03-27, 14:31:19 »
Hi, i've tried your file and the problem is the cubic projection. If you use uvw mapping there are no more lines. I think that this happens because uvw mapping is linked with geometry. With cubic projection there are lines if you use a simple bump fdm noise (put 5000% strentgh to see it).

In the second image you can see the difference between the floor with UVW and the cube CUBIC

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Corona for C4D A6.3 testing
« on: 2017-03-27, 12:17:56 »
Hi Nikola, alas im still getting problems with that paving file. When using a substance I still get the lines, and when using the bitmap versions in the normal shader it doesnt really show up. I have the mapping set to 0.75 cubic. If I switch it between uv and cubic I different outcomes but neither are right. When I set it to 3000% I get the lines back using the bitmap files. No matter which way I try it, there still seems to be an issue for me. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Looks like its fixed some stuff for other people so Im not sure why this is such a problem case.

Also to confirm the preview box is black is that right?

Thanks for looking in to this.

Hi, could you post the c4d file with textures?

[Max] General Discussion / Re: Just impressive !
« on: 2017-03-25, 14:17:30 »
Sell the titans and buy some amd naples.

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