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Messages - mtanasiewicz

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[Max] Resolved Bugs / Re: Corona Bitmap + Forest Pack
« on: 2015-08-26, 00:11:02 »
Maru this small group of customers probably use 3dconnexion mouses. Have You got one to test the provided scenes on it?

[Max] Resolved Bugs / Re: Corona Bitmap + Forest Pack
« on: 2015-08-25, 16:18:42 »
It is probably both: overall performance and FPP related because my scene was going really smooth till I added about 3-4 FPP objects

[Max] Resolved Bugs / Re: Corona Bitmap + Forest Pack
« on: 2015-08-25, 16:01:23 »
good to know I'm not the only one :)

[Max] Resolved Bugs / Corona Bitmap + Forest Pack
« on: 2015-08-25, 15:37:46 »
Hello again guys :)

I found a terrible performance bug in Corona bitmap. I'm not sure if this is caused also by my configuration or not, so I'll list my specs:

i7 3930K@4.2GHz
2x gtx680(non_SLI)
3d connexion spacemouse PRO
Wacom Intousos pro
all the maps I use are located on Network mapped drives

The problem exists when I use multiple Forest Pack PRO objects with high poly geometry (Trees, cars with 7 million polygons +) and they have corona bitmap in their materials. When I navigate with my 3D mouse or with normal orbit mode, I have a one second lag every 1-3 seconds. It is really annoying because it slows my performance drastically. What is really weird it doesn't matter if I actually show those maps in viewport or not.

At first I wrote to IToo Software and we have tested all the possibilities. They couldn't reproduce my problem, but they didn't have the 3dconnexion mouse. They directed me to their forum where they explained that there was some problem between Forest Pack and 3d mouse ( They told me to disable auto assign to active view in camera option option and it helped for a while. But with the next project, which uses more bitmaps, I got the same issue. And their solution didn't work. It was really weird because 10 million polygons on my hardware should't be a problem at all. Especially If most of the polygons are hidden. I had this lag even on isolation mode with only one box and no material assigned to it. It just had to be in this problematic scene.

So I started testing everything, turning all the options on and off (took me about almost a week... Like totally not working and trying to fix it... I actually reinstalled whole windows and software from scratch). Finally I tried to convert all corona bitmaps to normal bitmaps with the converter, and restarting the scene. Suddenly I got full performance with no lag. So I reverted all materials to Corona bitmap again to confirm that I found a bug, and this caused my vieport to lag again. I tested it 3 times in a row- converting/reverting and now I'm 100% sure of it: Corona bitmap kills my viewport performance when using heavy Forest Pack PRO objects. The FPS shows constant 50-60Fps but there is a lag. During the lag FPS doesn't drop so it look like max isn't even aware of the lag itself :)

I'll provide the problematic scene and some videos of how it lags when I upload them on dropbox.

Best regards.

It took about 15-20 passes. I'll check tommorow if the max number pixels to transfer change anything, right now I have to finish this project :). But I don't think it is the cause. Otherwise it would affect other passess too? (Nie musimy chyba otwierać ticketu, w sumie wszystko już opisałem. Nic więcej nie wyczaruję:) fajnie, że Polacy pracują przy Coronie :D)

OK it is there again and only on masking ID pass. All other passes are clean

I haven't noticed it in any other pass. But just as You asked  this question, the boundary got to the top of the image and vanished... so I'm not 100% sure :) Also I can't compare the older rendering, because actually I have re-renederd the masking ID pass later :D I'll check on it later when it happens again.

update: another project also with "tint" - saved during rendering. This time only the bottom is tinted and it gets something like "bump texture". I noticed that the boundary is moving up constantly every several minutes. I think it changes after collecting data from distributed rendering.

[Max] Resolved Bugs / Corona masking ID render element bug
« on: 2015-08-20, 14:24:19 »

I have found a weird problem with Corona Masking ID. Everytime I render, I get something like there was an additional layer, which tinted about 2/3 of the image with another color. I marked the boundary of that tint with small red arrows. Any clue what's the cause? Or is it some bug? It actually causes problems with selecting tinted items in photoshop.


[Max] I need help! / Re: Problem with small leaves on bushes
« on: 2015-08-10, 13:33:29 »
Allright guys problem solved. The diffuse bitmap was actually a png image with alpha channel. I opened it in PS, flattened and painted the rest of the map to green and now everything is okay.

[Max] I need help! / Re: Problem with small leaves on bushes
« on: 2015-08-10, 13:30:10 »
But I'm using corona bitmap as opacity map. There isn't any filtering option like in standard bitmap.  I have also tried disabling filtering for opacity maps when I rendered those plants with vray. I also have tried to paint the bitmap to green outside the leaves. Nothing really helped... I'm wondering if it has something to do with the leaf size. The problem only occurs when I use bushes with really small leaves like 0,5-1cm diameter.

[Max] I need help! / Re: Problem with small leaves on bushes
« on: 2015-08-10, 12:57:42 »
Yep, I lowered filtering to 0,0. Nothing has changed

[Max] I need help! / Problem with small leaves on bushes
« on: 2015-08-10, 12:39:31 »
Hi all,

I have a problem, when I render bushes with small leaves, from the distance they appear desaturated. From close ups everything is ok, the bush is green. I tried to lower bitmap filtering in Corona bitmap opacity. I remember that I did have the same problem in Vray with some bushes, but I've never figured it out. Maybe some of You have a clue?

Thank's in advance

You mean like standard blend material?

Thanks, didn't know that :)

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