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Messages - racoonart

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well, nothing changed in the script, so it might be something else. Have you switched Max versions?

like it deleted 4 of the six vray plane lights, and the 2 remaining where converted to spheres or spots...(new to corona..they were round, tho) :)
Well, portals in corona are a bit different than in Vray. Those 4 lights are probably converted to planes with a corona portal material applied to it. I'd guess the remaining two lights were not set to portal mode, and just got converted to corona lights... however it's strange that those were converted to spheres then...

Your converter version is really old. Current version should be 1.35 for Corona 1.6 (or 1.36 for daily builds). Link can be found in the very first post. The issues you describe here should be fixed :) Well.. apart from Vray light portals maybe, what's wrong with the conversion there?

General CG Discussion / Re: Blender new viewport Eevee
« on: 2017-07-27, 14:24:32 » what they are doing now is refreshing and cleaning up code.
Well.... let's say it should be what they are doing.

General CG Discussion / Re: Blender new viewport Eevee
« on: 2017-07-22, 10:40:20 »
do you have any info/source on this? AFAIK the viewport team moved to rendering API after nitrous was done
Closest thing I have found is the third post in this thread . It only refers to the shanghai team itself, not their work. Maybe there's something to be found in the "less public" forum but I can't link that of course, or it might be already gone anyways. Afaik it was the Shanghai team doing all the nitrous stuff over the years.

[Edit] Another one, linking the shanghai team to nitrous:

General CG Discussion / Re: Blender new viewport Eevee
« on: 2017-07-19, 19:57:30 »
Makes me wonder why Autodesk isn't implementing something like this in 3dsmax. 3dsmax deserves a better viewport imho.
Well, you usually don't care much about your lawn if your house is on fire. They cut back on R&D expenses, software maintenance and people - they fired 10% of their staff "recently", including the complete Viewport dev team for max. So afaik there currently is not one developer left who has been working on the current Viewport technology in max.
But honestly, I don't need a "realtime"/"engine" like viewport if max doesn't even handle tangent/bi-normals correctly :D Normal maps look like crap anyways.

Since the script in question has worked quite well the last couple of years I blame autodesk :D

[Max] Daily Builds / Re: Daily Builds 1.7
« on: 2017-07-06, 19:57:58 »
Yep, same here. I haven't tested it yet but unpremultiplied output sounds very wrong. Some comment on that would be appreciated

That is indeed painfully slow. But the function itself is extremely simple - so I'm pretty sure I didn't mess up something (also, it doesn't happen here). I blame max for it but I'm quite impressed non the less.

You can try one thing though:
Close max and rename the folder  "C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2014 - 64bit\ENU" to something else temporarily. If you start max it will create a new, fresh one and everything will be back to defaults. If it's fast then it's the usual max fuckup and something in the ENU folder is corrupted - if not, just close max, delete the new enu folder and restore the old renamed one.

Sorry for the very late answer. It's actually already supported. Just select all those instances and export in "separate each node" mode. You will notice that only 1 proxy file is written to disk :)

Sorry guys, I currently must delay all updates and new features for a while. I will probably not have time to do anything until September - unless it's some important bug fix. That also means I will probably not update the SSS conversion before the new Corona Skin Material is released (Hopefully I'm available again at that date and be able support the new Skin Material properly).

Unfortunately I'm limited to this one maxscript method for choosing a save path ("getSavePath" if anyone wants to check). I'm not aware of any way to get a different (better!) dialog, at least not in maxscript. I had a look if I can use dotnet for it but it turns out that System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog is exactly the same dialog. I will investigate further but if anyone knows a way how to do it I would be delighted to hear it :)

Yes. But the demo of vray will do :)

Get it here:

v1.36 - [2017/05/15]
  • added buttons to enable or disable legacy mode in CoronaRoundEdges map

@Michal KarmazĂ­n:
Yes, definitely! I was actually surprised that it's not in there anymore :D Must have been a time when Corona didn't have similar options in the map. Will add it hopefully soon :)

[Max] I need help! / Re: Vray Proxy convert batching
« on: 2017-05-15, 20:22:12 »
I just had a look at my code and it seems I changed the arguments to optional arguments at some time.

It should work if you replace...
Code: [Select]
CoronaProxyConverter.convertProxies @"C:\myProxyLocation" truewith...
Code: [Select]
CoronaProxyConverter.convertProxies location:@"C:\myProxyLocation" overwrite:true
I will correct the documentation asap. Thanks for notifying :)

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