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Messages - bnji

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Hi @davetwo,
Could you please let me know what is your Corona version and if you're using any texture maps?
I've tried reproducing this, but all 5 materials assigned to the layered material in my test scene were just copied (I've only copied the layered material to a fresh new scene)
If possible, you can share your scene project with us (please include all necessary assets), so that way we can investigate further.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards.

[C4D] Bug Reporting / Re: Tag composting issue?
« on: 2023-10-17, 23:03:57 »
Hi @masterzone.
Thanks a lot for bringing this to our attention.
Are you able to share your scene project with us?
(please include all necessary assets)
This way, we can investigate a bit further your file's overall scene setup.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards.

[C4D] Bug Reporting / Re: assets don't link automatically
« on: 2023-10-17, 22:57:46 »
Hi there,
Trying to understand better the issue here...
You're importing a model (could be any model, though), then you're saving it to the built-in C4D asset browser, and then you're trying to load it back again, but this time importing it directly from the C4D asset browser.
Am I correct?
Am I missing something?

Hahaha, thanks a lot for reporting and double-checking; and for your feedback.
Have an amazing day/evening.

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Lightmix noise
« on: 2023-10-05, 20:43:51 »
Hi there,
It would be better to provide screenshots, scene files, etc., to understand the issue better, as right now, we cannot be sure about the whole scene setup.
If you prefer, you can send us your scene project (including all assets) by submitting a support ticket instead.
We'll need as much information as possible to provide a more accurate POV/solution.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards.

Hi there,
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I'll investigate further and provide additional info about this to the dev team.
In the meantime, another workaround would be to disable the checkboxes of the multi-passes that you don't want the files to be saved.
This way, you can render out the masks, and only those multi-passes will be saved.
We're sorry for any inconvenience.

[C4D] I need help! / Re: Saves rgba image ?
« on: 2023-09-19, 00:31:41 »
Hi there.
Could you please elaborate a little bit more about what the issue is?
Thanks in advance.
Kind regards

Hi there,
Well, Corona supports M-series silicon, so there's nothing you should worry about except for properly cooling your Mac system.
We haven't had any major issues using Corona in the latest MacOS versions, but perhaps you may want to ask about the C4D performance in Ventura OS directly in the Maxon forum, where you'll probably get a more in-depth analysis of the C4D performance in latest MacOS version.
Please let us know if we can provide additional assistance.
Kind regards.

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: hdri with roof
« on: 2023-09-18, 08:00:13 »
Hi there,
It will be best to include screenshots or at least some reference images of what you're trying to achieve.
Without any additional info, it will be hard to provide an accurate suggestion/solution.
Looking forward to hearing from you.

Hi @RichardDobell,
Could you please let us know the method you're using to integrate the BG into your scene?
I mean, are you using a Corona Light Material or a Corona Sky object?
Additionally, if you're using a Corona Sky object, are you using a PSD, EXR, or an HDR file? and what is its color depth (8, 16, or 32 bits)?
The more info we get, the more accurate the suggestions you'll get.
As Romullus said, at first look, the main issue is Tonemapping.
Looking forward to hearing from you.

Hi @tennet,
Thanks for letting us know.
We're glad you found the root cause and that everything is fine now.

Hi @tennet,
Thank you for contacting us.
Could you please elaborate a bit more about the issue?
Additionally, please provide some screenshots or even screen recordings to illustrate the issue.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Hi there,
In addition to previous suggestions, you can try using real-life values for light source intensities.
Instead of only trying to adjust all the light sources in your scene, try only adjusting camera exposure (like in real life); you'll get some nice results, but you need to experiment a little bit.
And don't forget: Artificial light sources will never be as bright as the sunlight.
As others have already mentioned, you can start with low overall lighting (but correctly setting the camera exposure) and then slowly include artificial light sources like ceiling lamps, table lamps, etc.
I hope this helps.
Good luck.

Hi there @LeSill,
I've replied to the support ticket you submitted.
Looking forward to hearing from you.

[C4D] I need help! / Re: Beginner question about materials!
« on: 2023-07-31, 06:01:39 »
Hi there,

Another question...
Are you using any 3rd party plugin/script to automate your basic scene setup? (e.g., automate lights, render settings, or anything else)
Kind regards.

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