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Messages - ASIMO

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Hello and Thank you !

Actually I was able to eliminate the failure this evening.

The problem is caused by the import option in the DIN3D plugin.

If someone is encountering the same problem you have to change the settings for Optimization. Uncheck Optimization for points or change the radius !

This solved it for me. Still I do not know why it is different in final render and the preview. Maybe because of reduced accuracy or interpolation.

Would still be nice to know what makes the difference.

Have a good evening.



I am very satisfied using Corona Render together with Cinema4D. I usually build models in ArchiCAD and use the DIN3D Exporter. So a quite common setup that works very well.

Still I sometimes recognize the same problem with subdivided plane surfaces. There seems to be an edge break along the diagonal line in the model.

It has nothing to do with the material, the Phong Tag or the Mapping.

It is invisible and always correct in Interactive Rendering preview. But the final render is always wrong. This is very strange, no ?

I have attached two images and the file where you can see the one surface creating that shaded diagonal.

It would be great to know what is the exact problem with the model or the scene to avoid this things or create a proper workaround.

Thank you so much for your help.

Hardware / Re: Corona and Apple Silicon
« on: 2021-01-21, 12:04:32 »

Corona plugin isn't fully ported yet to natively work on M1 processors, but you can still run it using Rosetta.

First, please install latest daily build of Corona v7 if you don't have it already.

Then, you need to make sure Rosetta 2 is installed. You should be asked to install it any time you try to open any application that is compiled for Intel processors, so there is a good chance you already have it on your system. The quickest way to check it is to try to open Corona Image Editor - it should either open directly, meaning you already have Rosetta installed, or ask you to install Rosetta.

Afterwards, you can just switch your Cinema 4D to start using Rosetta so it can load Corona plugin. To do this, find Cinema 4D in you Applications folder, right click (or ctrl+click) its icon, select "Get Info" and check "Open using Rosetta". After this you should be able to open Cinema 4D as usual and Corona should load normally.

We realize this is not perfect and we are already investigating native support of M1 processors.

Thank you a lot. This is good news.

I have been working on Mac with Cinema4D and Corona for years. It works like a charm and I am more than happy to hear you are already investigating on the support of the new chips.

Top :)


Thank you very much Michael

I followed you advice and you are right. Changing the phong for the green panels worked !

Regarding the glass it did not – maybe because it also affects refraction as well ?

But more important : You pointed out a geometrical problem. Excluding this corner from the scene did the trick. So it is obvious that the error seems geometry-based.

Without the corner-element glass and panels are looking fine now. So I have a solution.

But still interesting : Why is it correct when using interactive render ?

Do you have an idea ?

Thank you so much

best – David


I am struggling with a major problem. Since years I build and render buildings with the same workflow. I never had this kind of problem.

I have a simple model of a facade. When I render with interactive render mode everything looks alright and as it should be.

Starting the render inside the VFB the reflection is in some parts completely broken. It almost looks as if bended / distorted.

Also I noticed that the reflection breaks along the polygon lines.

You see it in the lower glass panels as well as in the green facade panels, where the reflection goes missing. One green panel is just dark.

I work with Cinema4D 18 and Cinema4D 22 and have tried to render with Corona V5 and V6.

This is a very strange behavior as in interactive mode Corona-Render does the right job ?

Attached there are two screenshots. Also there is the scene I use.

Thank you very much for your suggestions and help.

best – David

I have a minor issue with the Corona VFB...Mainly it won't go away, meaning I cannot close it. I can only minimize (or maximize). Also the image will not fill the VFB (see image below). I can zoom in and out as before but the window pane stays the same size.

Same here. I cannot resize the VFB or the Error Reporting windows. The content will not resize to match the window. I have attached examples below.
Thank you!

Same issue. I can not operate Corona V6 with the released build. Using Cinema 4D R18.

can you please share your MacOS version? We are unable to reproduce it at our local machine and would really appreciate any bit of information about this issue.


Sure. Currently I am working on macOS High Sierra Version 10.13.6

Thank you for your effort.

I have a minor issue with the Corona VFB...Mainly it won't go away, meaning I cannot close it. I can only minimize (or maximize). Also the image will not fill the VFB (see image below). I can zoom in and out as before but the window pane stays the same size.

Same here. I cannot resize the VFB or the Error Reporting windows. The content will not resize to match the window. I have attached examples below.
Thank you!

Same issue. I can not operate Corona V6 with the released build. Using Cinema 4D R18.


Hello HFPatzi

Thanks for the tip with the lock screen. Basically it has never been an issue but who knows. I will keep it unlocked for the next renders to see if it makes a difference. What I did anyway is to block the MacOS Sleeping Mode for the hard-drive. This really forced my C4D to stop working until I logged in again.

I speak german so I could read everything. Danke !



Hello. Thank you for your support and comments. I checked on it a few hours ago and finally came up with the same result. The Multi-Pass Channels have not increased the render time at all. It was more or less a bump map used in glass reflection as well as the changed GI Solver. Rendered with the use of UHD Cashe it was much faster then. Everything alright. Also running low an RAM could have been the case. I will upgrade soon.

Thank you again.


Hello Community

Usually I render some interior images with sizes like 3000 x 3000 px. Depending on complexity it takes around 2-6 hours to have satisfying results. At the moment one render takes up to 12-16 hours. I thought maybe it could be the multi-pass channels that can be added like Alpha / Reflect / Translucency and so on. Are they evaluated during the render (on the fly) or are they separately calculated ?

In fact my question is : Do this extra added channels in multi-pass increase the render time dramatically ? Any experience on this ?
Is there a way to post-render them ?

Thank you
best - A



Attached there is a new bug-report with the newest build from 18 09 2018 using the provided scene I sent to you.

Thank you for any help / advice.


Hi all

Unfortunately I still got issues with that problem. Also the newest build does not solve it.

During the last months it never happened again and I could finish over 20 projects. But now it appears again.

I have to stay Corona is amazingly stable most of the time and I am talking about 1 % of my renders. Still it matters.

For what I can say it has nothing to do with the general setup, with used textures, materials or tags. I do not even believe that the 3D Models used are causing it.

Since I built up models externally and import them with a plugin, maybe this is causing the error from time to time ?

Also the error seems to happen differently on different machines, so I would say it may be hardware bound ?

I would really appreciate your help to figure out at least what part (File / Software / Hardware / Plugin) is the origin of the problem.

So that I can try to figure out a workaround for avoiding it.

 Thank you so much for your support !


Hello beanzvision

Thank you for your help and your time. The AO option really was activated. But it does not matter. I updated my system now to the newest configuration. macOS high Sierra but without any change. The file still does not work. I got the same crashes.

Has anybody else of you tried to render it on a Mac OS System ?




Hello beanzvision

So it rendered all passes till finish ?

Do you think it might have to do something with my MacOS system ? Which version are you working on ?

I will try to update it to the newest version and then run a new test.



Hello Nikola

I uploaded the two bugreports to your server. They are marked with _1 or _2 in the filenames. The first one is the report showing up while starting Cinema4D. The second one refers to the one showing up during the render process.

Hopefully this is helpful. Thank you

best. Asimo

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